marital status是什么意思 marital status的中文翻译、读音、例句

marital status是什么意思 marital status的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:marital status指的是一个人的婚姻状况,包括已婚、未婚、离异和丧偶等。

例句:What's your marital status?(你的婚姻状况是什么?)

She changed her marital status from single to married.(她从单身变成了已婚)

2. 相关词汇:unmarried、divorced、widowed等都是与marital status有关的词汇。

例句:As an unmarried woman, she enjoys a lot of freedom.(作为未婚女性,她享有很多自由)

After getting divorced, he decided to focus on his career.(离婚后,他决定把重心放在事业上)

3. 重要性:在很多场合,如填写表格、申请签证等,都需要填写marital status,因此它是很重要的个人信息。

例句:Please indicate your marital status on the application form.(请在申请表上注明你的婚姻状况)

His visa application was rejected because he didn't provide his correct marital status.(他的签证申请被拒绝了,因为他没有提供正确的婚姻状况)

4. 影响因素:marital status会影响到一个人的生活、职业、财务状况等,因此也会影响到个人的决策和选择。

例句:Being married has a great impact on her career choices.(已婚对她的职业选择有很大影响)

He decided to postpone his retirement plan after becoming widowed.(丧偶后,他决定推迟退休计划)

5. 文化差异:不同文化对于婚姻状况有着不同的理解和看法,因此marital status在国际交流中也需要注意文化差异。

例句:In some cultures, being unmarried at a certain age is considered unacceptable.(在某些文化中,特定年龄未婚被视为不可接受)

She was surprised that marital status was not included in the job application in this country.(她很惊讶这个国家的工作申请表没有包含婚姻状况)

总结:marital status是一个涉及到个人隐私和文化差异的重要信息,我们需要在适当的场合提供正确的婚姻状况,并尊重不同文化对于婚姻状况的看法。

英文原文:marital status


读音:[ˈmærɪtl ˈsteɪtəs]


1. It's common for official forms to ask for your marital status.


2. Some employers may consider marital status when making hiring decisions.


marital status通常被翻译为"婚否、婚姻情况"的意思,其中文解释还有"法"的意思,发音是[maritalstatus],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到83个与marital status相关的例句。

Marital status的翻译


例句:To ask after the position of a single particle would be as meaningless as, say, asking after the marital status of the number five. (询问单一粒子的个别位置,就像询问数字5的婚姻状况一样,是一个毫无意义的问题。)


例句:You, sir, are an education in marital excellence. (先生 你简直是婚姻中的模范 You, sir, are an education in marital excellence.)


例句:He believed in marital fidelity. (他赞成对婚姻忠实。)


例句:Ray, I am gonna give you the secret to marital bliss. (翻译:我那时怀着一个14磅重的胎儿 I was pregnant with a 14 lb. Baby. 我要人扶着才能站起来 I needed help getting up.)


marital status一般作为名词使用,如在marital status classification([网络] 婚姻状况的分类)、marital(婚姻的 )、status(①地位②状态 )等常见短语中出现较多。

marital status classification[网络] 婚姻状况的分类
on status开状态
status in[计]状态字输入[STAi]
marital aids[网络] 婚姻援助
marital autonomy[法] 婚姻自主
marital bed[网络] 婚床
marital beds[网络] 婚床\n(marital bed 的复数)


1. He believed in marital fidelity. (翻译:他赞成对婚姻忠实。)

2. Ray, I am gonna give you the secret to marital bliss. (翻译:我那时怀着一个14磅重的胎儿 I was pregnant with a 14 lb. Baby. 我要人扶着才能站起来 I needed help getting up.)

:// (翻译://

4. Boys, 80% of extra-marital affairs start in the workplace. (翻译:- 伙计们 80%的婚外恋都发生在办公室)

5. And we can access that database? (翻译:Everyone applying for status gets fingerprinted.)

6. Matto Grosso and I have enormous experience in marital problems. (翻译:我和一个女人曾经 有不寻常的经历 那时还在读书)

7. Ah, do you want me to shut the door? (翻译:The removalof protected status 并不是要枪毙所有的獾 does not meanall the badgers will be shot.)

8. But And then I was full of pigs, I had extra-marital relationships. (翻译:但是我坠入了情网 所以我结婚了 当然 我应该更多地迁就她)

9. There's the marital relationship, and there is the relationship between the kids themselves. (翻译:还有父母的婚姻关系, 以及两个孩子间的关系。)

10. - I didn't mean to ask about your marital status. (翻译:... 别... 我不应该问你的婚姻状况,)

11. So it's a form of marital therapy. (翻译:啊,那就是那种医治婚姻的旅行, 这很没必要,亲爱的女士。)

12. Well, if there is marital discord, the Underwoods certainly wouldn't want to admit it. (翻译:如果真的出现了婚姻不和 安德伍德夫妇肯定不愿承认)

13. Not profound marital problems. (翻译:不是因为严重的婚姻问题 Not profound marital problems.)

14. Only death releases you from your marital obligations. (翻译:只有死亡才能解除你们的婚约 Only death releases you from your marital obligations.)

15. The rate of mild cognitive impairment was the same, regardless of a man's education or marital status. (翻译:不管人们的教育程度或者物质地位如何,人们的轻度认知缺失程度都是一致的。)


marital status作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、marital、statuss等。

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