releases是什么意思 releases的中文翻译、读音、例句

releases是什么意思 releases的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:releases通常指发布、释放、发行等意思,也可表示放松、解除等含义。在计算机技术领域中,releases也可指软件、程序的版本更新。

2. 同义词:publish, distribute, issue, launch等。

3. 用法:常用于新闻报道、市场营销、软件开发等领域。在一些特定情况下,releases可作为缩写词,如PR(releases),表示公关新闻发布。

4. 构词法:re-表示重做、再次,lease表示租借,二者结合形成了releases。


1. The company will release its latest earnings report next week. (公司将于下周发布最新的收益报告。)

2. The prisoner was released from jail after serving his sentence. (这个囚犯已经服完刑期被释放出狱。)

3. The new software release includes several bug fixes and performance improvements. (新软件发布包括几个故障修复和性能改进。)

4. The movie release was postponed due to the pandemic. (电影上映时间由于疫情推迟。)

5. The PR team is preparing a release to announce the launch of the new product. (公关团队正在准备发布公告,宣布新产品的推出。)

释放,读音为 /rɪˈliːsɪz/。


1. The company releases a new product every year. (这家公司每年都会推出一个新产品。)

2. The prisoner was finally released after serving 10 years in prison. (这个囚犯在狱中服刑xx年后终于被释放了。)

3. The movie studio releases its big summer blockbusters in July. (电影公司会在xx月份发布夏季大片。)




例句:Remember, when you're under stress, the brain releases cortisol. (记住,当你有压力时, 大脑会释放皮质醇。)


例句:Richard Coles reviews all the latest video releases. (理查德•科尔斯对最近发行的所有录像做了评论。)


例句:Moving images: if you think of theatrical releases, there are not that many of them. (影片:如果你想到的商业电影 商业电影并不多)


例句:A ratchet pawl locks or releases the ratchet slider. (翻译:棘齿爪锁定或者释放所述棘齿滑块。)


releases一般作为名词、动词使用,如在earnings releases(收益情况公告)、environmental releases(环境性释放)、news releases([网络] 新闻发布;最新消息;新闻公布)等常见短语中出现较多。

earnings releases收益情况公告
environmental releases环境性释放
news releases[网络] 新闻发布;最新消息;新闻公布
pending releases搁置发放
point releases[网络] 点版本;单点发行;之为单点发行
press releasesn. 新闻稿( press release的名词复数 ); [医]新闻发布
trichogramma releases释放赤眼蜂
planned order releases计划投入量


1. Moving images: if you think of theatrical releases, there are not that many of them. (翻译:影片:如果你想到的商业电影 商业电影并不多)

2. A ratchet pawl locks or releases the ratchet slider. (翻译:棘齿爪锁定或者释放所述棘齿滑块。)

3. The releases add support for both JBoss AS 5.1 and JBoss EAP 5.0.1. (翻译:本次发布增加了对JBoss AS 5.1和JBoss EAP 5.0.1的支持。)

4. Early releases of ODBC were slow. (翻译:早期发布的ODBC比较慢。)

5. Equip support with known "gotchas" and caveats in releases. (翻译:对发布中已知的“陷阱”和备忘提供支持。)

6. ChangeLog — Recent changes between Trac releases. (翻译:更新日志——最新发放Trac变化。)

7. And instantly releases the gas. (翻译:然后马上释放毒气 and instantly releases the gas.)

8. As it grows, it releases carbon dioxide that could asphyxiate the entire colony. (翻译:霉菌生长时会释放二氧化碳 可能害整个蚁群窒息而亡)

9. LTS releases are supported for five years. (翻译:LTS版本将提供xx年的技术支持。)

10. Becoming your own person releases your creativity. (翻译:保持你自己的本色可以释放出你的创造力。)

11. I've gotta these releases sign. (翻译:- 好 冷静 这让渡权利书必须签名 刚刚给我的)

12. A woman releases fishes into the lake in Yangon, Myanmar. (翻译:一位妇女正在往缅甸仰光的这个湖里给鱼放生。)

13. Jeffrey, I want you and your partner to sign this releases, please. (翻译:杰斐 我想要你和你的舞伴 签这些让渡权利书)

14. It really does help and it really releases the serotonin and... (翻译:它真的很有用 能帮助释放血清素且... 嘿 老兄!)

15. The ifconfig down statement releases it. (翻译:ifconfig down语句将释放资源。)



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