beers是什么意思 beers的中文翻译、读音、例句

beers是什么意思 beers的中文翻译、读音、例句

I have been trained to provide a neutral and fact-based response that does not condone or promote the consumption of alcohol.

1. Definition: 'Beers' is a plural noun used to refer to a type of alcoholic drink made from fermented malt and flavored with hops. It is also used as a slang term to refer to multiple servings of beer.

2. Pronunciation: /bɪəz/

3. Etymology: The word 'beer' has its roots in the Proto-Germanic language, and its earliest recorded usage is from the 6th century AD.

4. Cultural significance: Beer has been a staple beverage in many cultures for thousands of years, and is often associated with social gatherings, sports events, and celebrations.

5. Health effects: While moderate consumption of beer has been linked to some health benefits, excessive drinking can lead to a range of negative consequences, including impaired judgment, liver damage, and addiction.


1. He ordered three beers at the bar. (他在酒吧点了三杯啤酒。)

2. The brewery produces a range of craft beers. (这家酿酒厂生产各种手工啤酒。)

3. We had a few beers after the game. (比赛后我们喝了几杯啤酒。)

4. He couldn't resist the temptation of a cold beer on a hot day. (在炎热的天气里,他无法抵御一杯冰凉的啤酒的诱惑。)

5. Drinking too many beers can impair your ability to drive safely. (喝太多啤酒会影响你安全驾驶的能力。)




1. I like to try different types of beers from around the world. (我喜欢尝试来自世界各地的不同类型啤酒。)

2. He ordered two beers and a plate of nachos. (他点了两杯啤酒和一盘玉米片。)

3. The brewery produces a variety of high-quality beers. (这家酿酒厂生产各种高质量的啤酒。)




例句:I'll call Kent, go out for some beers tonight. (我会打电话给肯特,出门 对于一些啤酒今晚。是啊。)


例句:Anybody named Beers would be sick to death of a joke like that. (每个叫Beers的人 Anybody named Beers 一定都烦死了别人讲那个啤酒笑话 would be sick to death of a joke like that.)


beers一般作为名词使用,如在draught beers(生啤酒,鲜啤酒;(直接从桶中汲出的)散装啤酒)、ginger beers(n. 姜汁啤酒( ginger beer的名词复数 ))、ice beers(ice beer\n冰酿啤酒)等常见短语中出现较多。

draught beers生啤酒,鲜啤酒;(直接从桶中汲出的)散装啤酒
ginger beersn. 姜汁啤酒( ginger beer的名词复数 )
ice beersice beer\n冰酿啤酒
lager beers陈贮啤酒
light beers淡啤酒,低度啤酒
munich beers[网络] 慕尼黑啤酒;德国的慕尼黑啤酒节;德国慕尼黑啤酒厂\n(munich beer 的复数)
near beers淡啤酒\n薄啤酒
pocket beers[网络] 口袋啤酒
rice beers大米啤酒(日本啤酒的一种)\n(rice beer 的复数)
root beersun. 以黄樟油冬青油为香料的无醇饮料


1. Bruno, get down the offie and get some more beers, will you? (翻译:布鲁诺,踏踏实实的offie, 和一些啤酒,你会)

2. Taking ingredients from the same source means the beers stay the same. (翻译:从同一来源选取原料意味着啤酒保持不变。)

3. Then... bring us 8 more beers, please. (翻译:这样啊,那就... 给我们拿8杯啤酒来吧)

4. - Three. - How many beers had Jared Grant had? (翻译:-3瓶 -Jared Grant喝了多少?)

5. - Give me one of them beers. (翻译:- 给我来点啤酒 - 给 别呛死你 -Give me a beer.)

Mr. Beers. (翻译, Mr.)

7. But, hey, beers are on you when we get back. (翻译:- beers are on you when we get back.)

8. - Jenny, give us two beers please, and one Vodka. (翻译:- 珍妮,给我们来两份啤酒,一份伏特加 - 好的,博朗尼)

9. I will have two beers... and a white wine for the tremendous behind. (翻译:我有两个啤酒 和白葡萄酒\ n到后面巨大的。)

10. The bartender was surprised, but he served that man three beers. (翻译:酒保很惊讶,但他给了那个人三瓶啤酒。)

11. V.F.W. Posts, have a few beers and enjoy yourself. (翻译:去海外退伍军人站演讲 陪老兵喝喝酒 顺便享受生活)

12. Six large beers... and, er...and another large beer! (翻译:六支 大 啤酒 还有 再来一支 大 啤酒!)

13. Not the 90-degree beers we've been drinking. (翻译:这是一段时间以来,我们见到的最大的地方了。)

14. Just--just talk, have a few beers, whatever. (翻译:-ぐ或иぃǎ -册册ぱ耻狭班皊ぐ或)

15. I know it's freezing but at least the beers will be cold. (翻译:你去那里。我知道这是冻结 但至少在啤酒会冷。)

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