joker是什么意思 joker的中文翻译、读音、例句

joker是什么意思 joker的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:


2. 用法:


- 以幽默的方式说话或打扮的人

- 指扑克牌中的小丑

- 在戏剧或电影中扮演幽默或者反常角色的演员


- 他是一个很joker的人,总是制造笑声。

- 她的穿着总是很joker,不同于普通人的风格。

3. 同义词:


4. 常见搭配:


- play the joker: 打乱了整个局面

- the joker in the pack: 起到意外惊喜作用的人或事物

- wild card/joker: 野牌,扑克牌中的特殊牌


- He is a joker and always makes everyone laugh. (他是一个joker,总是让每个人都笑.)

- I love this deck of cards because it has a joker. (我喜欢这副牌,因为它有一张小丑牌.)

- The comedian's jokes were so funny that everyone was laughing. (这位喜剧演员的笑话太有趣,全场都在笑.)

- He played the joker and ruined the entire game. (他打出了一个joker牌,把整个游戏都搞糟了.)

- The wild card or joker can be used to replace any other card in the deck. (野牌或者小丑可以用来代替牌堆中的任何一张牌.)



1. 委婉地形容某人是一个喜欢开玩笑的人,有时候还带有“没事找事”的贬义。

2. 在扑克牌游戏中,joker代表百搭牌,可以替代其他任何牌来组合成更高的组合。

3. 'joker'也可以指一种风格,即跳脱传统、富有创造力,或带有浪漫主义倾向的表演或艺术风格。


1. He's always making jokes, what a joker!(他总是讲笑话,真是个小丑!)

2. I have a joker, so any matching card will do.(我有一张百搭牌,所以任何相同点数的牌都可以用来凑组合。)

3. That painting has a joker quality to it.(那幅画有一种跳脱传统的风格。)

4. He's such a joker, always pulling pranks on his coworkers.(他真是个没事找事、整天恶作剧的人。)

5. Don't forget to include the joker when you shuffle the deck.(洗牌时不要忘了把百搭牌也洗进去。)

6. The comedian is known for his joker style of humor.(那个喜剧演员以他独特的幽默风格著称。)

7. She's a real joker, always making wisecracks.(她真是个嘴巴厉害的人,总是讲些俏皮话。)

8. His outfit was a real joker, with stripes that didn't match and bright colors everywhere.(他的衣服真是够花哨的,条纹颜色不搭,到处都是亮色。)

9. The magician pulled the joker out of his sleeve and the audience gasped.(魔术师从袖子里拿出百搭牌,引起了观众的惊叹。)



1. The joker was the life of the party and kept everyone laughing.


2. He always carries a joker card in his wallet just for fun.





例句:If this Joker guy was so smart, he'd have had us bring a bigger car. (如果小丑那小子够聪明的话 他真该让咱们开辆大点的车来)


例句:And I lose my only daughter 'cause you can't play the joker whenever you want in a no-trumps hand. (我失去了唯一的女儿... 因为你不能在没有王牌的时候 随时打大小怪)


例句:Beckett is great, but I am just a joker. Black humor at everywhere, absurd theatre always with you. (贝克特是伟大的,我只是一个小丑。黑色幽默无处不在,荒诞剧与你同在。)


例句:Joker's death and Batman's fugitive status have become more than local or statewide issues these days. (翻译:连日来小丑的死亡以及蝙蝠侠的逃亡 的影响已经不仅仅局限于地方或全州)


joker一般作为名词使用,如在practical joker(恶作剧者)等常见短语中出现较多。

practical joker恶作剧者


1. Beckett is great, but I am just a joker. Black humor at everywhere, absurd theatre always with you. (翻译:贝克特是伟大的,我只是一个小丑。黑色幽默无处不在,荒诞剧与你同在。)

2. Joker's death and Batman's fugitive status have become more than local or statewide issues these days. (翻译:连日来小丑的死亡以及蝙蝠侠的逃亡 的影响已经不仅仅局限于地方或全州)

3. - What I'm saying is the centrifugal force of Batman's batarang would undoubtedly penetrate the Joker's force field, (翻译:我想说的是小丑那部分 蝙蝠侠打算复仇时 他发誓要摧毁小丑的大本营)

4. No signs yet of any life, except for this joker staring at us in his pick-up. (翻译:周围没有任何生命迹象 除了这个坐在卡车里瞪着我们的傻子)

5. This is our chance. I want Lau alive. The Joker, either way. (翻译:成败在此一举,刘要抓活的 至于小丑,死活都行)

6. She reckoned you can play the joker whenever you want in a no-trumps hand. (翻译:她以为在没有王牌时 可以随时 打出大小怪)

7. And our special guest, the Clown Prince of Crime Joker. (翻译:我们的特别嘉宾 犯罪领域的丑角王子 小丑)

8. First he crosses me in public and gets away with it then the next joker, pretty soon I'm just another fellow around here! (翻译:他公然反抗我 又侥幸逃过惩罚 再下来 我只是一个普通人了)

9. Over 24 levels, take on all of the famous foes from the Batman universe including THE RIDDLER, BANE and THE JOKER himself. (翻译:超过24水平,采取对所有著名的敌人从宇宙包括蝙蝠侠迷哥,祸根和自己的王牌。)

10. The power broker was a joker. (翻译:权力掮客是一介小丑。【注:《权利掮客》是罗伯特·摩西的传记名】 )

11. - But the Joker cannot win. (翻译:- 无论如何小丑都不能赢 承担了哈维·丹特这个罪犯、前检察官)

12. Now, you need to find the joker that stole 'em out of my car, 'cause I'm telling you something right now, (翻译:现在你要找到 把我车偷个精光的小丑 因为我告诉你)

13. Technical genius... and a practical joker, and wealthy enough to indulge in his most outrageous whims. (翻译:技术天才,而且是一个小丑 和丰富的足以让最大的胜利)

14. An old friend, a practical joker. (翻译:一个爱开玩笑的老朋友 An old friend, a practical joker.)

15. Tonight, Joker met his demise. (翻译:{\fn微软雅黑\fs16\2cHFFFFFF\3cH4D0000}今天晚上,小丑死了 Tonight, Joker met his demise.)



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