sisters是什么意思 sisters的中文翻译、读音、例句

sisters是什么意思 sisters的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 词性(part of speech):Sisters是一个名词,通常指姐妹或修女。

2. 单复数形式(singular/plural form):Sister为单数,sisters为复数。

3. 意思(meaning):Sisters通常可以指亲生姐妹或好友之间的姐妹关系,也可以指世界各地的修女们。

4. 用法(usage):Sisters通常在口语和书面语中都会使用,特别是在涉及到姐妹、女性之间的话题时。

5. 同义词(synonyms):Siblings, sisters-in-law, best friends, nuns等都可以作为Sisters的同义词。


1. My sisters and I are very close. 我和我的姐妹们非常亲近。

2. The sisters live in a convent. 这些修女们住在一个修道院里。

3. We are sisters by heart. 我们是心灵姐妹。

4. The sisters prayed every day. 修女们每天都要祈祷。

5. Lisa and Sarah are like sisters to each other. 莉萨和莎拉是彼此的亲姐妹。




1. My sisters are both taller than me.(我的两个姐姐都比我高。)

2. The sisters are very close and they always support each other.(这两个姐妹非常亲密,他们总是相互支持。)

3. We have a strong bond between us as sisters.(我们姐妹之间有一种很强的联系。)

4. The sisters went on a road trip together to explore new places.(这两个姐妹一起去旅行,探索新的地方。)




例句:Do none of you have sisters? (真是小题大做 你们都没姐妹的吗? Oh, such fuss. Do none of you have sisters?)


例句:Secret sisters giving me bone marrow? (Secret sisters giving me bone marrow? 神秘的妹妹要给我捐赠骨髓)


例句:- How'd it go? - What, from the Sisters of Little Mercy? (from the Sisters of Little Mercy?)


例句:They supported their sisters in the dispute. (翻译:在争论中,她们支持自己的姐妹。)


sisters一般作为名词、动词使用,如在elder sisters(姐姐,姊姊)、fatal sisters(命运三女神)、Five Sisters([地名] 五姊妹山 ( 英 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

elder sisters姐姐,姊姊
fatal sisters命运三女神
Five Sisters[地名] 五姊妹山 ( 英 )
foster sisters收养的姊妹
half sistersna. 异父[异母]姊妹\n[网络] 珊卓拉有血缘关系
kid sisterskid sister\n[口语]妹妹
little sisters[网络] 小妹妹;妹妹们;小姊妹岛屿
milk sisters[网络] 牛奶姐妹
older sisters[网络] 姐姐


1. - How'd it go? - What, from the Sisters of Little Mercy? (翻译:from the Sisters of Little Mercy?)

2. They supported their sisters in the dispute. (翻译:在争论中,她们支持自己的姐妹。)

3. Is he one of your good sisters? (翻译:他是不是你们的好姐妹呀? {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Is he one of your good sisters?)

4. "Two Sisters" is an absorbing read. (翻译:《两姊妹》是一本引人入胜的读物。)

5. Mohammed is the only male to three sisters. (翻译:穆罕默德是家里 四个孩子中唯一的男孩。)

6. As Claudia no sisters, cousins or even table sisters are not, she can only take her mother's womb is. (翻译:由于克劳迪娅没有姐妹,甚至连堂姐妹或表姐妹都没有,她唯一可以借子宫的就是她妈妈。)

7. Beautiful. ? Brothers and sisters ? (翻译:* Brothers and sisters * 兄弟姐妹)

8. - You had 12 brothers and sisters? (翻译:让他来,相信我 你真的有十二个兄弟姐妹?)

9. Pray with me, brothers and sisters. (翻译:当你的心碎了 他的名字会融进去 跟我一起祷告 兄弟姐妹们)

10. Finally, in the first national poll released after Rick Perry officially announced... (翻译:是的 Yeah. 你得保护弟弟妹妹 You had to protect your sisters)

11. So was she and her sisters. (翻译:她和她的姐妹也在那里出生 So was she and her sisters.)

12. This is what you call good sisters (翻译:这样就叫做好姐妹了 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}This is what you call good sisters)

13. Your younger sisters, are they out in society? (翻译:你的妹妹们有没有哪一个已经 出来参加社交了?)

14. Oh, the sisters are feeling mighty good right now. (翻译:the sisters are feeling mighty good right now.)

15. What the sisters may ordain (翻译:修女的歌声指引了道路的方向 What the sisters may ordain)



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