serving是什么意思 serving的中文翻译、读音、例句

serving是什么意思 serving的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:serving 可以作为名词或动词。作为名词,它的主要含义是“一份食物”,也可以指“服务”“招待”等;作为动词,主要含义为“提供食物”“招待客人”。

词性:serving 是一个名词,也可以作为动词使用。


1. serving dish:上菜用的盘子

2. serving size:一份的大小

3. serving spoon:上菜用的勺子

4. serving tray:上菜用的托盘

5. serving suggestion:食用建议

短语:in the service of 意为“服务于”,serve up 意为“上菜,提供食物”。



1. Can you bring me another serving of salad, please?


2. The restaurant is known for its large serving sizes.


3. The caterers did an excellent job serving the guests.


4. The hotel staff is dedicated to serving their guests.


5. Mary is now serving as the director of marketing.





1. Could you bring me another serving of rice?(你能再给我来一份饭吗?)

2. The restaurant is known for its excellent service.(这家餐厅以其优秀的服务而闻名。)

3. She is currently serving as the CEO of the company.(她目前担任该公司的首席执行官。)

4. The recipe yields four servings.(这份食谱可做四份。)




例句:Just not used to serving with boys. (我只是不习惯跟没长大的男人一起出战 Just not used to serving with boys.)


例句:It says a certain Fernand an officer serving in Greece. (这篇文章暗示说 一个叫菲尔南的法国军官 在希腊服役时 犯下了以下罪行)


例句:- lf this is another Matthew Perry movie... (- 不会又是一部Matthew Perry的片子吧 两人曾经合作过Serving Sara)


例句:If serving my country means serving me, ask and I shall answer. (翻译:要是帮祖国就是帮我自己的话 问吧 我回答)


serving一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在serving as([网络] 作为艺术品服伺)、serving for(充当;被用作;起…的作用)、serving on(vt. 担任...的职;担当(担任);成为...中的一员)等常见短语中出现较多。

serving as[网络] 作为艺术品服伺
serving for充当;被用作;起…的作用
serving onvt. 担任...的职;担当(担任);成为...中的一员
easy serving[网络] 简易检修
manufacturing and servingun. 制造与服务
process serving[经] 传票送达
routine serving行维修
self servingadj. 为个人利益服务的;图私利的\n[网络] 自我服务
sequence of serving发球顺序


1. - lf this is another Matthew Perry movie... (翻译:- 不会又是一部Matthew Perry的片子吧 两人曾经合作过Serving Sara)

2. If serving my country means serving me, ask and I shall answer. (翻译:要是帮祖国就是帮我自己的话 问吧 我回答)

3. For example, the tavern girl serving flagons of mead. (翻译:比如 小酒馆的女服务生 售卖大肚壶的蜂蜜酒)

4. He is handling the money, he is serving the food (翻译:∮ He is handling the money, he is serving the food)

5. Volunteer -- volunteer for a STEM program, serving underserved youth. (翻译:志愿服务——参与一个STEM的项目, 服务弱势群体中的年轻人。)

6. Have you ever considered serving in the leadership? (翻译:你考虑过进入领导层吗 Have you ever considered serving in the leadership?)

7. We will be serving dinner and breakfast. (翻译:我们将供应晚餐和早餐 We will be serving dinner and breakfast.)

8. Serving the freshest Maine lobsters. (翻译:我们从1940起 便供应最新鲜的缅因龙虾)

9. "I was serving great," the beaming Croat said. (翻译:“我的发球太强大了,”喜不自禁的克罗地亚人说道。)

10. Sally's serving-- the one with the charlies. (翻译:- 今天Sally请客 和Charlie在一起的那个姑娘)

11. Alfred Pennyworth, serving captain, does nothing of the sort. (翻译:{\fn微软雅黑\fs16\2cHFFFFFF\3cH4D0000}阿尔弗雷德・潘尼沃斯,服务的总管 Alfred Pennyworth, serving captain, {\fn微软雅黑\fs16\2cHFFFFFF\3cH4D0000}绝不会做这种懈怠的事 does nothing of the sort.)

12. How many Chinese troops are serving under the blue beret, serving under the blue flag, serving under the U.N. command in the world today? (翻译:今日有多少中国军队 在蓝色贝蕾帽和蓝旗下服役 有多少在联合国司令部底下服务 )

13. How did you find serving under General McAuliffe, Vice-Admiral? (翻译:你是如何找到麦考利将军下的副海军上将工作的? How did you find serving under General McAuliffe, Vice -Admiral?)

14. She is serving two years for theft. (翻译:她因盗窃罪正在服两年徒刑。)

15. Such comparisons are obviously specious and self-serving. (翻译:这样的比较明显地华而不实,而且自私自利。)



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