widening是什么意思 widening的中文翻译、读音、例句

widening是什么意思 widening的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:'widening'是一个形容词,意为“变宽”的,用来描述物体、道路、河流等的宽度增加或扩大的情况。

2. 社会意义:'widening'也可以用来描述一种社会现象,即贫富差距的加剧或不平等现象的日益严重化。

3. 学术应用:'widening'在学术上也有应用,例如可以用来描述科学领域中发现的新的现象或问题的数量和范围日渐扩大。

4. 实际应用:'widening'在实际应用中可以用来描述各种扩大或增加的情况,例如道路加宽、河流变宽、市场范围扩大等等。


1. The widening of the river has caused flooding in many nearby areas. (河流变宽导致附近很多地方发生了洪水。)

2. The government has promised to address the issue of widening income inequality. (政府承诺解决日益严重的收入不平等问题。)

3. The researchers have noted a widening range of potential applications for their discovery. (研究人员注意到了他们的发现可能应用的范围正在扩大。)

4. The widening of the highway has reduced traffic congestion in the city. (高速公路的扩建减少了城市交通拥堵。)

5. The widening gap between the rich and the poor has become a major social issue. (贫富差距的加剧已经成为一个重要的社会问题。)




1. The government is considering widening the road to ease traffic congestion. (政府正在考虑扩大道路以缓解交通拥堵。)

2. The gap between the rich and poor is widening. (贫富差距正在加大。)

3. The company is looking at ways of widening its product range. (公司正在寻求扩展其产品范围的方法。)




例句:I agree with everything this NYT editorial has to say about the economics of widening international imbalances. (我完全同意这篇纽约时报社评就有关增大的国际间不平衡的经济论述。)


例句:Turkey has grown rapidly, despite pitifully low levels of domestic saving, thanks to an ever-widening current account deficit . (尽管国内储蓄少的可怜,但由于经常账户赤字不断扩大,土耳其经济增长迅速。)


例句:The gap between Herman and the raft was widening. (赫尔曼与救生筏的距离越来越大了。)


例句:Symmetrical clavicular widening was observed in a boy with mosaic trisomy for chromosome 8. (翻译:对称锁骨扩大观察一个男孩花叶为8号染色体三体。)


widening一般作为动词使用,如在gage widening(挤轨)、gauge widening(轨距加宽)、heel widening(袜跟放针)等常见短语中出现较多。

gage widening挤轨
gauge widening轨距加宽
heel widening袜跟放针
levee widening堤坝加宽;堤坝培厚
psychologic widening心理加宽
pulse widening脉冲展宽
road widening[网络] 道路拓宽;扩阔道路;道路扩阔
selvedge widening扩边法
shaft widening井筒刷大


1. The gap between Herman and the raft was widening. (翻译:赫尔曼与救生筏的距离越来越大了。)

2. Symmetrical clavicular widening was observed in a boy with mosaic trisomy for chromosome 8. (翻译:对称锁骨扩大观察一个男孩花叶为8号染色体三体。)

3. and a reasonable widening rate of the regulation line in the estuary can readjust the variation of the average water depth along the river. (翻译:合理地选择治导线的放宽率,能有效地调整深槽平均水深的沿程变化。)

4. Meanwhile, the spread between the Gulf and Pacific Northwest (PNW) is widening and nearly provides a shipper no clear advantage whether to ship from the PNW or the Gulf. (翻译:另外,墨西哥湾和太平洋西北岸之间的运价差正在拉大,使承运商无论从太平洋西北岸起运还是从墨西哥湾沿岸起运,均不能享受明显优势。)

5. Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; (翻译:在向外扩张的旋体上旋转呀旋转, 猎鹰再也听不见主人的呼唤。)

6. This meant that the movements demanding change knew what they were against -- crushing poverty, widening inequality -- but just as important, they knew what they were for. (翻译:这意味着, 这些运动要求改变, 知道他们要反对什么—— 粉碎贫穷,扩大平等—— 同样重要的是, 他们知道自己的目的。)

7. Moving forward, TERN's decision to exit the CMTS business will result in falling revenues and a widening loss. (翻译:展望将来,TERN决定退出CMTS业务领域将导致营收下滑和亏损加大。)

8. As Mr Haldane notes, we have seen "a progressive rise in banking risk and an accompanying widening and deepening of the state safety net" . (翻译:正如霍尔丹所指出的,我们看到“银行业风险不断攀升,政府的安全网也随之不断扩大和加深”。)

9. The chasm between the amount of information and man's ability to deal with it may be widening, but that need not be a cause for alarm. (翻译:信息总量与人类信息处理能力之间的鸿沟可能会扩大,们不必为此过分担心。)

10. And you see the female line since 1984, the gap is widening. (翻译:从xx年来,女性这条线, 差距在加宽。)

11. Love is first widening my eyes a little bit... and quickening my breathing a little... and warming my skin and touching my... (翻译:爱是先微张我的双眼 呼吸急促 体温开始上升...)

12. And the metals, we typically get from ore that we mine in ever widening mines and ever deepening mines around the world. (翻译:金属原料,我们一般 从分布在世界上的 广阔的矿山 或者是深层矿场所开采的矿石中获取)

13. "That's right, " he said, and slipped the cigarette back into the packet. He smiled, widening his eyes brightly. "Don't ever start. " (翻译:“你说得对,”他说,把香烟又放回了口袋。他微笑着,眼睛睁得大大地:“一只也不抽。”)

14. They said they would increase my pension because they're widening the street. (翻译:听说他们增加了我的养老金... ...因为他们扩宽了街道)

15. We are widening the corridors and adding more lanes... (翻译:∮ We are widening the corridors and adding more lanes...)



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