bebt是什么意思 bebt的中文翻译、读音、例句

bebt是什么意思 bebt的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义与定义:debt (n.)是指欠债,债务;而debtor (n.)则是指债务人;debts (n.)则是复数形式的欠债,债务。Debt通常指的是钱的债务,而债务也可以是对一种服务或者好处的欠缺。DEBT也可以是“Drowning in Excessive Busy-ness and Task”的缩写,用于形容过度忙碌的状态。

2. 语法形式:debt为可数名词,可用a/an修饰,也可用the修饰。Debtor为可数名词,一般不与冠词连用;而debts为复数形式的名词,可与冠词连用。

3. 用法:debt在英语中常用于经济、金融等领域中,表示欠债的情况,还款时间、还款方式等都是相关话题。在日常英语中也经常出现,例如有人使用信用卡透支了,就可能会有“have a debt”这样的表述。而缩写词DEBT则是用于形容繁忙、忙碌的状态。

4. 相关词汇:相对于debt的正义,creditor (n.)则是指债权人,即债务的收款方。同时,还有很多与debt相关的词汇,例如:repay (v.)表示偿还;forgive (v.)表示免除债务;interest (n.)表示利息等。


1. She was deeply in debt and couldn't pay her bills.(她负债累累,无法支付账单。)

2. The company is going to default on its debts.(公司将违约债务。)

3. He was a debtor for years before he finally became debt-free.(多年来他一直是个债务人,最终才摆脱债务。)

4. We need to pay off our debts before we can think of buying a house.(我们需要先还清债务,才能考虑买房。)

5. The team was drowning in excessive busy-ness and task (DEBT), and suffered from employee burnout.(这个团队在过度忙碌和任务上淹没,导致员工过度疲劳。)





例句:Oh, and BT-dubs, I just found out carnival in Trinidad is when we're there. (我要去买件新泳衣。- 真的吗? - 什么?)


例句:To prevent the spread of resistance to Bt among the bollworm, farmers are required to plant refuges of conventional cotton nearby. (为了防止对Bt的耐药性在棉红铃虫中间扩散,农民必须在附近种植常规棉花的植物避难所。)


bebt一般作为名词使用,如在gaming bebt([法] 赌债)等常见短语中出现较多。

gaming bebt[法] 赌债


1. Phenol oxidation and catalyst - sorbent ignition may proceed bt different reaction mechanisms. (翻译:苯酚的催化氧化和炭的催化氧化可能遵循不同的反应历程。)

2. Download function: first to support BT download, can download the edge while playing Babao network television film programs, and promptly update the latest movies Resources. (翻译:下载功能:率先支持BT下载,可边下载边播放八宝网电视电影节目,并及时更新最新电影资源。)

3. But the thing that's alarming is a couple of months ago, in Mexico, where Bt corn and all genetically altered corn is totally illegal, they found Bt corn genes in wild corn plants. (翻译:事情发生在几个月以前,在墨西哥这个 BT玉米和其他转基因玉米都属于非法的地区, 有人发现野生的玉米基因中出现了BT玉米基因。)

4. Observation on resistance of trans Bt plus CPTI gene cotton to major cotton pests and keynotes of its pest management technologies (翻译:转双价基因抗虫棉对主要害虫的抗性观察与防治技术要点)

5. The hardest part in my opinion is removing the screen bezel and refitting the WLAN, WWAN and BT correct again, but it's really manageable. (翻译:我认为最困难的部分是消除屏幕面板和改装的无线局域网,无线广域网和BT再次正确,但它是真正控制。)

6. Bt corn is a corn that creates its own pesticide to kill a corn borer. (翻译:BT 玉米能够自行产生杀虫剂来消灭其天敌玉米螟。)

7. It produces a protein called Bt protoxin. (翻译:它会产生Bt原霉素的蛋白质。)

8. Another Swiss study suggested that lacewing insects can also be killed by BT maize, but others found no difference. (翻译:瑞士的另一项研究表明,草蜻蛉种昆虫也会被BT转基因玉米杀死,但是其他的却没有发现什么异同。)

9. Resistance to Bt toxins in some insects is linked with mutations that disrupt a toxin-binding cadherin protein. (翻译:一些抗苏云金杆菌毒素的昆虫的抗性是和毒素结合钙粘蛋白的断裂相关。)

10. MPAA sues popular BitTorrent search engines. (翻译:MPAA起诉流行bt搜索引擎。)

11. Equipment suppliers fought to win the lucrative contracts from BT, and Bross helped Huawei secure a pair of major deals. (翻译:电信设备供应商希望从英国电信上身上赢得合同,布罗斯为华为弄到了一份主要的交易。)

12. Supporters claim that Bt Brinjal could cut losses from insect damage by over 50%, and pesticide usage by 80%. (翻译:支持者们称bt茄子能减少超过50%的虫害损失并减少80%的杀虫剂用量。)

13. But in an interview with Macworld, Kepner says he plans to appeal Apple's decision, noting that not all BitTorrent downloads are illegal. (翻译:但在接受《Macworld》采访时,凯普纳表示他将就苹果的决定展开上诉,并不是所有的BT下载都是违法的。)

14. Padmanabhan said the Bt protein would be degraded both during cooking and by acids produced by the stomach during digestion. (翻译:Padmanabhan说Bt蛋白质在烹饪和消化过程中胃的酸环境中会被降解。)

15. After the GEAC judgment, consumers, medical groups, farmers and state governments mobilised at once to campaign against Bt Brinjal. (翻译:在GEAC作出评价之后,消费者、医学团体、农民和各邦政府立即行动起来,开展反Bt茄子的运动。)

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