forgive me是什么意思 forgive me的中文翻译、读音、例句

forgive me是什么意思 forgive me的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 释义:'forgive me'是一种请求原谅的方式,表示对自己的错误或冒犯向对方道歉并请求对方宽恕自己。

2. 用法:'forgive me'可以用于书面或口头语境中,适用于各种场合,如个人或团体互动、商务场合等。

3. 常见表达:'forgive me'的常见表达有实词和缩写词两种。

4. 礼节习惯:在英语社交场合中,'forgive me'是一种重要的礼节习惯,表示尊重对方感受和自我修养。


3. Please forgive me for losing your book. 请原谅我弄丢了您的书。

5. My bad for forgetting our appointment. 忘了我们的约见是我的错。

forgive me是一种请求别人原谅自己的方式,通常用于道歉或认错。可以理解为“请原谅我”。


读音:[fəˈɡɪv mi]



2. I know I messed up. Please forgive me. (我知道我做错了,请求原谅。)

3. He knelt before her and said, "Forgive me for what I've done."(他跪在她面前说:“请原谅我的所作所为。”)

4. She forgave him for his mistakes and they reconciled.(她原谅了他的错误,他们和好了。)

forgive me通常被翻译为"原谅我、请原谅我"的意思,在英美地区还有"见谅"的意思,单词读音音标为[fəˈɡiv mi:],forgive me是一个英语名词,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到68个与forgive me相关的例句。

Forgive me的中文翻译


例句:- [Clears Throat] - Forgive me. (- [ Clears Throat ] 原谅我)


例句:I've made a mistake, forgive me, forgive me all of you. (我做了件错事,原谅我吧, 你们都原谅我吧)


例句:♪ Forgive them for living blind ♪ (♪ Forgive them for living blind ♪)


forgive me一般作为名词使用,如在forgive(原谅 )、forgive ... for([网络] 谅解;宽恕;原谅做了)、forgive for(原谅(某人)做了(某件错事))等常见短语中出现较多。

forgive ... for[网络] 谅解;宽恕;原谅做了
forgive for原谅(某人)做了(某件错事)
Please forgive me请原谅
forgive a debt免偿债务
forgive and forget不念旧恶
for me就我来说
it is me[网络] 是我;那就是我;那是我


1. ♪ Forgive them for living blind ♪ (翻译:♪ Forgive them for living blind ♪)

2. Al right, I can forgive 3 of you (翻译:l can forgive 3 of you)

3. If he will forgive me, I will be complete in Jesus! (翻译:如果他原谅我 我会在耶稣里面得了丰盛! If he will forgive me, I will be complete in Jesus!)

4. Forgive me, but I come here upon a mission of mercy. (翻译:请您原谅 我特来请求您的怜悯 Forgive me,but I come here upon a mission of mercy.)

5. Forgive me, look at you standing there. (翻译:请原谅,看你站在那儿。你必须马上回家换换衣服。Forgive me, look at you standing there.)

6. Please forgive me. I was not engineer. (翻译:恕我无能 我不是工程师 Please forgive me.)

7. Will you be able to forgive me? (翻译:你能原谅我吗? {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Will you be able to forgive me?)

8. Could I ever forgive my father for bringing me to this place? (翻译:我能原谅自己的父亲把我带到这里的行为吗 Could I ever forgive my father for bringing me to this place?)

9. Forgive me, but may I ask a question? (翻译:恕我冒昧 能提个问题吗 Forgive me, but may I ask a question?)

10. Madame, forgive me for what I must do. (翻译:夫人 原谅我必须如此 Madame,forgive me for what I must do.)

11. Will it make me forgive you? (翻译:这样妈妈就能活过来吗? 这样我就会原谅你吗?)

12. Oh, forgive me, my memory is not what it was. (翻译, forgive me, my memory is not what it was.)

13. My Lady, you must forgive me once again. (翻译:夫人 我再次请求您的宽恕 My Lady,you must forgive me once again.)

14. Ah, yes, "Tell my son I forgive him for abandoning me." (翻译:Tell my son I forgive him for abandoning me.)

15. Oh, forgive me, your highness. (翻译:Oh, 请原谅我, 陛下. Oh, forgive me, your highness.)

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