noteworthy是什么意思 noteworthy的中文翻译、读音、例句

noteworthy是什么意思 noteworthy的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 含义和用法


2. 同义词

'noteworthy'这个单词的同义词包括:remarkable, notable, outstanding, significant, remarkable, exceptional, striking, momentous等。这些单词都有着类似的意思,可以用来代替'noteworthy'达到同样的效果。

3. 反义词

'noteworthy'这个单词的反义词包括:unremarkable, insignificant, ordinary, unimportant等。这些单词用来形容与'noteworthy'相反的事物,也可以用来强调某个事物的缺乏特殊性或者重要性。

4. 用法注意






1. The new policy is noteworthy for its focus on sustainability. 这项新政策因其注重可持续性而值得注意。

2. The artist's most noteworthy work was created in the early 1970s. 艺术家最值得注意的作品是在xx年代初期创作的。

3. The novel's plot is not particularly noteworthy, but the language is exquisite. 这部小说的情节并不特别引人注目,但语言精致。

4. The team's victory over the defending champions was a noteworthy achievement. 这支队伍击败卫冕冠军是一项值得称赞的成就。

5. The speaker's remarks were not noteworthy for their originality or insight. 演讲者的言论并不以其独创性或深度而引人注目。




1. Her talent in music is truly noteworthy. (她在音乐方面的天赋确实值得注意。)

2. The company's noteworthy achievements in the field of technology have attracted a lot of attention. (该公司在技术领域的显著成就引起了很多关注。)

3. The team's noteworthy performance in the championship game earned them a well-deserved victory. (该队在冠军赛中的显著表现为他们赢得了应得的胜利。)




例句:These XML results contain pretty much all of the noteworthy information for each synset. (这些XML结果包含很多值得注意的信息。)


例句:Thetwist at the end is especially noteworthy. (结尾笔锋一转尤为引人注目。)


例句:Our public education, once a model for the world, has become most noteworthy for its failures. (我们的公共教育体制,曾经是全世界效仿的榜样 如今则成为了 失败的符号 )


1. Our public education, once a model for the world, has become most noteworthy for its failures. (翻译:我们的公共教育体制,曾经是全世界效仿的榜样 如今则成为了 失败的符号 )

2. Some noteworthy events this quarter included both the German and the English editions reaching their 1000th news article. (翻译:一些显著的事件是在这个季度德语和英语版都达到了1000条的新闻文章。)

3. Our public education, once a model for the world, has become most noteworthy for its failures. (翻译:我们的公共教育体制,曾经是全世界效仿的榜样 如今则成为了 失败的符号)

4. One of the family members called "Shibo" was quite noteworthy, he had a great impact on the DuKe Zhuang. (翻译:施氏家族的“施伯”更是值得注意的人物,他对鲁庄公的影响很大。)

5. It is noteworthy that the programme has been shifted from its original August slot to July. (翻译:该节目从最初的xx月档移到xx月值得关注。)

6. Background: Reherniation within the first year following subtotal lumbar discectomy is a rare but noteworthy event. (翻译:方法:在腰椎间盘次全切除术后第xx年内再次发生突出是罕见但是值得注重的事。)

7. As it turns out, Chatwin wasn't the only noteworthy moleskine devotee. (翻译:事实证明,Chatwin并不是唯一一个值得注意的moleskine的爱好者。)

8. The Buggre Alle This Bible was also noteworthy for having twenty seven verses in the third chapter of Genesis, instead of the more usual twenty four. (翻译:在《the Buggre Alle This Bible》中,还有一个值得一提的地方,在它的《创世纪》第三章中有二十七节,而不是普通的二十四节。)

9. New York Times noteworthy Silent Day, edited by yours truly. (翻译:这本书受评论家欢迎 且被纽约时报看好 由本小姐编辑)

10. By themselves, novas are not particularly noteworthy. (翻译:不过对于他们来说,新星现象并不是特别罕见。)

11. Hence, these noteworthy aspects of the Attis myth are clearly pre-Christian. (翻译:因此,阿提斯神话值得注意的一面显然是基督以前的。)

12. "Shanhuan, Chiyou and Wuling ---- Decoding of the Early Ancient Lost History" is noteworthy obtainment in Hunan history and Huxiang culture. (翻译:《善卷、蚩尤与武陵——上古时期一段佚史的破解》,是近来湖南历史和湖湘文化研究方面一个值得注意的收获。)

13. An evaluation panel comprised of noteworthy translators, writers and Foundation members determines the prizewinner each year. (翻译:每年都会有一个由著名的翻译家、作家与举办方组成的评审委员会来决定获奖者。)

14. I found nothing particularly noteworthy to report. (翻译:我没什么特别值得关注的事情可报告。)

15. But is not an event in fact more significant and noteworthy the greater the number of fortuities necessary to bring it about? (翻译:事实上,难道不是一件必然的偶然所带来的事件,才更见意义重大和值得注意么?)

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