sugar是什么意思 sugar的中文翻译、读音、例句

sugar是什么意思 sugar的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:sugar还可以与其他词组合成不同的短语,例如sugar cane(甘蔗)、sugar beet(甜菜)、granulated sugar(粒状糖)、confectioners sugar(糖粉)等。



1. I like to put a little sugar in my coffee.(我喜欢往咖啡里加一点糖。)

2. Sugar is often used as a sweetener in baked goods.(糖通常用作烘焙食品的甜味剂。)

3. They grow sugar cane on the plantation in Brazil.(在巴西的种植园里种植甘蔗。)

4. She used powdered sugar to make the frosting.(她用糖粉做糖霜。)

5. He has to watch his sugar intake because he is diabetic.(他得注意糖分摄入量,因为他患有糖尿病。)



1. I don't like sugar in my coffee. (我不喜欢在咖啡里加糖。)

2. This cake is too sweet, it has too much sugar. (这个蛋糕太甜了,加了太多糖。)

3. Can you pass me the sugar, please? (请把糖递给我好吗?)

4. I try to avoid sugar because it's not good for my health. (我尽量避免吃糖,因为对健康不好。)

5. Sugar is a common ingredient in many processed foods. (糖是很多加工食品的常见原料。)

6. This soda has a lot of sugar, it's not good for you. (这种碳酸饮料含有很多糖,不太健康。)

7. Beet sugar is produced from sugar beets. (甜菜糖是从甜菜根中提取的。)

8. Brown sugar is a type of unrefined sugar. (红糖是一种未经精炼的糖。)

9. I prefer honey over sugar as a sweetener. (我更喜欢蜂蜜而不是糖作为甜味剂。)

英 [ˈʃʊɡə(r)] 美 [ˈʃʊɡər]



1. Sugar is bad for your teeth.


2. I try to limit my sugar intake.


3. Do you take sugar in your coffee?


sugar在中文中有"糖 、美化"的意思,在日常中也代表"糖份"的意思,在线发音:['ʃugә],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到61个与sugar相关的例句。



例句:I got you your usual sugar drink. (我点了你平时爱喝的 I got you your usual sugar drink.)


例句:Douhua is served with sugar and only sugar in Hubei. (就只有湖北家的豆花是放糖的。)


例句:drinks, cold drinks category: If no Ribes drinks, sugar-free yogurt, sugar-free ice cream, sugar-free soft drinks, sugar-free fruit juices. (饮料、冷饮类:如无糖茶饮料、无糖酸奶、无糖冰淇淋、无糖汽水、无糖果汁等。)


例句:"Brains need sugar to function, but a diet of fish has no sugar, " she said. (翻译:“大脑运转需要糖份,可鱼类的食物构成中不含糖,”她说。)


sugar一般作为名词、动词、感叹词使用,如在drying of sugar([食品] 砂糖干燥)、double sugar(【生物化学】双糖)、dissolved sugar(溶解糖)等常见短语中出现较多。

drying of sugar[食品] 砂糖干燥
double sugar【生物化学】双糖
dissolved sugar溶解糖
fermentable sugar[医] 发酵糖
fermentalbe sugar发酵糖
fine sugar精糖
first sugar一级糖
fondant sugar[网络] 糖膏;方旦糖
free sugar游离糖
fruit sugar果糖\n[化] 果糖


1. drinks, cold drinks category: If no Ribes drinks, sugar-free yogurt, sugar-free ice cream, sugar-free soft drinks, sugar-free fruit juices. (翻译:饮料、冷饮类:如无糖茶饮料、无糖酸奶、无糖冰淇淋、无糖汽水、无糖果汁等。)

2. "Brains need sugar to function, but a diet of fish has no sugar, " she said. (翻译:“大脑运转需要糖份,可鱼类的食物构成中不含糖,”她说。)

3. And do you take sugar, Bobby? (翻译:要加糖么 鲍比 Do you take sugar, Bobby?)

4. First of all, welcome to Spice and Sugar. (翻译:首先 欢迎各位来到美美味蛋糕店 First of all, welcome to Spice and Sugar.)

5. The plum is coated with sugar. (翻译:梅子的外面裹着糖。)

:// (翻译://

7. How many sugar mills they got over there in Jeanerette? (翻译:有多少糖厂在Jeanerette的周围? How many sugar mills they got over there in Jeanerette?)

8. In our products, sugar listed in ingredients may be beet sugar or cane sugar. (翻译:在我们的产品中,糖 在成分中列出了 可能是甜菜糖或蔗糖。)

9. Maybe she found a sugar daddy. (翻译:也许她找了个干爹 Maybe she found a sugar daddy.)

10. Can I borrowing a cup of sugar? (翻译:我能借点糖吗? Hey! Can I borrowing a cup of sugar?)

11. Was that the blood sugar talking? (翻译:这也是因为血糖吗? Was that the blood sugar talking?)

12. Force-feeding them sugar water? (翻译:给他们强行注入糖水 {\3cH000000}Force -feeding them sugar water?)

13. With goodies like sugar cubes and sugar canes and sundaes and sunbeams and sasparilla! (翻译:到处都能吃上方糖、 手杖糖、圣代、阳光和沙士汽水)

14. Swizzle Candy Sugar; (翻译:糖果; )

15. Get the sugar rushing, you know? (翻译:能让众多美女疯狂 Get the sugar rushing, you know? -点燃你的能量吧)



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