elemental是什么意思 elemental的中文翻译、读音、例句

elemental是什么意思 elemental的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 基础的、根本的

2. 自然界的、原始的

3. 化学元素的

4. 微小的、细节的


1. The company's success is based on its elemental business model. (公司的成功基于它的基础商业模式。)

2. The tribe lived in an elemental way, relying on nature for their daily needs. (部落以自然为依靠,过着原始的生活。)

3. Water is an elemental compound comprised of hydrogen and oxygen. (水是由氢和氧组成的化学元素化合物。)

4. The artist paid close attention to the elemental details in the painting, like the texture of the brushstrokes. (艺术家在绘画中特别关注微小的细节,比如画笔的纹理。)

5. The storm had an elemental force, tearing through buildings and uprooting trees. (风暴具备原始的力量,摧毁建筑和连根拔起树木。)



1. Water is an elemental substance that is essential for all life. 水是一种基本的物质,对所有生命都是必需的。

2. The elemental power of the storm was frightening. 风暴的自然力量让人感到害怕。

3. Fire is one of the four elemental forces. 火是四种元素力量中的一种。

4. The building blocks of matter are the elemental particles. 物质的构成基础是元素粒子。

5. The artist captured the elemental beauty of the landscape in the painting. 艺术家在画中捕捉到了景观的本质美。

6. The ceremony was steeped in elemental traditions that dated back centuries. 这场仪式充满了可以追溯到几个世纪以前的基本传统。

7. The elemental force of gravity keeps us firmly on the ground. 重力的本质力量使我们牢牢地站在地面上。

8. The design of the building is based on elemental geometric shapes. 建筑的设计基于基本的几何形状。

9. The music had an elemental quality that touched our deepest emotions. 这种音乐有着触动我们最深情感的基本品质。




1. The scientists are studying the elemental composition of the rock samples.(科学家们正在研究岩石样本的基本组成)

2. The book introduces the elemental principles of physics.(这本书介绍了物理学的基本原理)

3. The artist used elemental shapes and colors in his abstract painting.(艺术家在抽象画中使用了基本的形状和颜色)




例句:It's not just the most elemental design ever, it's also such a crazy fashion statement. (它不仅是最基本的设计 也宣告了一个时尚风潮的开始。)


例句:How many Elemental Dragons guide and rule Ashan? (一共有多少条元素龙统治和操纵着亚山年夜陆? )


例句:But from down below, they are the embodiment of the powerful, elemental force and power that drives our atmosphere. (但是从下面我们的角度看,它们象征着 一种推动着大气层的强大的、 势如破竹的力量。)


例句:So it was just the kitchen sink thrown in and all the really elemental, scary things that in "Nightmare 1" had worked so well, was just, it felt like, "I'm just gonna throw a bunch of junk in (翻译:在《噩梦1》中所有的元素 恐怖事情都很好 感觉就是我只是丢了一块垃圾)


elemental一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在elemental abundance([化] 元素丰度)、elemental algorithm([计] 初等算法)、elemental area([电] 单元面)等常见短语中出现较多。

elemental abundance[化] 元素丰度
elemental algorithm[计] 初等算法
elemental area[电] 单元面
elemental body单元物体
elemental carbon元素碳\n元素碳的
elemental charge单电子电荷
elemental chromatography元素色谱法
elemental composition元素组成[成分];化学组成[成分]
elemental constituent元素组分


1. But from down below, they are the embodiment of the powerful, elemental force and power that drives our atmosphere. (翻译:但是从下面我们的角度看,它们象征着 一种推动着大气层的强大的、 势如破竹的力量。)

2. So it was just the kitchen sink thrown in and all the really elemental, scary things that in "Nightmare 1" had worked so well, was just, it felt like, "I'm just gonna throw a bunch of junk in (翻译:在《噩梦1》中所有的元素 恐怖事情都很好 感觉就是我只是丢了一块垃圾)

3. The two elemental tasks to complete CIMS are basic automation and Enterprises process reengineering (EPR). (翻译:基础自动化和企业过程重组是实现企业CIMS的两大重要内容。)

4. Learning to control one of the most elemental forces in nature is a pivotal moment in any child's personal history. (翻译:学会如何控制自然界中这一最基本的力量 是每一个孩子个人成长历史中的关键时刻。™)

5. Break up the Elemental Absorbtion Process, and end the Materialization Mode. By my name, I shall stop the Forces in the air! (翻译:分解元素聚合式,解除物质化模式。以吾之名,停止力量的驱动! )

6. On an elemental level, we have all felt that spirituality at the time of childbirth. (翻译:从最基础的层次看, 我们能感受到出生时的精神. )

7. Elemental magic is neutral. (翻译:元素魔法是中立的 {\fs12\fscy100\1cH00FFFF}Elemental magic is neutral.)

8. Water elemental no longer costs dusts, 3 min cooldown and lasts 45 secs. (翻译:水元素不再需要魔粉,持续45秒,3分钟冷却。)

9. like golems , their animating force is spirit from the Elemental Plane of Earth that has been bound to the body via magic. (翻译:和魔像类似,它们的活动力来自于经由魔法与土元素位面相连接的灵魂。)

10. the alchemists were unable to accept the in convertible nature of elemental metals. (翻译:炼金术士是不会接受自然金属不可变化的性质的。)

11. sulfur compound into elemental sulfur in domestic and international reserch about bio-desulfurization. (翻译:介绍了近年来国内外硫化物生物氧化为单质硫的各种脱硫技术。)

12. Creatures trapped in the vortex cannot move except to go where the elemental carries them or to escape the vortex . (翻译:被漩涡困住的生物不能移动,只能随着水元素带着他们跑,除非逃离漩涡。)

13. Under special procedure, some organisms could metabolize Se to produce element selenium in the form of colloid nano red elemental Se (NS). (翻译:一定条件下,生物体对硒的代谢可产生红色纳米级胶体元素硒,传统认为,生物体内元素硒的合成是生物体解除硒毒性的有效机制。)

14. JH: Well, I love the idea that somewhere within this idea of fine motion and control with the traditional skills that you have with your hand, some sort of more elemental force gets revealed, and that's the beauty here. (翻译:JH: 我喜欢这个想法 在这个想法里 有着一些你双手可以控制的 传统技术, 里面夹带着正面的情绪和控制。一些掺杂各种元素的力量得到呈现, 而这正是它美丽之处。)

15. Let's leave them alone. At the end of the day, they performing an elemental fuction. You'll see, very soon we'll have pupies. (翻译:我们让它们去 一天结束了 它们该释放本能了 你等着瞧 很快我们就会有狗崽子)



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