socioeconomic是什么意思 socioeconomic的中文翻译、读音、例句

socioeconomic是什么意思 socioeconomic的中文翻译、读音、例句


'socioeconomic'通常是一个形容词,用来描述与社会和经济相关的事物。例如:socioeconomic disparities(社会经济的差异)、socioeconomic status(社会经济地位)等。

这个词通常用于描述人群、群体、组织、政策等方面的问题。例如:socioeconomic factors(社会经济因素)、socioeconomic development(社会经济发展)等。

常见的'socioeconomic'词组搭配包括:socioeconomic inequality(社会经济不平等)、socioeconomic mobility(社会经济流动性)、socioeconomic indicators(社会经济指标)等。






1. The socioeconomic status of a country greatly affects its development. (一个国家的社会经济地位极大地影响着它的发展。)

2. There is a wide socioeconomic gap between the rich and the poor in this city. (这座城市富贫差距很大。)

3. Many academic studies have been conducted on the relationship between education and socioeconomic outcomes. (很多学术研究都探讨了教育和社会经济结果之间的关系。)

socioeconomic通常被翻译为"社会经济的 、社会经济"的意思,作为形容词时有"学"的意思,发音音标为['sәuʃiәu,i:kә'nɔmik],在英语中以形容词出现较多,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到80个与socioeconomic相关的句子。



例句:What are the socioeconomic impacts of NCDs? (非传染性疾病造成的社会经济影响如何? )


例句:Rising male unemployment has been a feature of the socioeconomic change that many western countries have experienced in the last 30 years. (男性失业率上升是许多西方国家在过去xx年内经历的社会经济变革的一个特征。)


例句:But not you personally, but someone with similarly low socioeconomic prospects? (当然不是你本人,而是某个 和你一样没出息的家伙)


例句:Books level the playing field by exposing children of every socioeconomic background to words. (翻译:书籍通过让处于不同 社会经济环境的孩子接触文字, 从而创造一个公平的竞争环境。)


socioeconomic一般作为形容词使用,如在socioeconomic accounting(社会经济会计)、socioeconomic context(社经脉络)、socioeconomic data(社会经济数据)等常见短语中出现较多。

socioeconomic accounting社会经济会计
socioeconomic context社经脉络
socioeconomic data社会经济数据
socioeconomic development社会经济发展
socioeconomic factor社会经济因素
socioeconomic formation社会经济结构
socioeconomic grade社会经济等级
socioeconomic index社会经济指数[指标]
socioeconomic performance社会经济效益


1. But not you personally, but someone with similarly low socioeconomic prospects? (翻译:当然不是你本人,而是某个 和你一样没出息的家伙)

2. Books level the playing field by exposing children of every socioeconomic background to words. (翻译:书籍通过让处于不同 社会经济环境的孩子接触文字, 从而创造一个公平的竞争环境。)

3. But the decision to have a child and one's feelings about the future are deeply personal, and wrapped up in all sorts of cultural norms, religious beliefs, socioeconomic status, education levels and more. (翻译:但要不要孩子以及 一个人对未来的感受 是非常个人化的, 与各种文化规范, 宗教信仰、社会经济地位、 教育水平等因素密切相关。)

4. It affects virtually all ages, genders, and socioeconomic groups in both developed and developing countries. (翻译:它无形中影响了所有年龄,性别和社会阶层的人群, 无论是在发达国家还是发展中国家。)

5. But few cited other known causes of mental illness, like genetics, socioeconomic status, war, conflict or the loss of a loved one. (翻译:但是极少有人提到一些 已知的心理疾病的成因, 如遗传原因, 社会经济地位, 战争, 冲突, 或者失去心爱的人。)

6. This crime knows no age, gender or socioeconomic barrier. (翻译:这种犯罪没有年龄、 性别或社会经济的区别。)

7. What you have before you, gentlemen, is a demographic report, breaking down each of your territories by age and socioeconomic group. (翻译:各位,你们面前的 是一份地理报告 根据年纪,社会与经济团体 列出你们每个人的地盘)

8. Hector's political party stresses socioeconomic equality for all. (翻译:赫克特的政党 呼吁社会经济领域的全面平等)

9. You see, energy poverty exists within a complex socioeconomic and political context. (翻译:能源贫困是存在于 一个复杂的社会经济 与政治背景下的。)

10. History of xiayang modern emigration, not only change the socioeconomic formation of xiayang, but also established the connections between the oversea xiayang people and original xiayang people. (翻译:近现代以来的下洋海外移民史,不仅改变了下洋的社会经济形态,也使永定的“下洋人”与祖籍永定下洋的东南亚“下洋人”之间有了一条天然血脉联系的跨境网路。)

11. Stop being perplexed or confused or befuddled by the achievement gap, the income gap, the incarceration rates, or whatever socioeconomic disparity is the new "it" term for the moment. (翻译:不要再疑惑, 迷茫, 困惑, 因为成绩差距, 收入差距, 犯罪几率, 或者任何社会经济学中 表达不平等的术语。)

(翻译:然后他们会同情你的成长环境 还有你低下的社会地位 当你告诉他们的时候)

13. The surprising thing to me, as I learned this history, was that it spread not along socioeconomic lines but around cultural lines. (翻译:我在学习这段历史的时候, 令我惊讶的是, 导致这种趋势蔓延的并不是 社会科学的考量,而是文化的考量。)

14. For black Americans, stressors like racism and socioeconomic disparities put them at a 20 percent greater risk of developing a mental disorder, yet they seek mental health services at about half the rate of white Americans. (翻译:对于美国黑人而言, 来自种族歧视和 社会经济差异上的压力 使他们患上心理疾病的 几率要高20%, 然而他们寻求心理治疗的比例 仅仅达到美国白人的一半左右。)

15. It is precisely the special status of the bank in socioeconomic determines the specificity of the protection of bank claim. (翻译:正是由于银行在社会经济中的特殊地位,决定了银行债权保护的特殊性。)



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