kiwis是什么意思 kiwis的中文翻译、读音、例句

kiwis是什么意思 kiwis的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:kē wēi sī


1. New Zealand is famous for its kiwis. (新西兰以奇异果而闻名。)

2. I love to have kiwis as a healthy snack. (我喜欢把奇异果当作健康零食。)




例句:And in fact, the way that we can communicate today -- where Alaska is instantly knowing what's going on in China, and the Kiwis did this, and then over in England they tried to ... (事实上,当今世界的通讯技术如此发达, 身在阿拉斯加,就能立刻知道发生在中国的事情, 新西兰人正在做什么以及在英国人们正在打算干什么...)


例句:The government's political fortunes, already hit by the recession, might hinge on this disaster's long-term effect on Kiwis' finances. (该届政府的政治运途已在经济衰退中备受打击,极可能深陷于此次地震对财政造成的长期影响中难于自拔。)


例句:Most people usually say Australia which upsets the Kiwis. (大多数人都说澳大利亚 新西兰人听了就不高兴)


例句:a ratite bird order: flightless ground birds having vestigial wings and long bills and small eyes: kiwis. (翻译:一种平胸鸟目;小眼睛长嘴且翅膀已退化的不会飞的鸟类几维。)


1. Most people usually say Australia which upsets the Kiwis. (翻译:大多数人都说澳大利亚 新西兰人听了就不高兴)

2. a ratite bird order: flightless ground birds having vestigial wings and long bills and small eyes: kiwis. (翻译:一种平胸鸟目;小眼睛长嘴且翅膀已退化的不会飞的鸟类几维。)

3. You know, I'm used to sailing down under with the Kiwis, so everything is backwards. (翻译:我以前老是跟新西兰佬出海 所有的东西都是反方向的)

4. And in fact, the way that we can communicate today -- where Alaska is instantly knowing what's going on in China, and the Kiwis did this, and then over in England they tried to ... (翻译:事实上,当今世界的通讯技术如此发达, 身在阿拉斯加,就能立刻知道发生在中国的事情, 新西兰人正在做什么以及在英国人们正在打算干什么... )

5. Swiss billionaire Ernesto Berterelli is paying Coutts and five other Kiwis millions of dollars to race against their former teammates. (翻译:瑞士籍亿万富翁恩内斯特?伯第雷利付给库茨和五名其他新西兰人数百万美元,要他们和从前的队友同台竞技。)

6. Brits turned them away, Kiwis turned them away. (翻译:英国大使馆不肯收留他们 新西兰大使馆不肯收留他们)

7. Of course, birds can fly except Kiwis. (翻译:当然,除了几维鸟外,其他鸟都会飞。)

8. I get the kiwis in the shape of the animals, and I pretend I'm a lion, and I'm, like... (翻译:有动物形状的猕猴桃呢 我假装自己是大狮子 我就这样)

9. Now come on. Don't let the Kiwis beat you to the flagship. Take it up. (翻译:现在,注意点,不要让他们请你去旗舰,挂起来)

10. They include some species of duck and all species of penguin, secretive swamp dwellers and speedy ostriches, giant emus, and tiny kiwis. (翻译:这些鸟类包含了一些种群的鸭子 和全种类的企鹅, 以及秘密栖息在沼泽的鸟类、 快速移动的鸵鸟、 巨大的鸸鹋、小小的鹬鸵。)



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