boya是什么意思 boya的中文翻译、读音、例句

boya是什么意思 boya的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:Boya是一个名字,常见于中国汉族和少数民族的人名中。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 词组搭配:无特殊搭配。

4. 短语:无特殊短语。

5. 发音拼写:bó yá。


1. Boya同学是我们班的优秀学生之一。

2. Boya大妈是个很好相处的人。

3. 他的名字叫做Boya,是出自于古代故事中的角色。

4. 每次见到Boya,我总是会开心起来。

5. Boya的名字在少数民族中也很常见。


1. Boya is one of the excellent students in our class.

2. Boya auntie is a very easy-going person.

3. His name is Boya, which comes from a character in ancient stories.

4. Every time I see Boya, I always feel happy.

5. Boya's name is also common among ethnic minorities.

'Boya' 是西班牙语中的词语,意为“男孩”或“男人”。它通常用于描述男性的性别或年龄。


1. El boya juega en el parque. (男孩在公园里玩。)

2. Muchos boyas fueron a la fiesta. (许多男人去了派对。)

3. El boya mayor es el responsable del grupo. (年长的男孩负责小组。)

4. Me gusta hablar con los boyas mayores. (我喜欢和年长的男人聊天。)

5. El boya joven es muy inteligente. (年轻的男孩很聪明。)

6. Los boyas están construyendo una casa. (男人们在建造一座房子。)

7. El boya de mi hermana es muy guapo. (我姐姐的男朋友很帅。)

8. El boya del vecino es muy amable. (邻居家的男人很友好。)

9. Los boyas de la empresa trabajan duro todos los días. (公司的男员工每天都很努力。)

1. 中文翻译:波雅

读音:bō yǎ


Boya is a very noble name.

2. 中文翻译:博雅

读音:bó yǎ


Boya refers to the elegant, knowledgeable taste and cultivation in literature, music, painting, etc.

3. 中文翻译:伯雅

读音:bó yǎ


Boya, also known as Zizhen, was a famous scholar, writer, and poet in the Han dynasty.




例句:In 1993, his oil painting Around The House owned an excellent prize in Boya Oil Painting Competition. (年油画《屋前屋后》获博雅油画大赛优秀奖;)


例句:Boya from the land of Jin was a brilliant player and his friend Ziqi was his most appreciative audience (晋国人伯牙善于抚琴 而他的好朋友子期善于听琴)


例句:BoYa Design Studio is located at 1190 Hu Tai Road, Zha Bei District. (座落于闸北区沪太路1190号的创意设计艺术沙龙——博雅设计。)


例句:As I catch sight of the waves on the Weiming Lake or hear the bell ringing from the Boya Pagoda, pictures of the Lotus Pool and the Guangxiao Pagoda at sunset will frequently appear in my mind. (翻译:常常,看着未名湖水面的微波,听着博雅塔檐边的风铃,脑海里总会浮现出荷花池中的睡莲、光孝塔边的夕阳。)


boya一般作为名词使用,如在Boya(人名 西 贝宁 博亚)等常见短语中出现较多。

Boya人名 西 贝宁 博亚


1. BoYa Design Studio is located at 1190 Hu Tai Road, Zha Bei District. (翻译:座落于闸北区沪太路1190号的创意设计艺术沙龙——博雅设计。)

2. As I catch sight of the waves on the Weiming Lake or hear the bell ringing from the Boya Pagoda, pictures of the Lotus Pool and the Guangxiao Pagoda at sunset will frequently appear in my mind. (翻译:常常,看着未名湖水面的微波,听着博雅塔檐边的风铃,脑海里总会浮现出荷花池中的睡莲、光孝塔边的夕阳。)

3. When the train had gone, so were Li Boya's legs. Doctors decided to attach his severed left leg to the right stump. (翻译:火车驶离了,李博亚的双腿也没了。医生决定他的左脚移植到右腿上。)

4. Everyone on the team is working to help Li Boya's dream of becoming a railway policeman come true. (翻译:守护在李博亚身边的每个人都在为李博亚实现铁路警察的梦想而努力着。)

5. This is the instrument Boya... played to Ziqi The Qin (翻译:这就是当年伯牙弹奏给 子期听的时候用的乐器...)

6. "When Ziqi came, his understanding of music unlocked Boya's heart" "Mountains and rivers, everything became magic" (翻译:直到子期 闻琴解开伯牙心境 高山流水 风景似有灵悉)

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