brunello cucinelli是什么意思 brunello cucinelli的中文翻译、读音、例句

brunello cucinelli是什么意思 brunello cucinelli的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义

"brunello cucinelli"是一个意大利著名的奢侈品牌,主要经营高端男女装、鞋履、配饰以及家居装饰等产品。

2. 品牌历史

"brunello cucinelli"品牌成立于xx年,创始人Brunello Cucinelli先生致力于打造高品质的意大利制造品牌,并以其对羊毛的独特理解和对颜色的精湛运用而闻名于世。

3. 品牌特点

"brunello cucinelli"品牌的特点是以高品质的材料、精致的手工艺和简洁的设计风格为主打,主张追求优雅、高贵和时尚的生活方式。

4. 产品系列

"brunello cucinelli"品牌的产品系列包括男女装、鞋履、配饰、家居装饰等多个领域,其中羊绒制品是其最为知名的产品之一。

5. 市场影响力

"brunello cucinelli"品牌在国际时尚界拥有广泛影响力和高度认可度,其产品远销全球多个国家和地区,备受奢侈品爱好者和时尚精英追捧。


1. Brunello Cucinelli’s cashmere knitwear is the ultimate indulgence. (Brunello Cucinelli的羊绒针织衫是一种终极享受。)

2. The Brunello Cucinelli brand has become synonymous with luxury and elegance. (Brunello Cucinelli品牌已经成为奢华和优雅的代名词。)

3. Her outfit was completed with a pair of Brunello Cucinelli suede boots. (她的穿搭被Brunello Cucinelli的麂皮靴子完成。)

4. Brunello Cucinelli’s home decor line features exquisite craftsmanship and timeless design. (Brunello Cucinelli的家居装饰系列具有精湛的手工艺和永恒的设计。)

5. Many celebrities are fans of the Brunello Cucinelli brand, including George Clooney and Solange Knowles. (许多名人都是Brunello Cucinelli品牌的粉丝,包括乔治·克鲁尼和索兰奇·诺尔斯。)


读音:[brunelˈlo kuˈtʃiːnɛlli]

例句:Brunello Cucinelli是一家以生产高端男女服装和鞋子为主的意大利奢侈品品牌。

Translation: Brunello Cucinelli is an Italian luxury brand that specializes in high-end men's and women's clothing and shoes.

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