roots是什么意思 roots的中文翻译、读音、例句

roots是什么意思 roots的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 植物的根部


- The roots of the tree go deep into the soil.(这棵树的根深入土壤。)

- Carrots are a good source of vitamins and minerals because they have long, thick roots.(胡萝卜是维生素和矿物质的良好来源,因为它们有长而粗的根部。)

2. 音乐和文化的发源地


- New Orleans is known as the birthplace of jazz, and many musicians still draw on its rich musical roots.(新奥尔良是爵士音乐的发源地,许多音乐家仍然借鉴它丰富的音乐文化。)

- The blues has its roots in African-American history and culture.(布鲁斯音乐的起源可以追溯到非裔美国人的历史和文化。)

3. 计算机系统的根目录


- In Unix-based systems, the root directory is denoted by a forward slash (/).(在基于Unix的系统中,根目录用正斜杠(/)表示。)

- Some advanced users prefer to work in root mode in order to have full access to all system files.(一些高级用户喜欢在root模式下工作,以便完全访问所有系统文件。)

4. 家谱中的祖先


- My roots can be traced back to Ireland, where my great-grandfather was born.(我的家族可以追溯到爱尔兰,我的曾祖父就出生在那里。)

- African Americans often feel a strong connection to their roots in Africa, even if they have never visited the continent.(非裔美国人通常对他们在非洲的根有着强烈的联系,即使他们从未去过这个大陆。)


1. The roots of this tree are so strong that it won't topple over in a storm. (这棵树的根很强,风暴中也不会倒下。)

2. Reggae music has its roots in Jamaica and has become popular worldwide. (雷鬼音乐起源于牙买加,并已在全球范围内流行。)

3. You need to be careful when working in root mode, as you have access to all system files. (当您处于root模式时,需要小心,因为您可以访问所有系统文件。)

4. I am proud of my Scottish roots and visit the country whenever I can. (我对自己的苏格兰根源感到自豪,尽可能地经常去那里。)

5. In order to grow healthy plants, you need to ensure that their roots have enough water and nutrients. (为了种植健康的植物,需要确保它们的根部有足够的水和营养。)





1. My family roots can be traced back to Scotland. (我的家族可以追溯到苏格兰。)

2. The problem has deep roots in our society. (这个问题在我们的社会中有深刻的根源。)

3. The roots of this tree go very deep into the ground. (这棵树的根系深入地下。)




例句:When the roots become trees underground, the trees are also roots overground. (当根渐渐成了地下的树,树也就成了地上的根。)


例句:Zeresenay Alemseged looks for humanity's roots (Zeresenay Alemseged 找寻人类的起源)


例句:I'm proud of my Italian roots. (我为我的意大利血统感到骄傲。)


例句:- How do you take care of all the roots? (翻译:你们怎么处理它们的根? How do you take care of all the roots?)


roots一般作为名词、动词使用,如在roots for(v. 声援)、the roots(根源)、to the roots(认真地;充分地;竭力地,拼命地;彻底地,完全地)等常见短语中出现较多。

roots forv. 声援
the roots根源
to the roots认真地;充分地;竭力地,拼命地;彻底地,完全地
diminution of roots减根法
double roots二重根
edible roots食用块根
distinct roots相异根,不等根
equal roots等根
Encke roots恩克根


1. I'm proud of my Italian roots. (翻译:我为我的意大利血统感到骄傲。)

2. - How do you take care of all the roots? (翻译:你们怎么处理它们的根? How do you take care of all the roots?)

3. Biological roots of paternalism. (翻译:家长式管理的生物根源。)

4. Supposedly, it has its roots in his work with vita-radiation. (翻译:据称 它和他对生命辐射的研究相关 Supposedly, it has its roots in his work with vita -radiation.)

5. I have deep roots in this city, in this country, and (翻译:我是土生土长的芝加哥人 我深深扎根于这座城市 这个国家)

6. The roots are the Dune of Herbert. But this Dune is us. (翻译:『沙丘』的根基来自赫伯特 但是这『沙丘』属于我们所有的人。)

7. His living room is like an exhibition hall of carved roots and the balcony serves as his workroom; even his footstools are made of roots. (翻译:史天柱家的客厅像是一个根艺的陈列馆,阳台是他的操作间,连坐的小凳子都是用树根做成的。)

8. The Canaanite roots of Israel's ancestors are clear. (翻译:以色列祖先的迦南根源是非常清楚的。)

9. I am proud of my Brazilian roots. (翻译:我为自己的巴西血统而自豪。)

10. The pawl type bamboo roots grab was designed. (翻译:竹爪式竹根挖掘机方案设计。)

11. ...given them roots and now they can... (翻译:给予了他们根脉 现在他们可以... Given them roots and now they can...)

12. The trees that line these sand rivers send roots down over 30 metres to tap water that lies deep beneath the river bed. (翻译:沿沙河生长的树木 {\3cH202020}The trees that line these sand rivers 根系深扎30多米 {\3cH202020}send roots down over 30 metres)

13. Like it or not, your roots are here, Claire. (翻译:喜欢也好,不喜欢也好,克莱尔,你的根在这儿。)

14. Partnering with these roots are symbiotic fungi called mycorrhizae. (翻译:与这些树根相配合的是共生真菌, 称为菌根。)

15. His roots here are too deep. (翻译:他在这里扎根太深 His roots here are too deep.)



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