rpv是什么意思 rpv的中文翻译、读音、例句

rpv是什么意思 rpv的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. RPV可以指代“Remote Piloted Vehicle”,即远程无人机。这里的RPV是一个缩写词,其中Remote表示无线电遥控,Piloted表示有驾驶员,Vehicle表示载人载物的交通工具。


词组搭配:operate an RPV(操作一个RPV)、RPV technology(RPV技术)


发音拼写:[ˌɑ:r pi: ˈvi:]


- The RPV is equipped with advanced sensors and cameras to conduct surveillance tasks.


- The military uses RPV to gather intelligence and conduct reconnaissance missions.


2. RPV也可以指“Reactor Pressure Vessel”,即反应堆压力容器。这里的RPV是一个缩写词,其中Reactor表示反应堆,Pressure表示压力,Vessel表示容器。


词组搭配:RPV core(RPV芯)、RPV steel(RPV钢)


发音拼写:[rɪˈæktər ˈprɛʃɚ ˈvɛsəl]


- The RPV is a critical component of a nuclear power plant.


- The RPV steel must be able to withstand extreme pressure and high temperatures.


3. RPV还可以指“Relative Pronoun Variable”,即相对代词变量。这里的RPV是一个缩写词,其中Relative Pronoun表示相对代词,Variable表示变量。


词组搭配:RPV syntax(RPV语法)、RPV analysis(RPV分析)


发音拼写:[ˈrɛlətɪv ˈpronoʊn ˈvɛrɪəbl]


- The RPV syntax plays an important role in sentence structure.


- The RPV analysis helps to identify the function of relative pronouns in a sentence.


4. RPV还可以指“Retinal Pigment Epithelium”,即视网膜色素上皮。这里的RPV是一个缩写词,其中Retinal表示视网膜的,Pigment表示色素,Epithelium表示上皮。


词组搭配:RPV function(RPV功能)、RPV disease(RPV疾病)


发音拼写:[ˈrɛtnl ˈpɪɡmənt ɛpəˈθiliəm]


- The RPV plays a crucial role in the visual process.


- RPV diseases can cause vision loss and blindness.


5. RPV也可以指“Relative Point Value”,即相对分值。这里的RPV是一个缩写词,其中Relative表示相对的,Point Value表示分值。


词组搭配:RPV system(RPV系统)、RPV scoring(RPV评分)


发音拼写:[rɪˈleɪtɪv pɔɪnt ˈvælju]


- The RPV system is used to determine the relative value of different tasks.


- The RPV scoring is based on the difficulty and importance of each task.


6. RPV还可以指“Reverse Power Value”,即逆功率值。这里的RPV是一个缩写词,其中Reverse Power表示逆功率,Value表示值。


词组搭配:RPV protection(RPV保护)、RPV detection(RPV检测)


发音拼写:[rɪˈvɜrs ˈpaʊər ˈvælju]


- The RPV protection system will automatically shut down the reactor if the RPV detection system detects an abnormality.


- The RPV detection system can detect very small changes in reverse power value.


7. RPV还可以指“Reduced Pressure Volume”,即减压容积。这里的RPV是一个缩写词,其中Reduced Pressure表示减压,Volume表示容积。


词组搭配:RPV calculation(RPV计算)、RPV measurement(RPV测量)


发音拼写:[rɪˈduzd ˈprɛʃər ˈvɑljum]


- The RPV calculation is used to determine the volume of gas released during a pressure relief event.


- The RPV measurement is important for ensuring the safety of pressure relief systems.


RPV是英语中的缩写,全称为Remote Piloted Vehicle,翻译为远程无人机,是一种可以通过遥控器控制的机器人飞行器。RPV主要用于空中侦察、监视和情报收集等领域,具有灵活性高、速度快、隐蔽性强的优点。


1. The military uses RPVs for reconnaissance and surveillance. (军队使用RPV进行侦察和监视。)

2. The RPV flew over the target area and captured high-definition images. (RPV飞越目标区域并捕捉高清图像。)

3. The RPV was equipped with a camera, which transmitted real-time video to the control station. (RPV装备了摄像头,可以将实时视频传输到控制站。)

4. The RPV provided valuable intelligence for the military operation. (RPV为军事行动提供了有价值的情报。)

5. The RPV can fly at high altitudes, making it difficult to detect. (RPV可以飞行在高空,很难被发现。)

6. The RPV was used to survey the damage caused by the natural disaster. (RPV被用于勘测自然灾害造成的损害。)

7. The RPV operator controlled the flight path of the drone remotely. (RPV操作员通过遥控器远程控制飞机的飞行路径。)

8. The RPV has revolutionized the way we gather information about our surroundings. (RPV已经彻底改变了我们获取周围信息的方式。)

9. The RPV is equipped with GPS navigation and can fly autonomously. (RPV配备有GPS导航系统,可以自主飞行。)


读音:rén pīng wǔ


1. 这架RPV可以执行无人机打击任务。

This RPV can execute drone strike missions.

2. 随着技术的进步,RPV已经成为现代军事中不可或缺的一部分。

With the advancement of technology, RPV has become an indispensable part of modern warfare.




例句:The improvements of RPV are put forward, and the new sending mechanism of query messages is given. (提出了对RPV的改进策略,并给出了相应的查询消息发送机制。)


例句:Transient Temperature in Downcomer of RPV during Safety Injection (反应堆压力容器下降环腔在有安全注入流动时的瞬态温度变化)


例句:CONCLUSION RPV fat pad RFA decreases the induction of AF at the HRA, while increases the induction at the left atria and the RSPV. (结论消融右肺静脉脂肪垫使高位右心房房颤诱发率降低及房颤诱发窗口变窄,却使左房、右上肺静脉房颤诱发率升高及房颤诱发窗口增宽。)


例句:Specifically, the RPV of a development effort is calculated as a call option to buy the benefits of the completed project. (翻译:明确地讲,开发工作的RPV是按照购买完整项目的利益的需求选择计算的。)


rpv一般作为名词使用,如在rpv and internals(反应器槽和内部)、rpv head(反应器槽顶?)、rpv insultation(反应器槽绝热)等常见短语中出现较多。

rpv and internals反应器槽和内部
rpv head反应器槽顶?
rpv insultation反应器槽绝热
rpv templates反应器槽模板
RPV bottom head应堆压力容器底封头


1. CONCLUSION RPV fat pad RFA decreases the induction of AF at the HRA, while increases the induction at the left atria and the RSPV. (翻译:结论消融右肺静脉脂肪垫使高位右心房房颤诱发率降低及房颤诱发窗口变窄,却使左房、右上肺静脉房颤诱发率升高及房颤诱发窗口增宽。)

2. Specifically, the RPV of a development effort is calculated as a call option to buy the benefits of the completed project. (翻译:明确地讲,开发工作的RPV是按照购买完整项目的利益的需求选择计算的。)

3. Specifically, the RPV of a development effort is calculated as a call option to buy the benefits of the completed project. (翻译:明确地讲,开发工作的RPV是按照购买完整项目的利益的需求选择计算的。)

4. Design and Technical Study of RPV Adapter Weld in Qinshan Phase II Project (翻译:秦山二期工程反应堆压力容器管座焊接设计和工艺研究)

5. An Motive Adaptive Fuzzy Control for an Engine of the RPV Based on Independent Flight (翻译:基于自主飞行的小型无人机动力自适应模糊控制)

6. Ageing of RPV and primary circuit piping materials for NPP with WWER during a design operation time WWER (翻译:核电厂在设计运行期间内的反应堆压力容器和一回路管道材料的老化)

7. The Problem on Nonlinear Filtering in the Homing Guidance of RPV While Target moving at the Rate of Acceleration (翻译:目标做加速运动时飞行器末制导中非线性滤波问题研究)

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