artefact是什么意思 artefact的中文翻译、读音、例句

artefact是什么意思 artefact的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:archaeological artefact(考古文物)、cultural artefact(文化文物)、historical artefact(历史文物)等。




1. The museum has a collection of artefacts from ancient civilizations around the world.(博物馆收藏有来自世界各地古代文明的文物。)

2. The archaeologists found several artefacts in the excavation site that date back to the Bronze Age.(考古学家在挖掘现场发现了几件可以追溯到青铜时代的文物。)

3. The cultural artefacts on display at the exhibition were breathtaking.(展览上展出的文化文物让人惊艳。)

4. The historical artefacts that were recovered from the shipwreck shed new light on maritime trade in ancient times.(从沉船中找回的历史文物为古代海洋贸易提供了新的见解。)

5. The artefact was carefully restored by a team of experts before being put on display at the museum.(文物在放置于博物馆展览前,被一组专家小心翼翼地修复。)




1. 这个博物馆展出了很多古代文物。

The museum exhibits many ancient artefacts.

2. 她喜欢收集手工艺品,她的房间里挂满了各种各样的装饰品。

She enjoys collecting artefacts and her room is filled with various decorations.

3. 这个考古队在沙漠里找到了许多人类早期创造的人工制品。

The archaeological team found many artefacts created by early human civilizations in the desert.




例句:The only known artefact of this journey is the journal of the ship's first mate, which was discovered among the artefacts of pirates on L'ile Sainte Marie seven years later. (这趟旅程唯一知名的艺品 就是该艘船大副的日志 xx年后该日志在圣玛莉号上的 海盗收藏品中)


例句:So why does a black market antiquities dealer give up a rare Civil War artefact? (这个黑市古董商究竟是为了什么 而放弃了有关内战的珍贵证据)


例句:'There's the difference between art and artefact. (艺术品与人工制品之间存在着差异。)


例句:The Rosetta Stone is arguably the most famous archaeological artefact ever discovered. (翻译:罗塞塔石碑可以说是迄今为止发现的最著名的考古文物。)


1. 'There's the difference between art and artefact. (翻译:艺术品与人工制品之间存在着差异。)

2. The Rosetta Stone is arguably the most famous archaeological artefact ever discovered. (翻译:罗塞塔石碑可以说是迄今为止发现的最著名的考古文物。)

3. - It's a mechanical arm that rotates the artefact through every angle in the spectrum. (翻译:- 它是个机械臂 能旋转人造物到光谱中的任意角度)

4. I wouldn't want you to miss the part which requires the immediate surrender of the artefact to me. (翻译:其中有一项要求你必须明白 你要立即将人造物交给我)

5. However, this leads to higher spectral bandwidths, which increases the chemical shift artefact. (翻译:然而,这会导致更高的频谱带宽,增加了化学位移宝物。)

6. Apparently this is a genuine artefact from the National Football Museum in Preston. (翻译:显然 它是来自Preston国家足球博物馆 一件天然的工艺品)

7. The respond is simply money. As a superb artefact to tax, tobacco means zillions of green backs to governments. (翻译:答案就是钱。如同一个好商品要上税,烟草就意味着给政府上百万的钱。)

8. Detox can take a year or more but the end result is a relatively stable historic artefact that would otherwise have been lost. (翻译:排毒可以采取xx年或以上,但最终的结果是一个相对稳定的历史遗物,否则将被丢失。)

9. Features like artefact categorization, search, collaboration and scenario testing before deployment are supported. (翻译:支持对交付件的分类、检索、协作和部署前的场景测试等特性。)

10. The artefact, made of gold, symbolises a mythical octopus with eight tentacles and a stylised human head displaying cat- like features . (翻译:这件由纯金制成的手工艺品绘有一只虚构的具有八只触角的章鱼,以及一个当地常见的看上去类似于猫的人头图案。)

11. That's weird 'cos when I cleaned the artefact the dirt was registering high levels of selenium as well. (翻译:那可奇怪了 当我清理人造物时 尘土中的硒含量也很高)

12. The keypad is a vestige of the rotary dial, which itself is an artefact of the switch from human operators to direct-dialling in the 1920s. (翻译:数字键盘演变自转盘拨号器,而转盘拨号器则是xx年代人工接线员向直接拨号转变的产物。)

13. We have the artefact, control of the anomalies. Think of the power. (翻译:我们拥有人造物 异常点控制器 想想那有多么强大)

14. An error functional map is generated corresponding to the difference between the measured and known dimensions of the artefact. (翻译:生成对应于所述样品测量的值和其已知尺寸之间差值的误差函数对应关系。)

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