fortuner是什么意思 fortuner的中文翻译、读音、例句

fortuner是什么意思 fortuner的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. Fortuner作为名词时,它可能代表一种汽车或者具有幸运或成功的人。


- Toyota Fortuner SUV has been launched in India.

(丰田Fortuner SUV在印度推出了。)

- He's always been a fortuner in life and business.


2. Fortuner作为动词时,它的意思是预测将来或者猜测。


- It's hard to fortuner what the weather will be like in the coming days.


- I can only fortuner what my boss will say when he sees these numbers.


3. Fortuner作为缩写词时,它可能表示一些专业术语或组织名称。


- FORTUNER(全称:Forecasting and Tracking Undernutrition Rates Network)是一个旨在改善全球饥饿问题的组织。

- Fortuner是一个广告公司的品牌名称。


4. Fortuner作为形容词时,它的含义是有幸运的、成功的、有财富的。


- He's a fortuner businessman who has made a lot of money.


- She was a fortuner athlete who won a gold medal at the Olympics.






1. He is a fortuner, everything he does seems to turn out well.


2. Our success was not due to luck, but to our hard work and dedication. We are not just fortuners.





例句:Now she got a piano tuner, but she couldn't get a new piano. (她找到了个钢琴调音师, 但她弄不到新钢琴。)


1. Mr. turner, you're on my turf, and I know publishing. (翻译:Tuner先生,你在多管闲事 我懂得出版业)

2. Single-query tuning and query formatting, as well as the larger set of advisors, are available in Optim Query Tuner. (翻译:可用于OptimQueryTuner的单查询调优和查询格式、以及较大的顾问集。)

3. Integrated internal HDTV tuner for OTA broadcasts. (翻译:内部集成空中传送频道的高清电视调谐器。)

4. If you must use an electronic tuner, use it only to help you divide the notes of the scale in the middle of your keyboard. (翻译:如果您必须使用一台电子调音器,记得它只能帮您调好键盘中间的音调。)

5. The first tuner semiconductors, RF transistors and diodes, used supply voltages of as high as 12 to 15V. (翻译:第一代的调谐器芯片、射频晶体管和二极管需要高达12至15伏的供电电压。)

6. The piano needs tuning and I'm an old blind sick piano tuner. (翻译:必须要去 这也是为了生活 我眼睛不好使并且贫穷)

7. In 2005, Lyles, a Duke University engineering graduate and an avid guitarist, built his first tuner out of plywood, two screws, a skateboard bearing and some spare guitar parts. (翻译:xx年,杜克大学工程系研究生同时也是一位极具热情的吉他手,莱尔斯,用胶合板、两个螺旋、一个滑板轴承和一些备用吉他部件制作了他的第一个调音器。)

8. We're only days away from an omelet chef and a piano tuner. (翻译:再过几天,我们就会有 煎蛋师和钢琴调音师了。)

9. German tuner of British cars, Arden, has created a new special edition MINI to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Equipe. (翻译:德国调谐器的英国车,雅顿,创造了一个新的特别版Mini,以庆祝40周年实验室。)

10. The tuner is for QAM demodulation and error-correcting decoding functions. (翻译:其中,QAM解调和解码功能由一体化高频头来实现。)

11. The big LCD screen is perfect for you to watch the high definition movies from its built-in HDTV tuner or HD-DVD drive. (翻译:大液晶显示屏幕是十全十美的,让大家观看高清晰度电影,从它的内置式高清晰度电视调谐器或hddvd驱动器。)

12. Tuner connection with the feeder perennial exposed, to use the GSB sealant or epoxy seal. (翻译:高频头与馈线的连接处常年暴露在外,宜用GSB密封胶或环氧树脂密封。)

13. Your computer has a tuner installed, but it has not been configured for use with Windows Media Center. (翻译:您的计算机已安装了调谐器,但尚未配置为用于WindowsMediaCenter。)

14. Query Tuner also provides index advice. (翻译:Query Tuner还提供索引建议。)

15. It's stock is expected to plummet when trading resumes. (翻译:贸易一开始,股价将直线下跌. -你说对了, Tuner.)

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