siege是什么意思 siege的中文翻译、读音、例句

siege是什么意思 siege的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:围攻,围城;封锁,包围

2. 词性:名词,动词

3. 词组搭配:lift the siege 解围;under siege 被围攻;break the siege 突破重围;besiege with requests 大量请求;siege mentality 围城心态

4. 短语:put a city under siege 包围城市;lay siege to 围攻

5. 发音拼写:/siːdʒ/

6. 中英例句:

- The city was under siege for months before the defenders finally surrendered.


- The demonstrators besieged the government building, demanding the resignation of the governor.


- The company was besieged with calls from angry customers.


- The refugees were under siege, with no access to food or water.


- The team faced a siege of injuries during the season, making it difficult to win games.





1. The enemy troops laid siege to the city and cut off all supply lines.(敌军围攻了这座城市,并切断了所有的补给线。)

2. The castle was under siege for three months before finally surrendering.(这座城堡被围攻了三个月后才最终投降。)

3. The army had to use siege engines like catapults and trebuchets to break through the walls.(军队不得不使用像投石机、攻城槌这样的攻城器械来突破城墙。)

4. During the siege, the defenders dug tunnels to sneak out of the city and gather supplies.(在围攻期间,防御方挖了隧道从城外偷偷溜出来采集补给。)

5. The siege was lifted after reinforcements arrived from the neighboring city.(增援部队从相邻城市赶来后,围攻被解除了。)

6. The army set up a blockade to prevent any supplies from getting to the besieged city.(军队建立了封锁线,阻止任何补给进入被围攻的城市。)

7. The citizens of the city suffered greatly during the long siege, with many dying from starvation and disease.(在长时间的围攻期间,城市居民遭受了巨大的苦难,许多人死于饥饿和疾病。)

8. The defenders fought fiercely during the siege, but eventually ran out of ammunition and had to surrender.(在围攻期间,防御方进行了顽强的抵抗,但最终弹药用尽不得不投降。)

9. The siege ended in a stalemate, with both sides unable to make any progress for months on end.(围攻进入僵局,双方数月来都无法取得任何进展。)

siege的意思是围攻,封锁。读音为 [siːdʒ]。


1. The army laid siege to the city.


2. The rebels were under siege for several months before surrendering.


3. The siege caused a shortage of food and other supplies.


siege在中文中有"包围 、不断的攻击"的意思,其次还有"围攻"的意思,发音音标为[si:dʒ],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到87个与siege相关的句子。



例句:This prolonged siege would be Christophe’s first encounter with violent revolution. (这场旷日持久的围攻 将是克利斯朵夫 第一次遇到暴力革命。)


例句:The siege of Gaza might not look like the siege of Stalingrad, but a siege it is. (对加沙的封锁也许并不同于斯大林格勒封锁,却也是一次围困。)


例句:Car makers are under siege and vilified for taking the company jet to a mandated government performance . (汽车制造商们因乘坐商务飞机去赴指定的政府公务而受到诋毁,陷于困境。)


例句:Unspirited, un-African, uncultured, under siege in the streets. (翻译:想令她失去灵魂, 不像非洲人,丢失文化, 想令她在街头流浪。)


siege一般作为名词、动词使用,如在furnace siege(窑底,炉底,炉床)、laid siege([网络] 围困)、lay siege([网络] 围困)等常见短语中出现较多。

furnace siege窑底,炉底,炉床
laid siege[网络] 围困
lay siege[网络] 围困
laying siege[网络] 围困
lays siege[网络] 围困
raise a siege[网络] 停止包围
raise the siege解除围困
siege artillery攻城炮
siege battery[军] 攻城炮兵连
siege block窑底大砖


1. Car makers are under siege and vilified for taking the company jet to a mandated government performance . (翻译:汽车制造商们因乘坐商务飞机去赴指定的政府公务而受到诋毁,陷于困境。)

2. Unspirited, un-African, uncultured, under siege in the streets. (翻译:想令她失去灵魂, 不像非洲人,丢失文化, 想令她在街头流浪。)

3. The town capitulated after a three-week siege. (翻译:这座城镇被围困三个星期后投降了。)

4. One cannot maintain a siege with the enemy behind. (翻译:和充足的水源 我方围城而敌方从后袭击时... One cannot maintain a siege with the enemy behind.)

5. And the name of a man unspoken since before the siege of Troy. (翻译:还有从特洛伊围城前 便从未说起的一个男人的名字)

6. Remotes, timers, they teach this in first year with siege tactics. (翻译:遥控,计时器, 好像又回到受训的第xx年技术课)

7. The Targaryens built this city to withstand a siege and to provide escape if necessary. (翻译:坦格里安人为了对抗围困修建此城 必要时也可用来逃跑)

8. The siege, the wars, the bombs, the protests or the death toll. (翻译:包围,战争,炸弹,抗议 或是死亡统计。)

9. Any intel to support the DEA theory that Escobar is behind the Palace of Justice siege? (翻译:缉毒局称埃斯科瓦尔指使了正义殿混战 Any intel to support the DEA theory 有能支持该理论的情报吗 that Escobar is behind the Palace of Justice siege?)

10. They will stop only to avoid hitting their own siege towers as they come in. (翻译:直到攻城塔接近城墙后... They will stop only to avoid hitting their own siege towers as they come in.)

11. As you know, Hazreti Eyyupjoined the siege of Konstaniyyah... with the Moslem army. (翻译:正如你所知道的 Hazreti Eyyup参与了对Konstaniyyah的围攻 和穆斯林军队一起)

12. So, after 242 days ended the siege of Tobruk. (翻译:经历了242天的苦战后, 对托布鲁克的围困终于解除了.)

13. He captained the siege of Berlin. (翻译:他指挥了围攻柏林的战役。)

14. During a 4 and a half month siege of the city by Prussian forces. (翻译:当巴黎被德军围困了四个半月的时候 我们负责飞鸽传书)

15. We fought side by side one afternoon. (翻译:The siege of Pyke. We fought side by side one afternoon.)



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