drupal是什么意思 drupal的中文翻译、读音、例句

drupal是什么意思 drupal的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:Drupal是一种基于PHP编程语言的开源内容管理系统(CMS),用于构建和管理网站和应用程序。

2. 词性:Drupal是一个名词。

3. 常用场景:Drupal被广泛用于建立各种类型的网站和应用程序,包括企业门户网站、政府门户网站、社交网络、电子商务网站等。

4. 词组搭配:Drupal社区、Drupal模块、Drupal主题、Drupal开发、Drupal网站、Drupal管理等。

5. 相关短语:Drupal CMS、Drupal框架、Drupal商店、Drupal核心等。

6. 发音拼写:Drupal的发音为[druːpəl],拼写为D-r-u-p-a-l。







例句:At the time of this writing, the link field formatter defined by the Drupal Link module doesn't support microdata, but you can change that. (在撰写本文之际,DrupalLink模块定义的链接字段格式器还不支持微数据,可以改变这一点。)


例句:There is a easy-to-use module in Drupal called the Webform that allows you to create virtually any type of form. (Drupal中有一个很容易使用的Webform模块,可以使用它创建任何类型的表单。)


例句:So given this, we would typically search the directory under which Drupal is installed for instances of function theme_ [TFN]. (根据这个过程,我们通常会搜索安装Drupal的目录,寻找theme _ [tfn]函数。)


例句:For a specific theme, certain content elements, provided by Drupal to be used by a theme, can be enabled or disabled. (翻译:对于特定的主题,可以启用或禁用Drupal提供给主题使用的内容元素。)


1. So given this, we would typically search the directory under which Drupal is installed for instances of function theme_ [TFN]. (翻译:根据这个过程,我们通常会搜索安装Drupal的目录,寻找theme _ [tfn]函数。)

2. For a specific theme, certain content elements, provided by Drupal to be used by a theme, can be enabled or disabled. (翻译:对于特定的主题,可以启用或禁用Drupal提供给主题使用的内容元素。)

3. Through this series we made friends in the Drupal community, and we also made contacts at IBM where we found a number of Drupal users. (翻译:通过编写这个系列,我们在Drupal社区中结识了不少朋友,还与IBM中的许多Drupal用户建立了联系。)

4. We were all very excited with the apparent growth in the number of women in the Drupal community. (翻译:Drupal社区妇女人数有了明显的增长,我们都非常激动。)

5. EJH: Front End Drupal - my first book with a Real Publisher - has been a fantastic journey. I love teaching. (翻译:前端Drupal-我第一本正式出版的书-它讲述了一段奇妙的旅程。)

6. Strix is a theme specifically designed for the Drupal administration pages. It is built as a sub theme of Zen (翻译:Strix是专门为Drupal设计的一个管理主题。)

7. Strix is a theme specifically designed for the Drupal administration pages. It is built as a sub theme of zen. (翻译:Strix是专门为Drupal设计的一个管理主题。)

8. If you add microdata to a field formatter for your own project, you can contribute that work back to the Drupal community. (翻译:如果您在自己的项目中给字段格式器添加微数据,您可以将这些成果反馈给Drupal社区。)

9. Drupal 5's database update page. (翻译:Drupal 5的数据库更新页面。)

10. So given this, we would typically search the directory under which Drupal is installed for instances of function theme_[TFN]. (翻译:根据这个过程,我们通常会搜索安装Drupal的目录,寻找theme_[TFN]函数。)

11. By default, Drupal applies style through the styles.css file in the misc directory. (翻译:在默认情况下,drupal会通过misc目录中的styles . css文件应用样式。)

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