utc是什么意思 utc的中文翻译、读音、例句

utc是什么意思 utc的中文翻译、读音、例句


UTC是协调世界时(Coordinated Universal Time)的缩写。它是国际标准时间,基于原子钟的独立国际时间标准,以秒为基础,根据地球自转的变化进行微调,以确保为全球各地的人们提供相同的时间标准。以下是三个展开说明UTC的方面:

1. UTC的用途:UTC主要用于计算机系统,金融交易,科学实验和航空航天等领域,以确保全球人员在进行相关活动时都具有相同的时间基准。

2. UTC与时区的关系:UTC是世界上所有时区的基础时间,将所有地点的时间都基于UTC进行调整。例如,北京时间是UTC+8,而纽约时间是UTC-5。

3. UTC的特点:UTC是以原子钟为基础的高精度时间标准。它比其它时间标准更稳定和可预测,因为它不受地球自转的影响而变化。


1. The satellite’s atomic clock was synchronized to UTC before it was launched.(卫星的原子钟在发射前已经同步到UTC。)

2. The research team needed to synchronize their data using UTC in order to accurately compare results.(为了准确比较结果,研究团队需要使用UTC同步他们的数据。)

3. The international conference call was scheduled for 2pm UTC on Monday.(国际会议电话定于周一UTC下午2点。)

4. Flight schedules are based on UTC, so be sure to check the time difference when booking your ticket.(航班时间表是基于UTC计算的,所以在预订机票时一定要注意时间差。)

5. The bank’s transactions are time-stamped using UTC to avoid confusion and discrepancies.(为了避免混淆和差异,银行的交易记录都是使用UTC时间戳标记的。)

UTC是协调世界时(Coordinated Universal Time)的缩写,是国际标准化组织(ISO)确定的世界标准时间,也是世界上所使用的最为广泛的时间标准之一。




1. The timestamp is in UTC format.


2. The satellite sends signals to ground stations around the world using precise UTC time.





例句:Yuri Gagarin, 3KA capsule into orbit at 6:07 UTC. (xx年xx月xx日第一个上太空的人类加加林 加加林3KA太空舱在世界标准时间6: 07进入轨道)


例句:The UTC is also a Web-based test solution. (UTC 同样是一个基于 Web 的测试方案。)


例句:The preferred option is to keep it in UTC because then daylight savings can be automatically accounted for. (推荐的选项是用UTC记录,因为夏令时可以自动记录。)


例句:Dr. Miranda North, quarantine officer, 23:20 UTC. (翻译:Miranda North博士, 检疫官,国际时间 23: 20)


1. The preferred option is to keep it in UTC because then daylight savings can be automatically accounted for. (翻译:推荐的选项是用UTC记录,因为夏令时可以自动记录。)

2. Dr. Miranda North, quarantine officer, 23:20 UTC. (翻译:Miranda North博士, 检疫官,国际时间 23: 20)

3. Run and test the EJB in the UTC. (翻译:在UT c中运行并测试ejb。)

4. But moving production to other countries can be costly, can expose UTC to currency fluctuations and is a lengthy process, says Mr. Hayes. (翻译:但海斯也说,将生产转移至其它国家的成本也很高,联合技术公司还会受到汇率波动的影响,搬迁也是一个漫长的过程。)

5. The fuel cells are still "not inexpensive, " says Michael Glynn, communication and marketing manager at UTC Power. (翻译:UTCPower公司的交际及销售经理迈克尔•格林说,燃料电池依然不“便宜”。)

6. Since MLSD directory listing includes file modified time in UTC, so it's very useful for FTP client to converts remote file's timestamp to your Local time when synchronize folders. (翻译:由于MLSD目录列表包含UTC格式的文件修改时间,因此这对于FTP客户端非常有用,当需要同步目录时,它可转换远程文件的时间戳到你的本地时间。)

7. The UTC time stamp in seconds will need to be converted into a more meaningful current date time stamp. (翻译:以秒为单位的UTC时间戳需要转换为更有意义的日期时间戳。)

8. UTC The new server has no problems keeping up with the load of the new users, so we will open up for another 2000. Have a nice weekend. (翻译:新服务器完全可以满足新增用户的负载,我将再开放2000个注册名额。周末快乐。)



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