twit是什么意思 twit的中文翻译、读音、例句

twit是什么意思 twit的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:TWiT是This Week in Tech的缩写,意为“本周科技新闻”,是一档科技新闻和评论的播客节目。TWiT还可以指代,一个由Leo Laporte创建的独立的Podcast和视频网络。


- TWiT是我最喜欢的科技新闻节目之一。

TWiT is one of my favorite tech news shows.

- 他们最近在TWiT上谈论了最新的iPhone版面设计。

They recently discussed the latest iPhone layout design on TWiT.

2. 内容:TWiT内容涉及科技新闻、电子产品评测、专业技术人士分享、技术趋势研究等方面。该节目聚集了一批熟知科技行业的名人和专业人士,他们的讨论有助于听众了解行业动态和技术趋势。


- 我经常收听TWiT,学习最新的科技趋势和产品评测。

I often listen to TWiT to learn about the latest tech trends and product reviews.

- Leo Laporte在TWiT上的讨论总是很有见地。

Leo Laporte's discussions on TWiT are always insightful.

3. 影响:TWiT在科技行业和数字媒体领域享有很高的声誉和影响力。其节目被广泛传播和分享,影响着数百万听众和观众的生活和工作。


- TWiT对数字媒体行业有着深刻的影响。

TWiT has a profound influence on the digital media industry.

- TWiT聚集了一批知名的科技专家和博主,他们的评论和预测经常被引用和转载。

TWiT brings together a group of well-known tech experts and bloggers whose comments and predictions are often quoted and reposted.

4. 反响:TWiT面向广大听众和观众,引发了很多讨论和反响。有些听众和观众对其内容和风格表示支持和赞赏,而有些则对其评论和观点持不同意见。


- 我喜欢TWiT的风格,它很风趣和幽默。

I like TWiT's style, it's witty and humorous.

- 有些听众批评TWiT缺乏深度和创新,只是机械地报导科技新闻。

Some listeners criticize TWiT for lacking depth and innovation, and merely reporting on tech news mechanically.



1. Stop being such a twit and focus on the task at hand.(别那么蠢,集中注意力完成任务。)

2. He's always acting like a twit around his friends.(他总是在朋友面前表现得像个傻瓜。)

3. The comedian made fun of the twits in the audience.(喜剧演员嘲笑了在观众席上表现愚蠢的人。)




例句:- You fat twit, why are you bullying her? (你这胖小子,为什么欺侮她? 爸爸,你抓他)


例句:They found some raunchy twit-pics of her and another girl. (他们发现, 有些不修边幅的强烈抵制,图片 她和另外一个女孩。)


例句:Or you may say of yourself, "I am intriguing, even if I am regarded by most people as a great, thundering twit." (也许你会评价自己, “我是个有趣的人, 尽管大部分人 都觉得我是个傻瓜。” )


例句:Not gumbo, you twit! Dumbo! And I have no idea what it means. (翻译:不是Gumbo杂烩菜,你个白痴,是Dumbo 我不知道那有什么意思)


1. Or you may say of yourself, "I am intriguing, even if I am regarded by most people as a great, thundering twit." (翻译:也许你会评价自己, “我是个有趣的人, 尽管大部分人 都觉得我是个傻瓜。” )

2. Not gumbo, you twit! Dumbo! And I have no idea what it means. (翻译:不是Gumbo杂烩菜,你个白痴,是Dumbo 我不知道那有什么意思)

3. When did you become this pious, sanctimonious, judgemental twit? (翻译:你什么时候变得这么尽责,假装神圣的,审判的嘲笑)

4. Of that twit federal agent (翻译:-ending interference 永不停止的干涉 of that twit federal agent)

5. in the process of trying to change my twit pic. The pics won't fit. Any suggestions on a pic? (翻译:我正在试着换一个头像,现在这个不适合我。你们有什么好的建议吗?)

6. Don't just stand there, you pathetic twit. Attend to our guest. (翻译:别光站在这儿啊,你个可悲的傻子 去照顾客人)

7. You know I haven't heard nary a twit from you in several minutes, and I'm getting concerned. (翻译:你知道我好几分钟没听到你的声音了 我有点感到担心了)

8. Listen, man, are you taking me for a twit? (翻译:听着 老兄 你把我当笨蛋吗? Listen, man, are you taking me for a twit?)

9. 'Isn't the head teacher a bit of a twit? ' said a boy to a girl. (翻译:一个小男孩跟小女孩说:“你有没有觉得班主任有点傻?”)

10. He's an arrogant little twit! (翻译:他是个自高自大的笨蛋! )

11. The LORD does not twit us with them and charge us with being insincere. (翻译:上帝并没有因我们的偏行己路而责怪我们不忠诚。)

12. All the years protecting it now ruined by a little twit! (翻译:多年来它一直在保护在这本书 现在却被一个小蠢货给毁了)

13. Don't listen to that silly twit Clarissa. She's just threatened by you, that's all. (翻译:别听那个傻瓜Clarissa的 她只是觉得受到了你的威胁,就这样)

14. The problem isn't Holden, it's Skylar. She's a romantic twit. (翻译:你看,我不是说霍尔登有问题, 是丝凯拉有问题,她是个浪漫的傻瓜。)



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