'hbcab' 是乙肝病毒抗体的一种,中文翻译为“乙型肝炎核心抗体”。它是一种抗体,会在乙型肝炎病毒感染人体后产生,被用于诊断乙型肝炎病毒感染。读音为“H-B-C-A-B”。例如:医生建议做一次血液检查以检测是否存在乙型肝炎病毒抗体,包括hbcab。
例句:AB: 722 is 500, that's a harder one. (阿瑟:722等于500 -- 哦,这个有点难。)
例句:HSBC (HBC), which ranked 22 in 2009, dropped out of the top 50 in 2010. (汇丰银行在xx年排在22位,xx年却跌出了前50名。)
例句:AB-8 macroporous resin can be used to purify Xiangjiapi cardiac extract. (可以应用AB - 8大孔树脂纯化香加皮提取物。)
例句:CA: It was. AB: And it was cloudy. (翻译:Chris:没错。阿瑟:并且是阴天。)
1. AB-8 macroporous resin can be used to purify Xiangjiapi cardiac extract. (翻译:可以应用AB - 8大孔树脂纯化香加皮提取物。)
2. CA: It was. AB: And it was cloudy. (翻译:Chris:没错。阿瑟:并且是阴天。)
3. It's a list of the local AB CMV negatives. (翻译:这是本地有AB CMV -血型的人的名单,Cordell在里面)
4. Audience: Seventh. AB: Seventh -- would that be a Wednesday? (翻译:观众:7号。阿瑟:7号 -- 那是不是星期三?)
5. Rare earth based AB2 type alloy has been synthesized by arc melting constituent elemente. (翻译:用真空电孤熔炼合成了稀土基AB2型合金。)
6. Audience: 1947. AB: 1947, and the month? (翻译:观众:1947. 阿瑟: 1947,哪月? )
7. AB: No, we need to be polite about differences. (翻译:阿兰: 不一定 我们只是需要礼貌地对待另一方 )
8. Installing latest HBC may fix the problem. (翻译:安装最新的HBC可能会修复这个问题。)
9. A Fairy Tale by Hans Christian Andersen THE LITTLE MERMAID (翻译:{\fs28\bord3\shad4\1cH34A3AB}大海的女儿)
10. Hbc recognizes and respects the cultural differences found in the world. (翻译:认识到并尊重建立于世界的各不相同的文化差别。)
11. Effect of the powder size on electrochemistry performance for AB5 hydrogen storage alloy was studied. (翻译:研究了粉末粒度对ab5型储氢合金电化学性能的影响。)
12. She was the same blood type as McCaleb, AB with CMV negative. (翻译:她和McCaleb 有同样的血型,AB CMV-)
13. EXACTLY, WHICH MEANS IT'S AB, FAB FOR HALLOWEEN. (翻译:完全地,意谓 它是 ab,极好的为万圣节前夕。)
14. Volunteer: 1369. AB: 1369. (翻译:女士: 1369。阿瑟: 1369。)
15. AB Enzymes is one of the world's oldest and best known Enzyme companies. AB Enzymes forms part of the ABF Ingredients group of companies. (翻译:德国英联酶制剂公司是世界上最早成立且最为知名的酶制剂公司之一,也是英联食品集团旗下的一个子公司。)