zephyr是什么意思 zephyr的中文翻译、读音、例句

zephyr是什么意思 zephyr的中文翻译、读音、例句




词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有:zephyr breeze(微风)、zephyr-like(像微风一样的)、gentle zephyr(温柔的微风)等。

相关短语:与zephyr相关的短语有:catch a zephyr(感受微风的吹拂)、zephyr on the water(水上微风)等。




1. The zephyr blew through the trees and rustled the leaves.(和风轻轻地吹过树林,拂动树叶。)

2. The room was filled with the sweet scent of zephyrs.(房间里弥漫着和风的甜香。)

3. She wore a zephyr dress that flowed gently in the breeze.(她穿了一件轻飘飘的和风裙子,在微风中轻轻摇曳。)

4. The sailboat glided smoothly along the zephyr-filled bay.(帆船顺着和风弥漫的海湾平稳滑行。)

5. The zephyr brought a welcome coolness to the hot summer day.(和风为炎热的夏日带来了宜人的凉意。)

6. The sound of the zephyr was so soothing that she fell asleep quickly.(和风的声音如此舒缓,她很快就入睡了。)

7. The zephyr caused the wind chimes to tinkle gently.(和风轻轻拂动风铃,发出微小的声响。)

8. The zephyr was the only sound in the quiet forest.(和风是这片宁静森林中唯一的声音。)

9. The zephyr lifted the kite high into the sky.(和风使风筝飞高在天空中。)



1. The zephyr blows softly on my face, bringing the fragrance of flowers.

西风轻拂着我的脸庞, 带来了花香。

2. The zephyr rustled through the leaves of the trees, making a soothing sound.


3. We sailed on the zephyr, enjoying the gentle breeze and the beautiful scenery.


zephyr通常被翻译为"西风 、徐风"的意思,还有和风的意思,在线读音是['zefә],zephyr常被用作名词,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到70个与zephyr相关的例句。



例句:We got to get on Zephyr One and get there. (我们得乘坐和风一号赶去那里 We got to get on Zephyr One and get there.)


例句:Z... No, the former Marine, Admiral Zephyr... What kind of person was he? (Z 不 原海军大将泽法 是怎样的一个人呢)


例句:This pen is a transmitter. Once you have confirmation that Miller has not hidden the Zephyr that it is somewhere nearby or on his person. (你这样,这支笔是个发射装置,一旦你发现了 那个电池,不管是在罗伊身上或者其他地方,)


例句:We get on comms and call the Zephyr for backup, headquarters will know we're on Daisy's trail. (翻译:我们如果用通讯呼叫和风请求支援 总部就会知道我们发现了黛西的踪迹)


zephyr一般作为名词使用,如在flora and zephyr(花神与西风)、panama zephyr(巴拿马提花条子布(英国制))、satin zephyr([纺] 纬绒棉毛薄呢)等常见短语中出现较多。

flora and zephyr花神与西风
panama zephyr巴拿马提花条子布(英国制)
satin zephyr[纺] 纬绒棉毛薄呢
Washoe zephyr瓦肖焚风
zephyr cloth【纺织业】薄纱绸,轻纱绸
zephyr flannel和风法兰绒,丝毛混纺纱制品
zephyr gingham和风方格棉布
zephyr lilies[网络] 紫罗兰百合
zephyr lily[网络] 葱兰;西风百合


1. This pen is a transmitter. Once you have confirmation that Miller has not hidden the Zephyr that it is somewhere nearby or on his person. (翻译:你这样,这支笔是个发射装置,一旦你发现了 那个电池,不管是在罗伊身上或者其他地方,)

2. We get on comms and call the Zephyr for backup, headquarters will know we're on Daisy's trail. (翻译:我们如果用通讯呼叫和风请求支援 总部就会知道我们发现了黛西的踪迹)

3. I have the Zephyr... I have the Zephyr and I'm ready to make a deal. (翻译:我拿到了电池,电池在我手里,我想做笔交易!)

4. You know the odd thing about the 2006 Zephyr? (翻译:你知道xx年的西风有什么特点吗 \fn微软雅黑You know the odd thing about the 2006 Zephyr?)

5. And when he was living an happy life, his wife and son were killed by a pirate that hated Zephyr. (翻译:正走在人生的巅峰之时 他的妻儿 却被被仇视泽法的海贼给杀害了)

6. There was silence now except for the distant sea, a slight zephyr stirring the trees. (翻译:现在,除了遥远的海浪以外,一片寂静,一阵微风摇曳着树林。)

7. Six months later we're in the Zephyr, me and Roland going past the Double Six. (翻译:六个月之后,我们来到泽弗尔 我和罗兰德 我们经过Double Six)

8. A jealous zephyr, not a doubt. (翻译:一定,是嫉妒的西风。)

9. It's a waste of my time and energy flying Baltar's lawyer back and forth from Zephyr. (翻译:在和风号之间飞来飞去 运送波塔尔的律师 简直就是在浪费时间和精力)

10. Get everyone through the tunnel and back up to Zephyr One. (翻译:带大家从隧道离开 回和风一号上去 Get everyone through the tunnel and back up to Zephyr One.)

11. Mack, I need you to load something onto Zephyr-1 and bring it to us. (翻译:麦克 我需要你把一样东西装上泽弗1号 Mack, I need you to load something onto Zephyr One 然后送到我们这来 and bring it to us.)

12. Let's reroute the Zephyr and send the coordinates to may's quinjet. (翻译:我们改变和风的航向 并把坐标发给梅的昆式战斗机)

13. Quarterbacking from zephyr one will be daisy and mack. (翻译:is going to use that as a way to gain access. 波比和亨特进行实地侦察 Going in on the ground will be Bobbi and Hunter.)

14. Handling extraction -- may and... Him. (翻译:黛西和迈克指挥和风一号支援他们 Quarterbacking from Zephyr One will be Daisy and Mack.)

15. Ford Zephyrs and Zodiacs were a quintessential part of life for anyone over the age of 40 - few won't have had at least one memorable ride in a Zephyr. (翻译:福特和风队和生肖是生活中超过xx岁的人的精髓-如果没有多少人会不会有一和风至少一个难忘的旅程。)



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