dotty是什么意思 dotty的中文翻译、读音、例句

dotty是什么意思 dotty的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义解释:'dotty' 是一个形容词,意思是“疯狂、不稳定、神经错乱的”。在某些情况下,它也可以是一种缩写形式,代表“DoT”(术语表中的缩写),比如“DNS Over TLS”(传输层安全的域名系统)。

2. 用法示例:'dotty' 通常用于形容人或行为,表示某人或某事物的状态或行为十分怪异或不寻常。缩写形式'DoT'则是一种技术术语,用于描述一种网络加密协议。

3. 同义词:'dotty' 的同义词包括:crazy, eccentric, unhinged, erratic。与'DoT'相关的技术术语包括:DNSSEC、DNSCrypt等。

4. 反义词:'dotty' 的反义词有:sane, rational, stable。与'DoT'相关的技术术语没有明确的反义词。


1. She's getting a bit dotty in her old age.(她年纪大了,有点疯疯癫癫的了。)

2. His behaviour was so dotty that nobody wanted to be around him.(他的行为十分怪异,没人愿意和他在一起。)

3. The new student was a bit dotty, but he had a good heart.(新来的学生有点神经,但人很好。)

4. The company is implementing DoT to enhance its online security.(该公司正在实行 DoT 以加强在线安全。)

5. DNS over TLS (DoT) can improve privacy and security for users.(DNS over TLS(DoT)可以提高用户的隐私和安全性。)

dotty 的中文翻译是“糊涂的,疯狂的”,读音为[dɒti]。


1. She's getting a bit dotty in her old age, forgetting things and repeating herself all the time.(随着年龄增长,她越来越糊涂,总是忘记东西,重复自己。)

2. He had a dotty idea to build a time machine out of cardboard and tin foil.(他有个疯狂的想法,用硬纸板和锡纸造个时光机。)

dotty在英语中代表"小点的 、薄弱的"的意思,在英美地区还有"半痴的"的意思,单词读音音标为['dɒti],dotty常被用作名词,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到46个与dotty相关的句子。



例句:china is a developing country and is dotty than the developed country in technology , economy , culture and education. (中国是一个发展中国家,在技术、经济、文化、教育各个方面与发达国家之间有一定的距离。)


例句:Meet my old lady Dorothy or Dotty... or Doe or Dute or whatever. (Joe 来认识一下我老婆 Dorothy或者叫Dotty... 或者叫Doe或者叫Dute或者随便什么)


例句:Its characteristic is silvery white scale trifles , the phenomenon of membrane and dotty hemorrhage . (银白色鳞屑、薄膜现象和点状出血现象是银屑病的特征。)


例句:Spacing out, slitting eyes, dotty eyes, humming ears... (翻译:发愣发鸡盲飞蚊症发耳瘟腿张张 眼瞪瞪鬼祟肉拜拜肉)


dotty一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在dotty about([网络] 为……而疯狂)等常见短语中出现较多。

dotty about[网络] 为……而疯狂


1. Its characteristic is silvery white scale trifles , the phenomenon of membrane and dotty hemorrhage . (翻译:银白色鳞屑、薄膜现象和点状出血现象是银屑病的特征。)

2. Spacing out, slitting eyes, dotty eyes, humming ears... (翻译:发愣发鸡盲飞蚊症发耳瘟腿张张 眼瞪瞪鬼祟肉拜拜肉)

3. Aunt Dotty, Penelope, and Anastasia run up to see what's going on, and Aunt Dotty falls into a similar state. (翻译:阿姨多蒂,佩内洛普,阿纳斯塔西娅,跑上楼去看是怎么事,阿姨多蒂也落进了类似的状态。)

4. He thinks the Norquist position is dotty. (翻译:他认为Norquist立场不坚定。)

5. his manager stares silently into the camera drawing on a cigarette struck some people as dotty, others as brilliant. (翻译:他的竞选总管沉默地盯着摄像机,抽出一根烟。有些人觉得这则广告疯疯癫癫,有的认为其创意绝妙。)

6. She was obviously going a bit dotty. (翻译:她显然变得有些疯疯癫癫的了。)

7. Hillary and I had become friends of Justice Blackmun and his wife, Dotty, through Renaissance Weekend. (翻译:我和希拉里在“复兴周末”期间与哈里.布莱克门法官和他的妻子多蒂渐渐成为了朋友。)

8. Hillary and I had become friends of Justice Blackmun and his wife, Dotty, through Renaissance Weekend. (翻译:我和希拉里在“复兴周末”期间与哈里.布莱克门法官和他的妻子多蒂渐渐成为了朋友。)

9. An aged couple lives next to the Dotty Wotty House. (翻译:而一对上了年纪的夫妇住在“趣味小点屋”旁边的房子中。)

10. She was old and dotty, but she wasn't so far gone that she couldn't tell the difference between a stranger and her own flesh and blood. (翻译:她年纪很大 精神也不好 但也不至于分不清一个陌生人和她自己的亲生骨肉)



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