hesitate是什么意思 hesitate的中文翻译、读音、例句

hesitate是什么意思 hesitate的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释:hesitate 表示“犹豫,踌躇”,指在做某事时停顿或犹豫。常用于表示不确定或担心产生的犹豫情绪。

2. 用法提示:hesitate 后面通常接不定式或介词短语。常见搭配有 hesitate to do sth.(犹豫做某事)、hesitate before doing sth.(在做某事之前犹豫)等。

3. 近义词辨析:hesitate 与 pause、delay、procrastinate 等词义较为接近,但使用场合不同,需要根据具体情景进行选择使用。


1. He hesitated for a moment before answering the question.(他在回答问题之前犹豫了一下。)

2. She hesitated to accept the invitation because she didn't know anyone there.(她因为不认识那里的人而犹豫接受邀请。)

3. I always hesitate before making decisions that will affect my future.(我总是在做会影响我的未来的决定前犹豫。)

4. Don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it.(如果你需要帮助,不要犹豫地提出要求。)

5. The boss hesitated before giving the employee a raise.(老板在给员工加薪时犹豫了一下。)





1. Don't hesitate to ask if you need any help.(如果你需要帮助,不要犹豫问)

2. She hesitated for a moment before answering the question.(回答问题前她犹豫了一下)

3. I didn't want to hesitate anymore, so I made a decision.(我不想再犹豫了,所以做了一个决定)




例句:Um, if you need anything, don't hesitate to stop by. (呃 如果有什么需要 不用客气 尽管跟我们开口)


例句:It doesn't need us, it won't hesitate to kill us. (它并不需要我们, 它会毫不犹豫的杀了我们。)


例句:Companies might hesitate before sacking an it adviser. (公司在解雇一名IT顾问前可能会犹豫一番。)


例句:Go--do not hesitate. (翻译:去吧——不要犹豫。)


hesitate一般作为动词使用,如在hesitate at(对…犹豫)、hesitate in(吞吞吐吐)、do not hesitate([网络] 不要犹豫;别迟疑)等常见短语中出现较多。

hesitate at对…犹豫
hesitate in吞吞吐吐
do not hesitate[网络] 不要犹豫;别迟疑
hesitate about对…犹豫不决
hesitate at nothing对什么事都毫不迟疑
hesitate between在两者间踌躇
hesitate in speaking说话吞吞吐吐
hesitate squeeze间歇挤压
don't hesitate[网络] 不要犹豫;别再犹豫;别犹豫


1. Companies might hesitate before sacking an it adviser. (翻译:公司在解雇一名IT顾问前可能会犹豫一番。)

2. Go--do not hesitate. (翻译:去吧——不要犹豫。)

3. She wouldn't hesitate to take you from me, (翻译:她不会浪费一秒钟的时间 把你从我身边带走)

4. Kim Yaqian out of the office did not hesitate to drive out. (翻译:金亚倩走出了办公室没有丝毫犹豫地把车开了出来。)

5. Baba Mustapha seemed to hesitate a little at these words. (翻译:巴巴木沙发听了这些话看起来有一点犹豫。“哦! )

6. Don't hesitate Hurry up and fork it over (翻译:拿出来,拿出来,都拿出来! 统统都拿出来!)

7. Leave your respirators on and do not hesitate until you have reach the equipment room. (翻译:不要脱下面罩 Leave your respirators on 未抵达仪器室前不要停下 and do not hesitate until you have reach the equipment room.)

8. We might lose if we hesitate (翻译:We might lose if we hesitate)

9. i ' m always here to help ! do not hesitate to ask questions. (翻译:我都会在此帮助您!有问题请多问,请别客气。)

10. But caution makes you hesitate, and hesitate you're lost, so take your opportunities and never count the cost. (翻译:但谨慎使你犹豫, 当你犹豫时你就输了, 所以抓住机会 别想后果。)

11. And I will not hesitate to lay the hammer down on any clown that comes around. (翻译:对于那些跳梁小丑... ...我绝不会姑息)

12. Listen, if somebody wants to marry you don't hesitate. (翻译:可是啊 我也没想明白她因为这事儿就死了 我早知道她想不开能死喽)

13. And while I hesitate to tell you your job, (翻译:和我毫不犹豫的告诉你,你的工作的同时,我必须指出_出货时分别)

14. Still, the Daimyo didn't hesitate. (翻译:但是大名没有任何犹豫。)

15. Especially when it's about things people hesitate to bring up. (翻译:要是有人说"应该表扬KIRA" "因为他让犯罪减少")



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