edifice是什么意思 edifice的中文翻译、读音、例句

edifice是什么意思 edifice的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和词源:edifice是一个名词,来自于拉丁语"aĕdĭfĭcium",意为建筑物或大厦。

2. 定义和用途:edifice指的是大型的、具有重要意义的建筑物,也可以指某个具有影响力的机构或体系。

3. 同义词和反义词:同义词包括structure、building、monument等,反义词可能是ruin或destruction。

4. 词汇搭配:常用的搭配有"majestic edifice" (宏伟的建筑)、"political edifice"(政治机构)和"intellectual edifice"(思想体系)

5. 实际应用:edifice常用于修辞表达,如在写作中形容建筑的美感或语境中指代某些机构或社会体系。


1. The edifice of the ancient temple was admired by tourists from all over the world.(游客们都很赞赏这座古老的寺庙建筑。)

2. The government is planning to invest heavily in the construction of public edifices such as schools and hospitals.(政府计划大力投资公共建筑的建设,如学校和医院等。)

3. The edifice of the traditional family has undergone significant changes over the past few decades.(传统家庭的构建已经在过去几xx年中发生了重大变化。)

4. The towering edifice of the skyscraper was an impressive sight against the backdrop of the city.(摩天大楼高耸的建筑在城市的背景下格外壮观。)

5. The edifice of capitalism has been challenged by the emergence of socialist ideologies in recent years.(社会主义思想观念的兴起挑战了资本主义的体系。)



1. The towering edifice of the skyscraper seemed to touch the sky. (高耸入云的摩天大楼仿佛触碰天空。)

2. This historical edifice has been well-preserved by the government. (这座历史建筑由政府精心保护。)

3. The grand edifice of the cathedral was an awe-inspiring sight. (大教堂的宏伟建筑是一个令人敬畏的景象。)

4. The new edifice blends modern and traditional architectural styles. (这座新建筑融合了现代和传统建筑风格。)




例句:They make up a single, giant edifice obeying the same physical laws and all made from the same types of atoms, electrons, protons, quarks, neutrinos, that make up you and me. (它们组成了一个巨大的宏伟建筑物 所有的建筑物里的物质都遵循相同的物理定律,由相同的微粒组成, 原子, 电子,质子, 夸克,中微子——那些形成了我们的微粒。然而,物理学最近的理论显示,包括弦理论, )


例句:When you say theater, you might think of a grand edifice and a stage filled with bright light (说到剧场,你也许会想到庞大的建筑物 和被灯光闪耀着的舞台)


例句:And this edifice can be viewed through countless dimensions: scientific, emotional, historical, spiritual, legal, or just personal. (以上这些显而易见的体系 可以用无数的标准来衡量 从科学层面 情感层面 历史层面 精神层面 合法性 或者只是个人看法 )


例句:Through the sweltering summer of 1857, the edifice of British power tottered in what the British called the Indian Mutiny. (翻译:反抗军首领,比如占西王妃 战死后成为民族英雄 为了打击他们,我必须炸掉寺庙)


edifice一般作为名词使用,如在extrusive edifice(喷出体)、volcanic edifice(火山机体)等常见短语中出现较多。

extrusive edifice喷出体
volcanic edifice火山机体


1. And this edifice can be viewed through countless dimensions: scientific, emotional, historical, spiritual, legal, or just personal. (翻译:以上这些显而易见的体系 可以用无数的标准来衡量 从科学层面 情感层面 历史层面 精神层面 合法性 或者只是个人看法 )

2. Through the sweltering summer of 1857, the edifice of British power tottered in what the British called the Indian Mutiny. (翻译:反抗军首领,比如占西王妃 战死后成为民族英雄 为了打击他们,我必须炸掉寺庙)

3. Even if every one of his doctrines were mistaken, the Summa would remain an imposing intellectual edifice. (翻译:即使他的每一个学说都是错误的,《辑要》这书仍将不失为知识上的一座宏伟的大厦。)

4. Evidence such as this serves to undermine the apparently monolithic edifice of Victorianism. (翻译:这样的证据破坏了维多利亚时代看似单一的建筑。)

5. Rockfeller critics were fond of accusing him of having an "edifice complex. " (翻译:批评洛克菲勒的人喜欢挖苦他,说他患有建筑狂。)

6. She had hitherto been far more interested in the drab ochre-washed edifice opposite, which was the Police Station. (翻译:这以前她倒是对马路对面刷成红色的警察局尖楼顶更感兴趣。)

7. In an ideological edifice - you need some pseudo concrete image like this - to fixate your imagination - and then this image can mobilise us. (翻译:在意识形态的系统里 你需要一些像这样的虚假而具体的形象 去固定你的想象)

8. All were detained in the Salem Gaol, a grim edifice of granite blocks, iron-barred windows and brick-walled cells. (翻译:所有人都被拘禁在萨勒姆监狱中,这是一座用花岗岩砌成、装有铁栅栏窗户和砖墙砌成的牢房构成的可怕建筑。)

9. Gaskell. At that time, the edifice of feudal society was wavering but the bourgeois was rising. (翻译:当时,封建社会开始动摇并且资产阶级呈上升趋势,其经济发展迅速。)

10. They make up a single, giant edifice, obeying the same physical laws and all made from the same types of atoms, electrons, protons, quarks, neutrinos that make up you and me. (翻译:它们组成了一单个巨大的组织, 遵守着相同的物理定律,并且由同样类型的原子、电子、 质子、夸克、中微子组成,这些也组成了你和我 )

11. Helen see with rage and pain the edifice of her love destroy by that man's falseness . (翻译:海伦恼怒而痛苦地看到她用爱筑起的殿堂被那个男人的虚假摧毁。)

12. Entrenched in the dark side, Vader marched to the temple with a column of loyal clone troopers, gutting the sacred edifice from within. (翻译:深陷黑暗面的维德带着一队忠诚的克隆人士兵向圣殿进军,从内部血洗这座神圣的建筑。)

13. A group of men are erecting a monstrous copper edifice. (翻译:一群人正在建造一座巨大的铜色建筑。)

14. A marvelous work and a wonder we undertake... an edifice awry we straighten... a great lie we abolish. (翻译:我们承担着一项非凡的工程... A marvelous work and a wonder we undertake... 大厦倾斜由吾等扶正...)

15. Additionally, amide functions are engaged in hydrogen bonding, which accounts for additional stabilization of the entire edifice. (翻译:另外,酰胺官能团从事于氢键结合,这解释了整个大结构额外的稳定化的原因。)



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