busiest是什么意思 busiest的中文翻译、读音、例句

busiest是什么意思 busiest的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:the busiest day/week/month/year, be the busiest time of the year, the busiest intersection in the city, the busiest airport in the world.

短语:be busy with, keep busy, stay busy.

发音拼写: ['bɪziɪst]


1. She is the busiest person I know, always on the go.


2. The airport is always busiest during the holiday season.


3. He keeps himself busy with his work to avoid thinking about his personal problems.


4. The busiest intersection in town is undergoing road construction.


5. She plans to visit New York during the busiest time of the year.


6. The CEO's schedule is always the busiest.


7. I try to stay busy during the day to avoid feeling lonely.






1. This is the busiest time of year for our company.


2. The airport is always busiest during the holiday season.


3. She is the busiest person I know, always rushing from one thing to the next.





例句:Bohai Sea, due to its proximity to China's capital Beijing, is one of the busiest sea ways in the world. (渤海,由于其接近中国首都北京,是世界上最繁忙的水路之一。)


例句:The Musca delivered the containers to Port Klang, one of Malaysia's busiest sea ports. (报告说,Musca号货轮将集装箱运到巴生港。这是马来西亚最繁忙的海港之一。)


1. The annual date harvest is the busiest time of the year in every oasis. (翻译:xx年一度的椰枣收获时节 是每片绿洲上最忙碌的时间)

2. To get at this, I like to use language from one of the busiest people I ever interviewed. (翻译:要做到这一点, 我要借用我采访过最忙的人的话。)

3. Mocha was also the main port for the one sea route to Mecca, and was the busiest place in the world at the time. (翻译:摩卡在当时也是前往圣地麦加的海上航线上的主要港口之一,也是当时世界是最繁忙的港口。)

4. Why would Han Jiou stash it right in the middle of Chinatown's busiest gambling den? (翻译:为什么三合会半夜没事 突然大打出手,像以前稳当赚钱不是更好吗)

5. Victoria is one of London's busiest stations. (翻译:维多利亚站是伦敦最繁忙的车站之一。)

6. The archipelago nation bestrides the world's busiest sea lanes. (翻译:这个群岛国家跨越了世上最繁忙的海上通道。)

7. There's a bridge that needs repairbetween Ohio and Kentucky that's on one of the busiest trucking routes in NorthAmerica. (翻译:而在俄亥俄和肯塔基之间有座桥梁需要修复,而这里是美国北部最繁忙的货运枢纽。)

8. The archipelago nation bestrides the world’s busiest sea lanes. (翻译:这个群岛国家跨越了世上最繁忙的海上通道。)

9. Barges 3400 meters away from the river, the opening wharfs until 50 years ago, at the beginning of the Singapore river is the busiest ports. (翻译:驳船码头离河口三四百米,由开埠之初直到xx年前,都是新加坡河最繁忙的码头。)

10. Yingkou is the busiest port in the region. (翻译:营口是这个地区最大的港口。)

11. Yeah, I can't wait. This month has defini- tely been the busiest month in my life. (翻译:是啊,我都等不及了。这一定是我一生中最忙的一个月。)

12. October is usually the busiest month in the academic calendar. (翻译:xx月通常是校历上最忙的一个月。)

13. You are about to apply for admission at the world's busiest border. (翻译:您马上就要申请过关, 请您准备好您的所有证件。)

14. RNAS Yeovilton has grown to become one of the busiest military airfields in the United Kingdom and is amongst the largest in Europe. (翻译:英国皇家海军航空队耶奥威尔顿机场已经成为全英国最繁忙的军用机场,并且是欧洲最大的军用机场之一。)

15. Finally, we pile into a silver Kia Sorento and head into Daechi-dong, one of Seoul's busiest hagwon districts. (翻译:最后,我们桩成一个银色起亚索兰托和头部到大峙洞首尔最繁忙的hagwon地区之一。)

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