Swine flu是指猪流感,也可以简写为H1N1,它在过去引起过全球的大流行。以下是对Swine flu的三个方面的说明:
1. 定义:
Swine flu是一种由H1N1病毒引起的呼吸道传染病,可以在猪和人之间传播。它的症状包括发热、咳嗽、头痛、肌肉疼痛、喉咙痛、流鼻涕、疲乏和寒战等,严重者还可能导致死亡。
2. 预防和控制:
预防和控制Swine flu的方法包括使用口罩、勤洗手、避免密集人群和与生病者接触、做好清洁卫生、及时就医和接种疫苗等。特别是在H1N1大流行期间,政府采取了一系列措施来限制人际接触,减少病毒传播,防止疫情扩散。
3. 研究和治疗:
Swine flu的研究主要集中在诊断、预防和治疗方面。目前已经开发出了与Swine flu病毒匹配的疫苗,并且研究人员正在评估其安全性和有效性。同时,一些药物如奥司他韦、扎那米韦等对Swine flu也有一定的治疗作用。
1. The swine flu outbreak of 2009 caused global concern and led to widespread vaccination programs. xx年的猪流感爆发引起了全球关注,并导致广泛的疫苗接种计划。
2. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued guidelines for preventing the spread of swine flu. 疾病控制与预防中心发布了预防猪流感传播的指南。
3. Swine flu symptoms can range from mild to severe, and it can be fatal for people with weaker immune systems. 猪流感的症状从轻微到严重不等,对免疫系统较弱的人来说可能是致命的。
4. The World Health Organization declared a swine flu pandemic in 2009, prompting governments to take action to contain the virus. 世界卫生组织在xx年宣布猪流感大流行,促使各国政府采取行动遏制病毒。
5. Scientists are continuing to study swine flu in order to better understand how it spreads and how to develop more effective treatments. 科学家们继续研究猪流感,以便更好地了解它如何传播,以及如何开发更有效的治疗方法。
读音:zhū liú gǎn
1. 这个冬天我打算打猪流感疫苗,预防生病。
I plan to get vaccinated against swine flu this winter to prevent illness.
2. 猪流感是一种传染性很强的病毒,需要加强公众卫生意识以预防传播。
Swine flu is a highly contagious virus that requires increased public health awareness to prevent its spread.
swine flu在中文中有"猪流感"的意思,作为名词时有"猪流感"的意思,在线发音:[swaɪn flu:],swine flu常被用作名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到77个与swine flu相关的句子。
Swine flu的翻译
例句:As anything other than the flu. (也没有其它作用了 as anything other than the flu.)
swine flu一般作为名词使用,如在swine(猪 )、diplomatic flu([网络] 外交感冒)、executive flu(n. 肌痛性脑脊髓炎)等常见短语中出现较多。
swine | 猪 |
diplomatic flu | [网络] 外交感冒 |
executive flu | n. 肌痛性脑脊髓炎 |
flu friend | [网络] 流感的亲友 |
flu outbreak | [网络] 流感集中爆发 |
flu season | 流感季节 |
flu shot | 注射流感疫苗 |
flu strain | [网络] 流感病毒株 |
flu vaccine | 流感疫苗 |
1. Being a man of action, he brought up the laptop and logged on to the NHS Swine Flu symptom-checker. (翻译:丈夫是一个雷厉风行的人,他立刻打开笔记本电脑,登陆到国家卫生事业局猪流感症状查询中心。)
2. The swine flu virus, at the moment, is a symmetrical object. (翻译:目前的猪流感病毒就是一种结构对称的病毒。)
3. Mexico's swine flu virus resistant to the previous, such as rimantadine. (翻译:墨西哥的猪流感病毒的抗药性前,如金刚乙胺。)
4. But residents here say they are certain that Edgar Hernandez was not the only swine flu victim in their town. (翻译:但当地居民称,他们确信埃德加·埃尔南德斯不是该镇唯一一例猪流感患者。)
5. Prior to Thursday, Colombia was the only South American nation to confirm swine flu with its borders. (翻译:在本周五之前,哥伦比亚还是南美唯一一个有猪流感确疹病例的国家。)
6. A nice example of this came from last year and swine flu. (翻译:以去年的猪流感为例 以去年的猪流感为例 )
7. How do I know if it's swine flu? (翻译:我怎么知道是不是猪流感? )
8. The swine flu vaccine killed people back in 1976. (翻译:猪流感疫苗于xx年爆发后遗症让许多人送命)
9. The automaker, which produces Jettas and New Beetles in Puebla, Mexico, says that the stoppage is not due to the recent swine flu outbreak. (翻译:这家汽车制造商,生产捷达和新甲壳虫在墨西哥普埃布拉说,暂停不是因为最近猪流感暴发的停产。)
10. The nation is terrified of swine flu. (翻译:我们国家正受到猪流感的威胁 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}The nation...)
11. Bird and swine flu might have receded for now, but the top candidate for a global pandemic remains: a novel strain of flu. (翻译:禽流感和猪流感可能暂时退去了,但全球范围传染病爆发的头号候选依然是:新的流感株。)
12. The swine flu virus, at the moment, is a symmetrical object. (翻译:目前的猪流感病毒就是一种结构对称的病毒。)
13. Just look at pandemics -- swine flu, bird flu, H1N1. (翻译:看看现在流行的-- 猪流感,禽流感,H1N1。)
14. You know that any day, one of your pigs can catch the flu, the swine flu. (翻译:你知道任意一天, 你的猪都有可能感染流感, 猪流感。)
15. The swine flu is a combination of bird, swine, and human influenzas. Health officials say people appear to have no immunity to it. (翻译:新型猪流感病毒包含禽流感、普通猪流感以及人流感病毒片段。卫生部官员称人们显然对其没有免疫力。)
swine flu作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、swine、flus等。