1. 含义:'graduate'通常指一个人完成了某个学位或课程并获得了相应的文凭或证书。它可以用作动词或名词。
2. 意义:'graduate'是一个非常重要的词汇,因为它代表着一个人取得了一定的学术成就和职业发展的阶段性进步。
3. 使用场合:'graduate'在口语和书面语中都可以使用,常见于学术论文、简历、招聘广告等场合。
4. 词性变化:'graduate'可以被用作动词,名词,形容词和副词,并且它的形态变化很规律。
1. I will graduate from college next year. (我明年就要大学毕业了。)
2. He graduated with honors from Harvard University. (他以优异成绩从哈佛大学毕业了。)
3. She hopes to be a graduate student at MIT. (她希望成为麻省理工学院的研究生。)
4. The company is seeking a recent graduate with a degree in marketing. (公司正在寻找一位市场营销专业的应届毕业生。)
5. After completing the required courses, he received his graduate degree in physics. (他完成了所需课程后,获得了物理学研究生学位。)
graduate 的意思是毕业生,研究生,毕业,毕业典礼。
1. He is a graduate of Oxford University.
2. She hopes to graduate from college next year.
3. The graduation ceremony will be held next week.
例句:At least she must be a graduate (All l could learn at the tutelage was the Vedas 最起码她应该是个大学生 At least she must be a graduate)
例句:And this graduate student was madly in love with another graduate student, and she was not in love with him. (这个研究生疯狂的爱上了另外一个研究生 但是那个女生并不爱他)
例句:And this graduate student was madly in love with another graduate student, and she was not in love with him. (这个研究生疯狂的爱上了另外一个研究生 但是那个女生并不爱他 )
例句:SO, LET'S GRADUATE AND GET ON WITH OUR LIVES. (翻译:所以,让我们的毕业 并与我们的生活息息相关。)
graduate一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在graduate in((某学科)大学毕业,获得学位;在(量具)上标上(刻度))、graduate into(渐渐变为)、the graduate([电影]毕业生)等常见短语中出现较多。
graduate in | (某学科)大学毕业,获得学位;在(量具)上标上(刻度) |
graduate into | 渐渐变为 |
the graduate | [电影]毕业生 |
to graduate | 毕业 |
external graduate | 校外毕业生 |
fresh graduate | 应届生 |
glass graduate | 玻璃量筒,玻璃量杯 |
graduate assistant | n. (主美)助教 |
graduate assistantship | 同时担任助教的研究生;研究生奖学金 |
1. And this graduate student was madly in love with another graduate student, and she was not in love with him. (翻译:这个研究生疯狂的爱上了另外一个研究生 但是那个女生并不爱他 )
2. SO, LET'S GRADUATE AND GET ON WITH OUR LIVES. (翻译:所以,让我们的毕业 并与我们的生活息息相关。)
3. This is Christine Phillips, Clandestine Services graduate. (翻译:中情局军事行动中心 大家好 这是克丽丝汀·菲利普斯 刚从机密署毕业的)
4. But I was enraptured , and in my graduate years was the dawn of plate tectonics . (翻译:却喜不自胜,因为我毕业的年代正处在板块构造学的萌芽期。)
5. Call me when you graduate with a 4.5 GPA. (翻译:你还是拿着4.5的绩点 毕业之后再来找我吧)
6. Instead, I stand here a proud graduate of Middlebury College. (翻译:而如今我已经是一名自豪的明德学院的毕业生 )
7. Meiyu will graduate in June this year. (翻译:Meiyu 将于今年xx月份毕业。)
8. By receiving these badges, the following explorers will graduate to Senior Explorers. (翻译:以下几位小探险家,在收到徽章之后 就将正式毕业,成为资深探险家)
9. There are different programs for graduate students, for executives at different companies. (翻译:研究生和公司的主管们将会 被提供不同的课程。)
10. Graduate students wanted a way of telling which stage they were in. (翻译:研究生们希望找到一种方法能知道他们是处在什么阶段)
11. MaiXiaoLong and TongLe police college graduate is to two students. (翻译:麦小龙和佟乐是警察学院行将毕业的两个学生。)
12. Graduate the volume from pianissimo to fortissimo. (翻译:音量从极弱到最强的分级。)
13. One of Princeton graduate McBrain started with brilliant minds. (翻译:普林斯顿的一个毕业生McBrain开始,有很好的头脑。)
14. I am a graduate of Shanghai Polytechnics. (翻译:我是上海理工大学毕业生。)
15. College graduate with credit card debts. (翻译:一群积欠大笔卡债的大学生 更是把捞钱当作第一目标)