ernst是什么意思 ernst的中文翻译、读音、例句

ernst是什么意思 ernst的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义解释:'ernst' 可以是一个姓氏,也可以是一个缩写词,表示“欧洲研究和技术标准化委员会”(European Committee for Standardization)。

2. 姓氏用法,常见于德国和瑞典等北欧国家,也在世界范围内有着一定的使用。


a. Ernst is a common surname in Germany.

(Ernst 在德国是常见的姓氏。)

b. Johan Ernst is a famous Swedish musician.


3. 缩写用法,通常用于欧洲标准化领域,表明对于欧盟标准体系的管理。


a. The 'ernst' is responsible for the development of European standards.


b. The 'ernst' provides technical support for the development of European standards.


4. 另外,'ernst' 还可以与其他单词组合起来形成新的词汇,如 'Ernst & Young' 是一家世界著名的会计事务所。


a. Ernst & Young provides professional accounting services for international clients.


b. Ernst & Young has a strong reputation for its auditing and consulting services.


5. 'Ernst' 这个单词也有一定的文学意义,如德国作家海因里希·恩斯特(Heinrich Ernst)以及瑞士作家保罗·恩斯特(Paul Ernst)等,这些人都以其文学作品著名。


a. Heinrich Ernst's novels often explore the themes of love and betrayal.


b. Paul Ernst's short stories are known for their vivid characters and intriguing plot twists.



读音:ěrn sīt


1. Ernst是一个德国姓氏。

Translation: Ernst is a German surname.

2. Ernst想要成为一名音乐家。

Translation: Ernst wants to become a musician.

3. 这幅画是由Ernst创作的。

Translation: The painting was created by Ernst.




例句:Ernst Boyarsky, 72 has always been using the computer for work. Now it is an integral part of his everyday life. (今年xx岁,一种在工作中使用电脑。现在,它已经成为他每天生活的主要部分。)


例句:Life, as zoologist Ernst Mayr said, only makes sense in terms of evolution. (正如动物学家厄恩斯特·迈尔所说,生命只有从进化的角度来讲才有意义。)


例句:Ernst Zundel arrived at court surrounded by supporters wearing hard hats. (恩斯特. 祖德尔在支持者的簇拥下 头戴安全帽的来到了法院)


例句:In 1903 Ernst Abbe retires from the management, handicapped by severe health problems. (翻译:xx年,阿贝由于健康问题退出管理层。)


ernst一般作为名词使用,如在Ernst(n. 恩斯特(人名);艾伦斯特(人名))、Ernst and Young([网络] 安永;安永会计师事务所;安永公司)、Ernst Cassirer([网络] 卡西尔;恩斯特•卡西尔;卡西勒)等常见短语中出现较多。

Ernstn. 恩斯特(人名);艾伦斯特(人名)
Ernst and Young[网络] 安永;安永会计师事务所;安永公司
Ernst Cassirer[网络] 卡西尔;恩斯特•卡西尔;卡西勒
ernst cassirers[网络] 卡西尔;恩斯特•卡西尔;卡西勒\n(ernst cassirer 的复数)
ernst chain[网络] 钱恩;钱恩博士;钱斯
Ernst equation恩斯特方程
Ernst Lubitsch[网络] 恩斯特·鲁比奇(Ernst Lubitsch)
ernst lubitsches[网络] 恩斯特·鲁比奇(Ernst Lubitsch)\n(ernst lubitsch 的复数)
Ernst Mach马赫
ernst maches马赫


1. Ernst Zundel arrived at court surrounded by supporters wearing hard hats. (翻译:恩斯特. 祖德尔在支持者的簇拥下 头戴安全帽的来到了法院)

2. In 1903 Ernst Abbe retires from the management, handicapped by severe health problems. (翻译:xx年,阿贝由于健康问题退出管理层。)

3. Life, as zoologist Ernst Mayr said, only makes sense in terms of evolution. (翻译:正如动物学家厄恩斯特·迈尔所说,生命只有从进化的角度来讲才有意义。)

4. So if we don't like stuff, or we're intensely curious about Ernst Haeckel's scientific falsifications, we can pull them out like that. (翻译:那么,如果有我们不喜欢的东西, 或者我们 对恩斯特•海克尔的学术造假十分好奇, 可以这样把它们抽出来。)

5. The head of the SA was one of his oldest comrades, Ernst Rohm. (翻译:冲锋队的首领是他最老的战友之一, 恩斯特·罗姆)

6. To study this link, Ernst Fehr at the University of Zurich in Switzerland and his team enrolled 304 people, mainly students. (翻译:为了研究它们之间的联系,瑞士苏黎世大学的恩斯特·菲尔与他的团队招募了304人,其中大部分是学生,并将其分成对来进行20轮游戏。)

7. Ernst Gombrich claims to offer a general theory of the development of figurative art. (翻译:宫布理希宣称提供一个具象艺术发展的普遍理论。)

8. It is possible that Ernst & Young will try to settle before any suit is filed. (翻译:安永可能会在任何诉讼提起之前尽力达成和解。)

9. - A Miss Tascha, I believe, sir. (翻译:- 我想应该是一个叫Tascha的姑娘 先生 - Ernst? - A Miss Tascha, I believe, sir.)

10. There's about 30 descendants of Ernst Vogelsong, and every one of them seems to be contesting a part of the will or accusing the others of some improper financial behavior. (翻译:Ernst Vogelsong家族大约有三十多位后人 每个人似乎都想 在质疑遗嘱的某一部分 或是指责其他人财务行为不当)

11. This is from Ernst Haeckel's work. (翻译:这是 Ernst Haeckel 的研究。)

12. Rahm's second-in-command, Ernst Mohs, and Benjamin Murmelstein. (翻译:拉姆的第二指挥官,恩斯特摩斯, 以及本杰明默梅尔斯坦。)

13. We were friends once, Ernst. (翻译:卢恩,我们曾经是朋友 你比任何人更早知我的能耐)

14. I was asked to testify... by the defense team... of Mr. Ernst Zundel, a German national living in Canada for some 20-odd years... (翻译:我受到恩斯特. 祖德尔先生的 辩护团邀请,出庭作证 一个德国公民,生活在加拿大有二十多年...)

15. The man you are talking to now, the man inside your head, is Ernst Stavro Blofeld. (翻译:现在跟你说话的人 你脑子里想的这个人 叫恩内斯特·史戴弗·布鲁夫尔德)



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