notebook pc是什么意思 notebook pc的中文翻译、读音、例句

notebook pc是什么意思 notebook pc的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:'notebook pc' 是指便携式电脑,也叫笔记本电脑,是一种可移动的、相对轻薄的个人电脑。


词组搭配:notebook pc bags(笔记本电脑袋)、notebook pc battery(笔记本电脑电池)、notebook pc case(笔记本电脑箱)等。


发音拼写:['nəʊtbʊk pi'si:]


1. She often takes her notebook PC with her when she travels. 她旅行时经常带着她的笔记本电脑。

2. The new notebook PC is available in black and silver colors. 新款笔记本电脑有黑色和银色两种颜色可选。

3. I want to buy a notebook PC with a long battery life. 我想买一台电池续航时间长的笔记本电脑。

4. He needs a notebook PC that can handle heavy graphics work. 他需要一台能够处理重量级图形工作的笔记本电脑。

5. The notebook PC is compact and easy to carry. 这款笔记本电脑体积小巧,易于携带。

6. The notebook PC market is highly competitive nowadays. 当今笔记本电脑市场竞争激烈。

7. The company is launching a new notebook PC with advanced features. 公司将推出一款带有先进功能的新型笔记本电脑。


读音:nótebù PC

例句:I always take my notebook PC with me when I travel. (我旅行时总是带着我的笔记本电脑。)

notebook pc的中文解释是"笔记本式个人电脑",还有笔记本式个人电脑的意思,单词读音音标为[notebookpc],notebook pc在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到55个与notebook pc相关的句子。

Notebook PC的释义


例句:Don't close the notebook in OneNote. (不关闭在OneNote里的笔记本。)


notebook pc一般作为名词使用,如在notebook PC(笔记本式个人电脑)、notebook(笔记本 )、PC(个人计算机\n[计] 外部控制, 个人计算机, 光电导体, 伪码)等常见短语中出现较多。

notebook PC笔记本式个人电脑
PC个人计算机\n[计] 外部控制, 个人计算机, 光电导体, 伪码
pc atiBM PC AT 个人电脑
PC Card PC[网络] 卡;印刷电路板清洗
electronic notebook电脑记事本
hybrid notebook[网络] 业界首款双模笔记本电脑;混合式笔记型电脑
mini notebook[网络] 小笔电;迷你笔记本;迷你笔电
notebook computer[计] 笔记本计算机
notebook computers[网络] 笔记本电脑;笔记型电脑


1. Kept in a notebook, it doubles (翻译:夹在笔记本里,它就会变两根 Kept in a notebook, it doubles)

2. This mode is only valid with PC/IXF input files. (翻译:该模式只对 PC/IXF 输入文件有效。)

3. Reconnects when your PC wakes up from stand-by. (翻译:自动在PC从待机状态中唤醒时重新连接。)

4. Take the cap off, and put the notebook away. (翻译:把帽子摘了 把笔记本放一边 Take the cap off, and put the notebook away.)

5. CEO Steve Ballmer was unable to steer the company to a position of growth, leaving Microsoft selling PC software in a post-PC world. (翻译:首席执行官斯蒂夫•鲍尔默无法引领微软走向成长,只能让它后PC世界里继续卖PC软件。)

6. What did you do with that notebook? (翻译:你把那本笔记本放哪儿去了? )

7. You will be prompted to select whether to deploy the sample to a Pocket PC or to a Pocket PC emulator. (翻译:系统会提示您选择是将示例部署到PocketPC上还是PocketPC仿真程序上。)

8. We create a NoteBook widget as child to the MainWindow and then add three tabs. (翻译:我们创建一个NoteBook窗口小部件作为MainWindow的子窗口,然后添加三个标签。)

9. Configure PCs for multihead operation. (翻译:多线程操作的PC配置。)

10. I want you to write his name in the notebook...and kill him. and bury the notebook. casually touch me with a piece of the notebook. (翻译:你把他的本名写进笔记本 除掉他 这封信你要立刻烧掉 再撕几张笔记本的纸放身边 笔记本还是先埋起来)

11. He snapped the notebook shut. (翻译:他啪的一声合上笔记本。)

12. Continue killing using a fake notebook. (翻译:你就不要用真的笔记本 改用假的笔记本进行制裁)

13. Ok, there is the notebook on the table. (翻译:你在客厅吗? 是啊 我的地址部就在你前面桌子上)

14. The first notebook is worthless, scientifically speaking. (翻译:第一本簿没有什么待别 就是从科学的角度看来)

15. The notebook in your box is in my hands. (翻译:你保险柜里的那个笔记本现在在我手上 The notebook in your box is in my hands.)

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