ked是什么意思 ked的中文翻译、读音、例句

ked是什么意思 ked的中文翻译、读音、例句






1. Saya sedang bercuti di Kedah. (我正在吉打州度假。)

(I am on vacation in Kedah.)

2. Ibu bapa saya berasal dari Kedah. (我的父母来自吉打州。)

(My parents are from Kedah.)

3. Kedah mempunyai banyak destinasi pelancongan yang menarik. (吉打州有很多有趣的旅游目的地。)

(Kedah has many interesting tourist destinations.)

4. Makanan tradisional Kedah adalah nasi ulam. (吉打州的传统食物是乌拉姆饭。)

(Traditional food in Kedah is nasi ulam.)

5. Orang Kedah mempunyai dialek yang khas. (吉打人有自己特有的方言。)

(People in Kedah have their own unique dialect.)

6. Masjid terbesar di Kedah adalah Masjid Zahir. (吉打州最大的清真寺是扎希尔清真寺。)

(The largest mosque in Kedah is Masjid Zahir.)

7. Pantai Chenang adalah salah satu tarikan di Kedah. (陈能海滩是吉打州的一处旅游景点。)

(Chenang Beach is one of the attractions in Kedah.)

8. Kedah terkenal dengan padi dan getah. (吉打州以稻米和橡胶而闻名。)

(Kedah is famous for its rice and rubber.)

9. Kedah pernah menjadi pusat perdagangan antarabangsa. (吉打曾经是国际贸易中心。)

(Kedah was once a center of international trade.)

1. 中文翻译:没有明确的含义,可能是一个缩写或拼写错误。

2. 读音:kěd

3. 例句:这个词没有明确的含义,可能是打错了,应该是其他单词的拼写错误。


1. Chinese translation: No clear meaning, could be an abbreviation or a spelling mistake.

2. Pronunciation: kěd

3. Example sentence: This word has no clear meaning, it could be a typo and should be a misspelling of another word.




例句:Tom PM 'ked out his Cousins from the crowd. (汤姆从人群中认出了他的堂兄弟。)


例句:IFMIF-KED. International fusion materials irradiation facility key element technology phase report. (国际聚变材料辐照设备主要单元技术阶段报告…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。)


例句:I was going to see Mrs. Ked the next day, but the appointment has been cancelled. (我本打算第二天去看基德先生,但是约会被取消了。)


例句:My idiot brother hunt the ked next door yesterday (翻译:可是我那个白痴弟弟 昨天又把邻居的小孩子打伤了)


ked一般作为名词使用,如在KED board([网络] KED板)、sheep ked(绵羊蜱)等常见短语中出现较多。

KED board[网络] KED板
sheep ked绵羊蜱


1. I was going to see Mrs. Ked the next day, but the appointment has been cancelled. (翻译:我本打算第二天去看基德先生,但是约会被取消了。)

2. My idiot brother hunt the ked next door yesterday (翻译:可是我那个白痴弟弟 昨天又把邻居的小孩子打伤了)

3. If I see that ked in my orchard again I'll knock his head his head off. (翻译:我要是再看到那个小孩到我的果园里来,我就揍他。)

4. Harvey Dent: a You either die a hero or Naked ou live long enough to see yourselfrbecome bhe Prisoner ked villain. (翻译:哈维·登特p:要么你就像一个英雄一样死去,要么就活着,直到看着自己变成了一个恶棍。)

5. ked so hard for appear to me so shallow and worthless now that I've achieved them. (翻译:这些我曾经为之努力奋斗的东西一旦到手,都显得浅薄而毫无价值了。)

6. At the breakfast, the steak lea SLHFZ ked from the break. (翻译:早餐时,肉片从缺口处漏出来。)

7. Finally, I came to somerocks, and stopped. I loo-ked carefully over them, but it was still toodark to see anything. (翻译:终于,我看到一些岩石,停了下来。我仔细向岩石远处望去,但是天太黑了,仍然什么也看不到。)

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