cybercrime是什么意思 cybercrime的中文翻译、读音、例句

cybercrime是什么意思 cybercrime的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. cybercrime prevention(网络犯罪预防)

2. cybercrime investigation(网络犯罪调查)

3. cybercrime law(网络犯罪法律)


1. hacking(黑客攻击)

2. phishing(网络钓鱼)

3. malware(恶意软件)

4. cyberbullying(网络欺凌)



读音:cybercrime [saɪbərkrʌɪm]


1. Cybercrime is a serious threat to individuals and organizations.


2. The police are constantly monitoring online activities to prevent cybercrime.


3. It is important to educate the public about the dangers of cybercrime.





例句:Prosecutors said Kuzmin "committed this crime purely out of greed" and helped pioneer a new kind of cybercrime that has become more prevalent in recent years. (检察官说,库兹敏犯罪完全是出于贪婪,并促成了一种新型网络犯罪,而这种犯罪近年来变得更加猖獗。)


例句:The key to cybercrime is what we call social engineering. (网络犯罪其实是一种我们称作为社会工程的东西)


1. Well real organized crime on the Internet goes back about 10 years when a group of gifted Ukrainian hackers developed a website, which led to the industrialization of cybercrime. (翻译:真正的有组织网络犯罪要 追溯到xx年前 当乌克兰一个天才黑客组织 开发了一个网站 形成了网络犯罪的 产业化)

2. These guys were running an operation called I.M.U., a cybercrime operation through which they netted millions. (翻译:这些家伙在运作着一个叫做I.M.U.的组织 是一个网络犯罪系统,净赚到数百万)

3. Sony Pictures issued a statement saying that "we deeply regret and apologize for any inconvenience caused to consumers by this cybercrime. " (翻译:索尼影业公司随后发表声明称“我们对这一网络犯罪行为给消费者造成的任何不便深表遗憾和歉意。”)

4. And so instead, they have invaded financial and corporate crime in a big way, but above all, two sectors, and that is counterfeit goods and cybercrime. (翻译:于是他们转而加大了金融犯罪 和企业犯罪的投入 整体而言有两个部分 一个是假冒伪劣商品 另一个是网络犯罪 )

5. This is part of cybercrime which is a $2-trillion-a-year discontinuity in the global economy. (翻译:这只是对全球经济造成两万亿美元损失的 网络犯罪的一部分。)

6. Microsoft will also announce today a number of legal successes it has had in cybercrime cases last August. (翻译:微软今日还将宣布去年xx月在网络犯罪案件方面赢得的多起诉讼。)

7. And so instead, they have invaded financial and corporate crime in a big way, but above all, two sectors, and that is counterfeit goods and cybercrime. (翻译:于是他们转而加大了金融犯罪 和企业犯罪的投入 整体而言有两个部分 一个是假冒伪劣商品 另一个是网络犯罪)

8. These guys were running an operation called I.M.U., a cybercrime operation through which they netted millions. (翻译:这些家伙在运作着一个叫做I.M.U.的组织 是一个网络犯罪系统,净赚到数百万 )

9. And it's actually much easier because the fascinating thing about cybercrime is that it's not so much the technology. (翻译:而且可以说非常简单,因为 网络犯罪的诱人之处 就在于它并不是十分高科技 )

10. Cybercrime is at such an all-time high that the FBI has listed it as one of the top security threats. (翻译:网络犯罪处于历史最高水平以致于联邦调查局已经把它列为了最具安全威胁之一。)

11. And it's actually much easier because the fascinating thing about cybercrime is that it's not so much the technology. (翻译:而且可以说非常简单,因为 网络犯罪的诱人之处 就在于它并不是十分高科技)

12. Like I said, my guys at Cybercrime are tracking him. (翻译:我说了,我那些网络犯罪部门的同事在追踪他)

13. Collaboration is a key element in the fight against cybercrime. (翻译:合作是对抗网络犯罪的关键要素。)

14. Most laws are national in their implementation, despite cybercrime conventions, where the Internet is borderless and international by definition. (翻译:虽然有打击网络犯罪的国际公约, 大部分法律却在国家层面执行, 而网络实际上就是无国界、全球性的。)

15. Cybercrime is a relatively new term that refers to any computer- related criminal offence. (翻译:网络犯罪是一个相对较新的词语,指任何与电脑相关的犯罪。)

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