bower是什么意思 bower的中文翻译、读音、例句

bower是什么意思 bower的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇含义: Bower指的是一个小而华丽的房间或者隔间,通常位于庭院或花园中。也可以指的是鸟类筑巢的地方。

2. 词汇拼写:Bower的拼写比较简单,但是发音可能会有一些问题。它的发音为[bau-er]。

3. 词汇用法: Bower通常用于描述一种美丽而温馨的场所,可以用于形容风景、人物或者建筑物。在诗歌中也常常出现。

4. 词汇扩展:Bower可以与其他词汇进行组合,例如:flower bower(花架)或者lover's bower(爱人的小屋)等。


1. The garden was full of bowers, each more beautiful than the last.


2. The birds built their bower high up in the trees.


3. The bride and groom exchanged their vows in a flower bower.


4. The poet described his love's eyes as a bower of beauty.


5. The country road was lined with bowers of wildflowers.





1. The bower was hidden in a grove of trees.(这个枝庐隐藏在一片树林中。)

2. There is a bower of roses in the garden.(花园里有一丛玫瑰。)

3. The birds built their bower on the edge of the river.(鸟儿在河边筑了它们的枝庐。)




例句:The male has just run into the bower and started calling, so I think that means there might be a female coming. (雄鸟已经跳进棚架内开始鸣叫 所以我想可能是雌鸟来了)


例句:[Laughter] [Braying] Come, lead him to my bower. (快过鞑靼人射出的箭! 我觉得月亮看来 有点泪眼汪汪)


例句:The female did come down, but she was quite nervous near the entrance to the bower ... so we didn't get very much of that. (雌鸟有飞下来 但它靠近棚架入口时 还是有点紧张 所以我们没有拍到什么画面)


例句:A giant bower, woven around a central sapling, carpeted with moss. (翻译:一座巨大的棚架 绕着一棵小树编织而成 表面覆满了青苔)


bower一般作为名词、动词使用,如在first bower([网络] 备用大锚;右舷首锚;船首右大锚)、left bower(na. 其它花色中的jack)、port bower(左首锚;左舷锚)等常见短语中出现较多。

first bower[网络] 备用大锚;右舷首锚;船首右大锚
left bowerna. 其它花色中的jack
port bower左首锚;左舷锚
right bowerna. 王牌 jack
second bower左首锚
settling bower[化] 沉降池
small bower[网络] 左舷艏锚;左舷首锚;左首锚
spare bowerun. 备用艏锚\n[网络] 备用锚;备用船;备用首锚
staboard bower右舷大锚


1. The female did come down, but she was quite nervous near the entrance to the bower ... so we didn't get very much of that. (翻译:雌鸟有飞下来 但它靠近棚架入口时 还是有点紧张 所以我们没有拍到什么画面)

2. A giant bower, woven around a central sapling, carpeted with moss. (翻译:一座巨大的棚架 绕着一棵小树编织而成 表面覆满了青苔)

3. This one prefers darker colours, decorating his bower with deer dung ... and charcoal. (翻译:这只雄鸟喜欢比较暗沉的颜色 它装饰棚架用的是鹿粪 还有木炭)

4. It might well be built, like a festal bower or arch, to entertain him a single day. (翻译:也有人将它建造得像一间节日的凉亭或拱门,只能享用一天。)

5. So they're kind of ... in this endless cycle of trying to escape from the bower. (翻译:把它们都衔回去,所以它们像是 陷入无止境的循环,想逃离那只鸟)

6. Leaders face three core tasks, Bower says: judging where the world is headed, identifying the company's talent, and engaging that talent. (翻译:保尔表示,领导者面临着3项核心任务:判断世界的走向,辨别公司的人才,以及吸引住人才。)

7. Oh my god wait I got to call the cops or or your parents or Jack Bower or something. (翻译:我的天啊,让我再好好地为你谋划一下 -怎么样?)

8. Bower often turned down clients when he did not believe that they were prepared for change. (翻译:如果鲍尔认为客户还没做好改变的准备,他通常也会选择回绝。)

9. Dana Bower, age 28, fell or jumped from the balcony, after three days of being there. (翻译:戴安娜酒吧从阳台上跳下.. 三天后,他来到这个地方..)

10. By measuring the size and position of ornaments that were displayed on 33 different bower courts, Endler found that in all cases the males had carefully laid them out in order of increasing size. (翻译:通过研究33个不同巢穴院子中装饰品的大小和位置,Endler发现雄性园丁鸟会将它们按照大小顺序进行仔细的排列。)

11. Bower modelled the consultancy on the lines of a professional law firm, establishing a set of values by which it was to be guided. (翻译:鲍尔将一家专业律师事务所的方针模仿应用到咨询行业,建立了指导麦肯锡工作的一套价值体系。)

12. There were flowers there ... and as a 12-year-old child, he wanted to grab them, but his father immediately stopped him ... and said that he could not touch anything ... or take anything away from the bower ... because otherwise it would start raining very heavily. (翻译:周围都是花 当时xx岁的他 想伸手抓那些鸟 但是他父亲立刻阻止他)

13. The bird is very keen on these little tiny metallic ladybirds and they're a bit put out being put there in this bower, so they start crawling off. (翻译:那只鸟对这些 娇小的瓢虫非常感兴趣 褐色园丁鸟把它们放在棚架上 所以它们开始往外爬)

14. During the years that followed Bower and (翻译:在Bower和Chorley承认之前的几年)

15. That's not what I got out of McKinsey, what I got out of McKinsey was, Marvin Bower had built the firm. (翻译:这不是我从麦肯锡得到的收获,我在那儿的收获是看到马文·鲍尔如何将公司发展壮大。)

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