luff是什么意思 luff的中文翻译、读音、例句

luff是什么意思 luff的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性及意义:luff是一个动词,意思是“缓慢地、渐渐地上升机动帆”(to bring the head of a sailing vessel up into the wind so as to stop or slow it down)。

2. 用法:luff一般用于描述船只、帆船或风筝的运动状态。

3. 意义扩展:luff还可以用作名词,表示“风锥”,即观察风向和风速的装置。

4. 相关词汇:head up、tack、gybe、reefing等与luff相关的词汇。

5. 常见搭配:luff up、luff down、luffing、luffing up、luffing down等。


1. The captain ordered the sailors to luff up to slow down the vessel in the stormy sea.(船长下令水手缓慢地上升机动帆以减缓船只在暴风雨中的速度。)

2. The kite was luffed up to catch more wind and stay afloat.(风筝被缓慢地上升以捕捉更多的风力并保持飞行。)

3. The sailboat luffed up in order to let the dolphins swim by.(帆船上升机动帆以便让海豚靠近游泳。)

4. The sailor luffed down the main sail to avoid being pushed too far off course by the strong winds.(水手下降了主帆以避免被强风推得太偏离航线。)

5. The wind indicator or "wind sock" is a common luffing device on ships and at airports.(风向标或“风筒”是船只和机场常见的风锥设备。)



1. The captain yelled to the crew to luff the sails.


2. It's important to luff the sails when the wind picks up.





例句:"There are more technologies that allow organisations to achieve four or five nines [99. 999 per cent] availability, " says CA's Mr Luff. (“目前有了更多的技术,可让组织获得99.99%或99.999%的数据,”CA的路夫先生表示。)


例句:Noun: the luff is the leading edge of a sail. (名词:luff指的是帆的前缘。)


例句:The new SUP wave model features a soft luff panel which compliments these boards perfectly. (新的S.U.P波模型采用了软纵帆前缘平板,使这些帆板变得完美。)


例句:So he issued his commands, which I breathlessly obeyed; till, all of a sudden, he cried, 'Now, my hearty, luff! (翻译:他这样发号施令,我聚精会神地听着,直到他突然大叫一声,“注意,我的心肝,转舵向风!”)


luff一般作为名词、动词使用,如在luff to(转向迎风)、to luff(抢风行驶)、luff upon luff(纵帆滑车)等常见短语中出现较多。

luff to转向迎风
to luff抢风行驶
luff upon luff纵帆滑车
double luff[网络] 五饼滑车组;绞辘
luff earing[网络] 帆眼绳
luff lining[网络] 前沿贴边
luff of sail[网络] 帆的迎风缘;帆的帆风缘
luff purchase[网络] 绞辘绞辘;复滑车组
luff rope[网络] 桅前缘索


1. The new SUP wave model features a soft luff panel which compliments these boards perfectly. (翻译:新的S.U.P波模型采用了软纵帆前缘平板,使这些帆板变得完美。)

2. So he issued his commands, which I breathlessly obeyed; till, all of a sudden, he cried, 'Now, my hearty, luff! (翻译:他这样发号施令,我聚精会神地听着,直到他突然大叫一声,“注意,我的心肝,转舵向风!”)

3. "Luff, you lubber," cried an Irish voice that was Smee's; "here's the rock." (翻译:“顶风行驶,你这个笨蛋,”一个爱尔兰口音喊道,那是斯密的声音。“这就是那个岩石。” )

4. Love is. . . is too weak a word for the way I feel, I lurv you, I loave you, I luff you . (翻译:用爱这个词来形容我的感受太苍白了,我耐你,我中意你,我贼稀罕你)

5. No heavy leading edge causing the kite to luff. (翻译:没有重的前沿导致风筝对逆风行驶。)



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