1. Cubism movement(立体派运动)
2. Cubism art(立体派艺术)
3. Cubism style(立体派风格)
4. Cubism painting(立体派绘画)
1. His cubism works are high recognized by the art world.(他的立体派作品受到艺术界的高度认可。)
2. The cubism style was once considered to be revolutionary.(立体派风格曾一度被认为是革命性的。)
3. The artist's cubism painting is full of vibrant colors.(这位艺术家的立体派绘画充满了充满活力的色彩。)
4. The cubism movement had a profound impact on the development of modern art.(立体派运动对现代艺术的发展产生了深远的影响。)
5. Picasso is known as one of the pioneers of cubism art.(毕加索被誉为立体派艺术的开创者之一。)
6. The cubism style often depicts objects from multiple perspectives.(立体派风格通常从多个角度描绘物体。)
7. The artist uses cubism techniques to create a unique visual experience for the audience.(艺术家使用立体派技巧为观众创造独特的视觉体验。)
1. Picasso和Braque是立体派运动的创始人之一。
Picasso and Braque were among the founders of the Cubist movement.
2. 立体派的画作常常迫使观者从不同的角度看待同一个物体。
Cubist paintings often force the viewer to see the same object from different angles.
例句:The paintings of Paul Ce & 1 & zanne prefigured the rise of cubism in the early 20 th century. (保罗·塞尚的绘画预示了20世纪初叶立体主义的兴起。)
例句:Visual convey design in 20th century has been influenced deeply by Cubism, Futureism, Dadaism and super realism. (20世纪的视觉传达设计深受现代艺术运动立体派、未来派、达达派和超现实主义等各个流派的影响。)
例句:The movement synthesized elements of modern art that hadn't been brought together before, such as Cubism and Surrealism. (这次运动综合了立体派和超现实主义等以前未曾同时出现的现代艺术元素。)
例句:Cubism deliberately emphasized the two-dimensionality of the canvas by flattening the objects being painted. (翻译:立体派通过扁平化勾勒对象 有意突出画布的二维属性。)
cubism一般作为名词使用,如在synthetic cubism([美术]综合立体画派)等常见短语中出现较多。
synthetic cubism | [美术]综合立体画派 |
1. The movement synthesized elements of modern art that hadn't been brought together before, such as Cubism and Surrealism. (翻译:这次运动综合了立体派和超现实主义等以前未曾同时出现的现代艺术元素。)
2. Cubism deliberately emphasized the two-dimensionality of the canvas by flattening the objects being painted. (翻译:立体派通过扁平化勾勒对象 有意突出画布的二维属性。)
3. Babina is known for architecture-inspired work, using a unique geometric style that takes clear notes from cubism. (翻译:巴比纳以有灵性的建筑作品出名,他的作品运用独特的几何学风格,融合立体主义的精华。)
4. And his Cubism led to a dramatic revolution in art. (翻译:而且他的立体主义风格导致了一场艺术上引人注目的革命。)
5. He developed different styles of painting, including cubism, which is a type of art where things are represented as geometric shapes . (翻译:毕加索创造了不同的绘画风格,包括立体主义——一种用几何形状来表现事物的艺术形式。)
6. Ted Nash explored cubism and the four sides of a square through the idea of fourths in this composition. (翻译:特德纳什探索通过这个组合的四分之三的想法立体主义和一个正方形的四边。)
7. You've uncovered an abstract Mondrian that predates Cubism. (翻译:你在揭示在立体主义前面一个抽象的蒙德里安)
8. This was the cityscape of Cubism. (翻译:这正是立体派的都市风景。)
9. Futurism is an Italian avant-garde movement as well as cubism and surrealism is French. (翻译:未来主义是意大利先锋派运动、立体派和法国超现实主义。)
10. It's the time of Cubism. (翻译:这是一个立体主义的时代。)
11. The origins of Imagism and cubism are to be found in two poems by TE Hulme that were published in 1909 by the Poets' Club in London. (翻译:起源的意象和立体主义都在两首诗的特休姆说,在xx年出版了由诗人俱乐部在伦敦举行。)
12. From Cubism, Fauvism to Surrealism and Abstractionism, their art concept and pattern all have been embodied in fashion design. (翻译:从立体派、野兽派到超现实主义、抽象主义,其艺术理念与形式无一不曾在时装设计中有所体现。)
13. The language of a few forms of cubism and surrealism can see in the design. (翻译:设计中可以看到立体主义与超现实主义的一些形式语言。)
14. Cubism is best defined as the exact reproduction of an image as seen from different angles simultaneously. (翻译:立体派是最好地定义了同样地那精确的再现图像当做见到从不同的同时地的角度。)