plenary是什么意思 plenary的中文翻译、读音、例句

plenary是什么意思 plenary的中文翻译、读音、例句

plenary (adj.)




1. 用于形容全体成员参与的会议或讨论。

2. 用于形容法律、政治等方面的全面审查或决策。

3. 用于形容某个议题或问题得到全面考虑、讨论和解决。


1. plenary session(全体会议)

2. plenary power(绝对权力)

3. plenary jurisdiction(绝对管辖权)

4. plenary authority(绝对权威)


1. plenary indulgence(大赦)

2. plenary meeting(全体会议)

3. plenary council(全国教会会议)






1. The plenary session of the conference will take place on Friday.


2. The plenary meeting was attended by all members of the committee.


3. The plenary power of the president is limited by the constitution.





例句:The Council has plenary powers to administer the agreement. (理事会拥有全权执行这项协议。)


例句:The Knesset speaker, Reuven Rivlin, says he will ignore the recommendation and will not submit it to a plenary session for approval. (议会发言人ReuvenRivlin表示他将不考虑这一建议并且不会将它提交给全体会议审批。)


例句:Our plenary speaker was the former governor of the state of New Jersey. (我们的发言代表是新泽西州的, 前任州长。)


例句:At the First Plenary Session of the Central Advisory Commission, he was also elected Chairman of that body. (翻译:在中央顾问委员会第一次全体会议上,他当选为主任。)


plenary一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在plenary action([法] 完整诉讼)、plenary capacitance(全电容)、plenary causes([法] 完整诉案)等常见短语中出现较多。

plenary action[法] 完整诉讼
plenary capacitance全电容
plenary causes[法] 完整诉案
plenary confession[法] 全部供认, 彻底坦白
plenary indulgence大赦, 全免罪罚
plenary meeting[法] 全体会议
plenary powers[法] 全权
plenary session全体会议
plenary speaker[网络] 大会报告;大会专题讲员;大会报告人


1. Our plenary speaker was the former governor of the state of New Jersey. (翻译:我们的发言代表是新泽西州的, 前任州长。)

2. At the First Plenary Session of the Central Advisory Commission, he was also elected Chairman of that body. (翻译:在中央顾问委员会第一次全体会议上,他当选为主任。)

3. At Opening Plenary of Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2011. (翻译:——在博鳌亚洲论坛xx年年会开幕式上的演讲。)

4. The local Party committees at all levels meet in plenary session at least twice a year. (翻译:党的地方各级委员会全体会议,每年至少召开两次。)

5. A committee was set up to look into the matter and report to the next plenary session. (翻译:成立了一个委员会来调查此事,并由它向下次全会进行汇报。)

6. Important issues in the work of the State Council must be discussed and decided by an executive or plenary meeting of the State Council. (翻译:国务院工作中的重大问题,必须经国务院常务会议或者国务院全体会议讨论决定。)

7. Ms Espinosa, in her role as the chair of the plenary, took a similar line, and got a similar response. (翻译:作为会议主席Espinosa女士也持相同的意见,她得到了同样的响应。)

8. The second plenary session of curriculum and teaching guidance committee for moral education of SVS has held in Beijing (翻译:中等职业学校德育课课程教学指导委员会第二次全体会议在京召开)

9. Structuring a harmoniously socialist society was definitely brought forth on the 4th Plenary Session of the 16th CCCP. (翻译:党的十六届四中全会明确提出构建社会主义和谐社会。)

10. Maybe we can vote for it in our plenary session tomorrow. (翻译:也许我们可以在我们上午的全体会议上投票,)

11. RI President Wilfrid J. Wilkinson gives the keynote address at the opening plenary session of the RI Convention. Rotary Images/Alyce Henson. (翻译:魏京森在国际扶轮国际年会的开募式全体大会上作施政演说。)

12. These results indicate that initiation reaction is not a plenary condition for enhancing degradation efficiency of ozonation. (翻译:以上结果表明,自由基引发反应并不是臭氧化降解效率提高的充分条件。)

13. During a plenary session an unbearable odor... starting exuding from under the Speaker of the House's rostrum. (翻译:在全体出席的会议上 无法忍受的气味 从议院讲坛发言人身下散出)

14. After the Third Plenary Session, the reform and opening of China accelerated the processs and achieved great success. (翻译:十一届三中全会以后,我国的改革开放进程不断加快,并取得巨大的成就。)

15. The plenary breaks up to talk about it and have lunch. (翻译:大会就以对此的讨论结束了,开始了午餐。)



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