megabinary是什么意思 megabinary的中文翻译、读音、例句

megabinary是什么意思 megabinary的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:Borchert alias Lyssa could be compared to an indie band recording for a corporate mega-label. (化名Lyssa的Borchert就好比一个为mega-label公司做录音工作的独立乐队。)


例句:Truth is never binary. Truth is a value. (然而真相不是二进制的。真相是一种价值观。)


1. Download the precompiled binary image. (翻译:下载预编译的二进制映像。)

2. CXF binary distribution 2.1. (翻译:CXF二进制分发版2.1。)

3. A mega-billboard on the ceiling stating that God is great. (翻译:想象一下你理想中的巨型超市 会是个什么样的呢? 我来告诉你是什么样的)

4. The error probability of binary AM is greater than of binary FM by a factor of at least 6. (翻译:二进制调幅的误差概率比二进制调频至少大五倍。)

5. WalterCruttenden,from Binary Research Institute, haslookedam ? (翻译:这是完全不同于现代科学的看法. Walter Cruttenden, 来自Binary研究学会,)

6. Binary tree operation: create a binary tree, before traversing binary, inorder, postorder binary tree traversal. (翻译:说明:二叉树操作:建立二叉树,前序遍历二叉树、中序、后序遍历二叉树。)

7. In binary, one is 0001, seven is 0111. (翻译:在二进制中,1用001表示 7用0111表示)

8. TARS, give me the coordinates for NASA in binary. (翻译:TARS 给我美国航空航天局的二进制坐标 TARS, give me the coordinates for NASA in binary.)

9. The answers are being transmitted binary in 15 minutes. (翻译:运算结果已用二进位的方式 在15分钟前传送完毕)

10. Binutils — a collection of utilities for manipulating binary files. (翻译:Binutils—用于操作二进制文件的实用程序集合。)

11. The machine does the calculations in binary. (翻译:这台机器用二进制做计算。)

12. Mega Channel 32.73% Bobolas family - constructions 22.11% Stavros Psicharis - publishing (翻译:Mega频道 32.73% Bobolas家族 - 建筑业 22.11% Stavros Psicharis)

13. You know, binary is just ones and zeroes. (翻译:你懂的 二进制只有1和0 You know, binary is just ones and zeroes.)

14. I'm talking about Mega seeds. (翻译:而且这些超树上有水果,而这些水果里有种子)

15. The WGA program detects incorrect activation binary files or modified activation binary files. (翻译:WGA程序检测到不正确的激活二进制文件或已修改的激活二进制文件。)

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