mae是什么意思 mae的中文翻译、读音、例句

mae是什么意思 mae的中文翻译、读音、例句

MAE 是多种含义的缩写或简称。


1. Mean Absolute Error(均方差),是一种用来衡量预测结果与真实结果误差的指标。

2. Multifactorial Aneurysmal Etiology(多因子动脉瘤病因),是动脉瘤疾病的一种分类。

3. Master of Arts in Education(教育硕士),是一种学位。



1. MAE model:MAE模型

2. MAE scores:MAE分数



1. The MAE of our model is less than 0.5, which indicates good accuracy.(我们的模型的均方差小于0.5,说明准确性良好。)

2. The MAE scores of the two teams were very close, showing that the game was evenly matched.(两队的均方差得分非常接近,说明比赛打得势均力敌。)

3. The MAE model can be used in various fields, such as finance and healthcare.(MAE模型可以应用于各种领域,比如金融和医疗。)

4. After analyzing the MAE, we found out where our forecasting model went wrong.(分析均方差后,我们找到了我们的预测模型出了什么问题。)

5. The MAE of the test group was significantly higher than that of the control group.(测试组的均方差明显高于对照组。)

6. A MAE degree can help educators gain a deeper understanding of teaching theory and practice.(教育硕士学位可以帮助教育工作者更深入地了解教学理论和实践。)

7. The study of MAE allows us to better understand the causes of aneurysmal disease.(对MAE的研究可以使我们更好地理解动脉瘤疾病的病因。)




1. สวัสดี แม่ (sà-wàt-dii mae) - 你好,妈妈。

2. รักคุณแม่ (rák kun mae) - 爱你,妈妈。

3. แม่ของฉัน (mae kǎwng chǎn) - 我的母亲。

4. แม่เลี้ยง (mae líang) - 保姆。

5. แม่บ้าน (mae bâan) - 家政服务。

6. แม่ตาย (mae dtaai) - 母亲去世。

7. คนรักแม่ (kon rák mae) - 喜欢母亲的人。

8. แม่ชี (mae chii) - 草药医生。

9. แม่พิมพ์ (mae phim) - 雕版印刷师傅。





1. My mae always has a smile on her face.(我妈妈总是脸上带着微笑。)

2. She has a close relationship with her mae.(她和她妈妈的关系很亲密。)




例句:His mother Mae Soong worked for the Voice of America there, and his father Stephen Soong was a writer, translator and movie producer. (他的母亲宋美在那里为美国之音工作,父亲宋淇是一个作家、翻译家、电影制片人。)


例句:- If Mae West you like - If Mae West you like (*如果你喜欢救生背心* *如果你喜欢救生背心*)


例句:Mae Mobley is up, and I'm off to the doctor! (Mae Mobley醒来了,我要去医生那!)


例句:Lettie Mae left us for two years and we welcomed her back today (翻译:就像你母亲虽然离开了我们两年 我们今天仍然欢迎她回来)


mae一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在Ginnie Mae([网络] 吉利美;抵押贷款协会;抵押协会)、grannie mae(逆向年金抵押,保姆式抵押(指父母将房屋卖给子女把所得的钱投资到年金不错的投资业中,所得收入不仅足以支付子女的抵押账单,而且还有余钱支付他们的生活费用))、Mae ander(Menderes 的古名)等常见短语中出现较多。

Ginnie Mae[网络] 吉利美;抵押贷款协会;抵押协会
grannie mae逆向年金抵押,保姆式抵押(指父母将房屋卖给子女把所得的钱投资到年金不错的投资业中,所得收入不仅足以支付子女的抵押账单,而且还有余钱支付他们的生活费用)
Mae anderMenderes 的古名
Mae Chai[地名] 湄猜 ( 泰 )
Mae Klong[地名] *夜功(沙没颂堪的旧称) ( 泰 )
Mae Nam[地名] "河(泰语) ( )
Mae Ramat[地名] 湄拉马 ( 泰 )
Mae Rim[地名] 湄林 ( 泰 )
Mae Sai[地名] 湄赛 ( 泰 )


1. Mae Mobley is up, and I'm off to the doctor! (翻译:Mae Mobley醒来了,我要去医生那!)

2. Lettie Mae left us for two years and we welcomed her back today (翻译:就像你母亲虽然离开了我们两年 我们今天仍然欢迎她回来)

3. He said, if Mae West can be M-A-E, why can't Keshava be K-A-E? (翻译:他说既然梅·蕙丝可以是拼成 M-A-E, 为什么Keshava 不可以是 K-A-E, )

4. He mae eamarriaP, pap PiaPatea, and was a member of Graaapaaca, an aaviroamaataliat. (翻译:未婚 有糖尿病 He mae eamarriaP, PaP PiaPatea, 绿色和平组织成员 and was a member of Graaapaaca, 是环保主义者 an aaviroamaataliat.)

5. This sent the shares of Sallie Mae into a funk from which they are yet to recover. (翻译:这让萨莉-梅公司的股票声名狼藉,至今尚未恢复元气。)

6. That was the last we ever saw of Superintendent Abernathy and little Mae Rose. (翻译:那是我们最后一次见到... ...主管警司Abernathy和小Mae Rose)

7. Aibileen, Mae Mobley's crying her eyes out. (翻译:Aibileen,Mae Mobley哭的好厉害)

8. Feeling it was now safe to venture out, Ellen Mae unbolted the door, peered out and started to cry. (翻译:心想现在出去很安全了,梅艾伦打开门闩往外一瞧,然后就开始哭了起来。)

9. Mae's mother, Matilda, played an important role in developing her daughter's career as an entertainer. (翻译:她的母亲梅蒂塔在她女儿成长为一名娱乐明星过程中扮演了一个非常重要的角色。)

10. Aibileen, go check on Mae Mobley. (翻译:Aibileen,去看看Mae Mobley)

11. How she pays you, or has she ever yelled at you in front of Mae Mobley? (翻译:她是怎么支付你的,或者她有没有当着Mae Mobley面吼过你?)

12. With Ellie Mae, Uncle Jed and Granny out on the farm, "bad" might be bad. (翻译:在农场工作的维利梅、杰德叔叔和格雷梅看来 有贬义也许不是好事)

13. "But Ms. Anna Mae," I said, "you don't use any medical devices for breathing. (翻译:“但是安娜,” 我说, “你无需使用任何医疗器械协助呼吸。)

14. In fact, when he had his daughter many years later, he wanted to name her after Mae West, but can you imagine an Indian child name Mae West? (翻译:甚至于几年后 当他有了一个女儿, 他想把她改名为梅·蕙丝. 但你不可能想像有一个 印度孩子叫梅·蕙丝, )

15. The two 800-pound gorillas of which -- Sallie Mae and Navient -- posted last year a combined profit of 1.2 billion dollars. (翻译:两大学生贷款供应商 Sallie Mae and Navient 去年一共赚取12亿美元。)



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