mcf7是什么意思 mcf7的中文翻译、读音、例句

mcf7是什么意思 mcf7的中文翻译、读音、例句

'mcf7' 不是一个单独的单词,它代表的是一种人类乳腺癌细胞系,是一种常用的肿瘤细胞模型。以下是有关该词组的相关信息:



词组搭配:mcf7 cells (mcf7细胞)


发音拼写:/ɛm si ɛf ˈsɛvən/


1. MCF7 cells are commonly used to study breast cancer in the laboratory. (MCF7细胞是实验室中常用于研究乳腺癌的细胞系。)

2. The response of MCF7 cells to chemotherapy drugs varies in different studies. (MCF7细胞对化疗药物的反应在不同的研究中存在差异。)

3. Researchers have discovered a new drug that can selectively target MCF7 cells. (研究人员发现了一种新的药物,可以有选择性地靶向MCF7细胞。)

4. MCF7 cells are estrogen receptor positive, meaning they respond to the hormone estrogen. (MCF7细胞为雌激素受体阳性,意味着它们会对雌激素这种激素作出反应。)

5. The growth of MCF7 cells can be inhibited by certain natural compounds found in plants. (发现在某些植物中含有的一些天然化合物可以抑制MCF7细胞的增长。)

6. MCF7 cells have been used in drug screening assays to identify potential new treatments for breast cancer. (MCF7细胞已被用于药物筛选试验,以寻找新的乳腺癌治疗方法。)

7. MCF7 cells are a valuable tool for studying the molecular and cellular mechanisms of breast cancer. (MCF7细胞是研究乳腺癌分子和细胞机制的有价值工具。)



读音:[ɛm si ɛf sɛvən]


1. Studies have shown that mcf7 cells can be used to test the effectiveness of new cancer treatments.


2. The mcf7 cell line has been widely used in breast cancer research for many years.


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