proceedings是什么意思 proceedings的中文翻译、读音、例句

proceedings是什么意思 proceedings的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义方面:'proceedings'通常用来描述一场会议、研讨会、法庭审判、调查等的全过程,包含了所有的文献、文件、记录和文件流程。在出版业中,'proceedings'也可以指一个出版物系列,记录了一些特定领域中的学术论文集。


- The proceedings of the international conference on environmental sustainability are now available online.

- The court proceedings of the trial were recorded and will be used as evidence in future cases.

2. 缩写词方面:'proceedings'也有可能被缩写为'proc.',并且出现在书目和引用时。该缩写通常表明参考文献是一份会议文集、研究报告或论文集等。


- Smith, J. E. (2015). "Sustainability in business." Proc. Int. Conference Sustain. Bus.

- Johnson, L. M. (2010). "Gender in science education." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.

3. 法律方面:在法律书面语中,'proceedings'是指法庭或调停会议等的过程记录。例如,一份“divorce proceedings”指离婚诉讼案件的所有法律文件和记录。


- The journalist was allowed to attend the proceedings of the corruption trial.

- The judge announced a mistrial due to irregularities during the proceedings.


1. The proceedings of the conference will be published in a special issue of the journal. (该会议的文献会被出版在该期刊的特别数字中。)

2. The court proceedings were made available to the public after the trial. (庭审过程记录在庭审之后向公众公开。)

3. The company was sued in civil proceedings for breach of contract. (该公司因违约被起诉民事诉讼。)

4. The proceedings of the committee hearing were broadcast live on television. (委员会听证会的过程被电视直播。)

5. The research presented at the conference was later published in the proceedings. (会议上展示的研究后来被出版在文集中。)




1. The proceedings of the conference will be published in a special issue of the journal.


2. Legal proceedings were initiated against the company for violating environmental laws.


3. The proceedings of the workshop were very informative and useful for my research.





例句:Bahraini security forces later opened fire on the funeral proceedings. (随后,巴林警方在葬礼上开火。)


例句:That is, if Sir Wilfrid is at all interested in our proceedings. (如果威尔弗莱德爵士 对此特别感兴趣的话。)


例句:We published our results in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and in Nature Biotechnology. (我们的研究结果刊登在 国家科学院期刊 和自然生物技术期刊上。)


例句:The proceedings and practice of a court of chancery ; equity. (翻译:衡平法院诉讼事务衡平法院的诉讼程序和程序法;)


proceedings一般作为名词使用,如在the proceedings([网络] 打鼾声;会议记录)、domestic proceedings([法]家庭诉讼)、divorce proceedings([法] 离婚诉讼)等常见短语中出现较多。

the proceedings[网络] 打鼾声;会议记录
domestic proceedings[法]家庭诉讼
divorce proceedings[法] 离婚诉讼
discharge of proceedings[法] 履行诉讼手续
disciplinary proceedings纪律程序
dismiss proceedings[经] 驳回诉讼的程序
dispossess proceedings[法] 腾让诉讼
enforcement proceedingsun. 申请强制执行判决程序
execution proceedings[经] 强制执行程


1. We published our results in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and in Nature Biotechnology. (翻译:我们的研究结果刊登在 国家科学院期刊 和自然生物技术期刊上。)

2. The proceedings and practice of a court of chancery ; equity. (翻译:衡平法院诉讼事务衡平法院的诉讼程序和程序法;)

3. Proceedings of the Takasaki symposium on radiation processing of natural polymers. (翻译:天然聚合物辐照处理高崎讨论会会议录…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。)

4. Uh, Dr. Saban will oversee proceedings to make sure that everything is shipshape. (翻译:Saban医生会监视整个过程 确保一切井然有序)

5. And there was not one citizen in this country that was going to come to the proceedings with an open mind after that. (翻译:这个国家哪个公民都不会 在乎什么法律程序 无法用别的眼光看这个案子)

6. My presence at the afternoon's proceedings was superfluous. (翻译:我在下午的活动中的出席是多余的。)

7. I object to the note of levity which the counsel for the defense is introducing into these proceedings. (翻译:我反对辩方律师 给这个严肃的法庭 带来的轻浮随意之风)

8. If you wish to change the proceedings, change the laws. (翻译:如果你想改变法定程序的话 那就先把法律都改了)

9. This woman said Mr. Warriner permitted you to bring proceedings so that.... (翻译:那个女人说华尔纳先生允许你 保密诉讼程序所以...)

10. We watched the proceedings from the balcony. (翻译:我们从阳台上观看仪式。)

11. Ladies and gentlemen, at this stage of the proceedings, the counsels are ready for their opening statements. (翻译:女士们先生们,随著本案的继续 陪审团顾问已经准备好听取公开发言)

12. We'll come back live later with an update of these proceedings. (翻译:早间晚些时候我们将回到有新的进展的事件现场)

13. Diane started divorce proceedings. She was completely unforgiving. (翻译:黛安开始申请离婚 她完全无法原谅我的外遇)

14. I suggest you treat me and these proceedings with some respect. (翻译:我建议你最好尊重下我 尊重这个问询程序 你可没对我手下留情)

15. You want to avoid costly legal proceedings if you can. (翻译:如果能够的话你希望避免昂贵的法律诉讼。)



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