dealing是什么意思 dealing的中文翻译、读音、例句

dealing是什么意思 dealing的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:Dealing 是动词 deal 的现在分词形式,有以下几个含义:

1. 处理;应对

2. 交易;经营

3. 对待;关心



1. dealing with:处理;应对

2. fair dealing:公平交易

3. underhanded dealings:不光彩的交易

4. good/bad dealings:好/坏的处理方式

5. dealing in:经营

6. deal with the Devil:与魔鬼交易

7. big deal:重要的事情;不值一提的事情


1. dealing with pressure:应对压力

2. dealing with change:应对变化

3. dealing with conflict:处理冲突

4. dealing with grief:应对悲伤



1. I've been dealing with a difficult customer all day.(我整天处理一个难搞的客户。)

2. Our company deals in luxury goods.(我们公司经营奢侈品。)

3. He has a reputation for fair dealings in the business world.(他在商界以公平交易著称。)

4. The underhanded dealings of the corporation were eventually exposed.(该公司不光彩的交易最终被揭露。)

5. The manager's good dealings with his employees led to a productive work environment.(经理与员工的良好相处促进了生产环境。)

6. The protagonist of the story makes a deal with the Devil to save his own life.(这个故事的主人公与魔鬼交易以拯救自己的生命。)

7. Don't make a big deal out of it - it's not that important. (不必大惊小怪——这并不重要。)



1. He is involved in the dealing of stocks and bonds. (他从事股票和债券的交易。)

2. The company has a strict policy for dealing with workplace harassment. (公司对待工作场所骚扰有严格的政策。)

3. She is very skilled at dealing with difficult customers. (她很擅长处理难缠的顾客。)




例句:Niles and Dexter were dealing in stolen jewelry. (奈尔斯和德克斯特 在做珠宝贼赃的生意 这是毫无疑问的)


例句:We're really dealing with the federal government; we're really dealing with ministries of education. (我们就是在跟中央政府谈。在和各国的教育部门谈。)


例句:Whether you are dealing with the philosophies of (因为刚才那位Milton Friedman先生 就是这么提倡的 不论你接触到的理念是有关于)


例句:You see? This is what we're dealing with, okay? (翻译:看到了吗? 这就是我们现在面对的,不是吗? )


dealing一般作为名词、动词使用,如在in dealing with(在与…打交道方面)、direct dealing(直接交易)、double dealing([法] 狡滑的, 欺诈的, 伪善的)等常见短语中出现较多。

in dealing with在与…打交道方面
direct dealing直接交易
double dealing[法] 狡滑的, 欺诈的, 伪善的
exchange dealing[财]外汇交易
exclusive dealing独家经营
fair dealing[法] 公平交易
financial dealing金融交易
futures dealing[网络] 期货买卖
have dealing with[法] 和...没有交往
honest dealing买卖公平


1. Whether you are dealing with the philosophies of (翻译:因为刚才那位Milton Friedman先生 就是这么提倡的 不论你接触到的理念是有关于)

2. You see? This is what we're dealing with, okay? (翻译:看到了吗? 这就是我们现在面对的,不是吗? )

3. Now, one way of dealing with this problem is by deterrence. (翻译:现在,解决这个问题的一种方法是通过威慑:)

4. So we are dealing with a 20-year-old... (翻译:所以我们现在还要跟一个二十出头 So we are dealing with a 20 -year -old...)

5. Since when is drug dealing a profession? (翻译:毒品交易什么时候成职业了? Since when is drug dealing a profession?)

6. That we are dealing with a patient... (翻译:我们正在处理的是... That we are dealing with a patient...)

7. I have a little trouble dealing with my anger sometimes. (翻译:我有时候控制不住自己的火气 I have a little trouble dealing with my anger sometimes.)

8. Dealing with reentrancy at the compiler level. (翻译:在编译器层次处理可重用性。)

9. I was dealing with an uninvited guest. (翻译:我在处理一个不速之客 I was dealing with an uninvited guest.)

10. He was dealing in college. (翻译:他在大学里做生意 He was dealing in college.)

11. So, the dealing has begun. (翻译:果然开始谈条件了 So, the dealing has begun.)

12. It's essential in dealing with otherworldly figures. (翻译:处理时,这是特别重要 另一个生物的形式。)

13. We are dealing with an engineered virus. (翻译:我们在跟一种基因病毒打交道 We are dealing with an engineered virus.)

14. Because you might prefer some coffee. (翻译:对付这些复杂的案子 at dealing with this complicated sort of stuff. 跟他们说我让你来的 Tell them I sent you -)

15. - Any job dealing with customers? (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\bord1\shad0\b0} -和客户接触过么 -没)

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