plan b是什么意思 plan b的中文翻译、读音、例句

plan b是什么意思 plan b的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义和用法:

"Plan B"一般指备用计划或替代计划。在生活和工作中,我们经常会遇到不可预料的情况,计划赶不上变化,这时我们需要有一个备用计划,以应对突发事件。与原计划相比,备用计划通常更加灵活,可以更好地适应变化的情况,帮助我们尽快恢复计划并继续工作。

2. 同义词:


3. 在不同领域中的应用:

a) 在职场中,备用计划通常用于应对突发情况,如项目延期、疾病缺勤等。

b) 在学术研究中,备用计划可以避免实验出现意外,或者在调查中遭遇未预料到的情况。

c) 在日常生活中,备用计划可以帮助我们应对人际关系、紧急事件等。

4. 中英例句:

a) If the weather is bad, we'll have to go to plan B and have the meeting indoors.


b) Unfortunately, our first choice for the venue was already booked, so we had to go with plan B.


c) After our initial marketing strategy failed, we had to come up with a plan B to attract more customers.


d) In case of an earthquake, we have a plan B to evacuate the building and assemble at a designated spot.


e) When our main presenter got sick, we had to switch to plan B and ask another person to give the speech.


plan b的中文翻译为“备选方案”或“备用计划”;读音为 [plæn bi:]。


1. 我们需要制定一个备选方案,以应对万一计划A失败的情况。

We need to come up with a plan B to be prepared in case plan A fails.

2. 当我发现我的旅行计划有些困难时,我就开始考虑我的备用计划。

When I found my travel plans were becoming difficult, I started thinking about my plan B.

plan b的意思是"电影名",在英美地区还有"计划"的意思,在线读音是[planb],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到60个与plan b相关的句子。

Plan B的翻译


例句:If you don't want to go to plan "B", have a good plan "A". (如果不想用后备计划 就把首选计划设计得天衣无缝)


例句:Plan B. Smash and grab. Smash everything and grab Boog. (B计划,不成功便成仁,毁掉一切,救出布哥)


plan b一般作为名词使用,如在Plan B(B计划(电影名))、plan(计划 )、in plan(作为平面图)等常见短语中出现较多。

Plan BB计划(电影名)
in plan作为平面图
Plan An. 甲案
plan for为…作计划
plan on打算
plan to[网络] 计划;打算;计划做
Plan'n. 计划;方案;打算;平面图\nv. 计划;打算;设计;策划\n[网络] 规划;计画;计划阶段
to plan[网络] 计划;规划;打算


1. Another thing that they do is what we call an energy descent plan, which is basically to develop a plan B for the town. (翻译:他们做的另一件事,我们称之为节约能源计划, 是为城镇而开发的另一个B计划。)

2. Plan B: a population bomb. (翻译:B计划 人口炸弹 Plan B, a population bomb.)

3. There's always been a plan in place in case B613's identity was compromised. (翻译:一直以来都有一个计划预案 以防B613的身份遭到泄露)

4. And I want officers at that medport standing by in case we need to go to Plan B. (翻译:必须有操作准备在大门口, 在情况下,我们必须切换到计划B。)

5. We, we sat down and made a plan in the beginning of last year and that is still, we still use the same plan because we only got half ways through that list. (翻译:and I left the game and now Jens is doing it. we sat down and made a plan in the beginning... we still use the same plan...)

6. So the plan to kill me, would it actually stop Satan? (翻译:-the - - the plan to kill me)

7. But if he obdurately resists change, we need a plan b. (翻译:但如果他仍顽固拒绝变革,我们就需要一套备用方案。)

8. Then come up with a better plan. (翻译:Then come up with a better plan.)

9. Now, my plan A is the Cleveland Browns Now, if that doesn't work out, plan B is the New York Giants (翻译:现在,我的第一个目标是克里夫兰布朗队 如果不成功的话 另一个目标是纽约巨人队)

10. And a weapon like that could blow up in my hand and that's why it's plan B. Plan A is much safer. (翻译:这样的武器 有可能在我手中爆炸 所以这是B计划 A计划要安全得多)

11. - Jennifer, Kevin, Plan B! (翻译:- Jennifer, Kevin, 执行B计划!)

12. ("stay too long" by plan b playing) (翻译:《Stay Too Long》 《停留太久》)

:// (翻译://

14. You make a plan, plan turns to rubbish, we make a new plan. (翻译:你制定方案 然后方案不管用了 You make a plan, plan turns to rubbish, 再换个新方案 We make a new plan.)

15. I hate to say this, amigo, we need to start thinking Plan B. (翻译:我讨厌说这个,朋友 我们需要考虑B计划了。)

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