founders是什么意思 founders的中文翻译、读音、例句

founders是什么意思 founders的中文翻译、读音、例句






- co-founders: 共同创始人

- founders' equity: 创始人权益

- founders' syndrome: 创始者综合症,指企业创始人因为对企业过分投入而失去客观判断能力,对企业发展造成不良影响

- startup founders: 创业者

- tech founders: 科技创始人


- founder member: 创始成员

- founder effect: 创始者效应,指一个小的创始群体形成的种群在进化过程中遗传变异程度较高的现象;也可指在一个群体中某个基因型和分布频率的变异,使得新的种群和原种群不同




1. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were the co-founders of Apple Inc. (史蒂夫·乔布斯和史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克是苹果公司的共同创始人。)

2. The founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, started the company in a garage. (谷歌的创始人拉里·佩奇和谢尔盖·布林是在一个车库里创建了这家公司。)

3. The founders' equity should be protected in any potential acquisition deal. (在任何潜在的收购交易中,创始人的权益应该得到保护。)

4. Many startup founders struggle to secure funding for their new ventures. (很多创业者为其新创业项目争取资金而苦苦挣扎。)

5. Elon Musk is one of the most well-known tech founders in the world. (埃隆·马斯克是全球最著名的科技创始人之一。)

6. The founder effect can lead to unique genetic traits in isolated populations. (创始者效应可以导致孤立种群中出现独特的遗传特征。)

7. The founders' syndrome often arises when the original CEO refuses to relinquish control. (创始者综合症通常在原首席执行官拒绝放弃控制时出现。)


n. 创始人;创办者




1. The founders of the company came up with the idea over a cup of coffee.


2. The founders of the organization were committed to promoting environmental sustainability.


3. The founders of the school believed in providing a well-rounded education to their students.





例句:The founders of the company, the anonymous heroes of the future. (所以我们要成立一个秘密组织, 建立我们自己的社会)


例句:Our founders realized that they could channel that wealth and influence for the greater good. (我们的创始人意识到 他们可以利用财富和影响力 Our founders realized that they could channel that wealth and influence 为世界做出更大的贡献 for the greater good.)


founders一般作为名词使用,如在founders bonds(发起人公司债券)、founders shares(n. 创建人股份)、founders' share((公司等)发起人股份,创办人股)等常见短语中出现较多。

founders bonds发起人公司债券
founders sharesn. 创建人股份
founders' share(公司等)发起人股份,创办人股
founders' sharesna. 〈英〉(公司等的)发起人股份
founders' stock〈美〉创办人股份,发起人股份
Seven Holy Founders[网络] 创业七圣


1. And by the way, not all their founders have science degrees. (翻译:顺便提一下,它们的创始人 并不全是理科出身。)

2. AFP, which has two founders-- David and Charles Koch. (翻译:即AFP 而它的两个创始人则为 David和Charles Koch)

3. You know, this idea that 45% of founders will be gone in 18 months? (翻译:很多人说45%的创始人 在18个月后都会走人)

4. There's a company created by the Kazaa founders called Skype. (翻译:Kazza 的创始人建立了一个公司叫 Skype。)

5. She was one of the founders of Girton College, and worked hard at opening the medical profession to woman. (翻译:她是格顿学院的创办人之一,力图使妇女进入医疗行业。)

6. A message from The Founders that will ensure the future our people deserve. (翻译:缔造者们给后人留下的 A message from The Founders that will ensure 救世锦囊 the future our people deserve.)

7. Like many of the founders, he has forgotten the lessons of the revolution. (翻译:就像之前的许多革命领袖 他已经忘记了伊斯兰革命给予我们的教诲)

8. It has no religious significance; the founders of the movement adopted it as a tribute to Switzerland. (翻译:它没有宗教意义;该运动的创始人将其作为对瑞士的致敬。)

9. Roger McNamee, another of Elevation's founders, seems to share his optimism. (翻译:Elevation公司的另一为创始人罗杰·麦克纳米似乎颇为乐观。)

10. For the American founders, liberty was the solution to that injustice. (翻译:对于美国的缔造者,自由 是解决这一不公平现象。)

11. The trial against the founders of the Pirate Bay begins tomorrow. (翻译:xx年xx月 瑞典首都 斯德哥尔摩 起诉海盗湾创始人的案子将于明天开庭)

12. The founders of modern India wanted Hindustani to unite the country. (翻译:现代印度的先驱们想要印度斯坦语一统印度。)

13. Let's turn our brains back on, starting with this country's original founders... (翻译:现在把注意力收回来 从我国的最初创建者讲起)

14. Lincoln recognized that the founders could not have outlawed slavery and still had a union. (翻译:林肯认识到,创始人 不可能取缔奴役 并且仍然有一个工会。)

15. One reason was that his son Arik was one of the founders. (翻译:原因之一是其子arik是该公司的创立者之一。)



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