pah是什么意思 pah的中文翻译、读音、例句

pah是什么意思 pah的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义和用途:


2. 语音特点:


3. 符号或缩写:

'PAH'也是一种缩写, 全称是“多环芳香烃”,用于描述一类化学物质,包括多个环状芳香系化合物,如苯并芘和二苯并咔等。这些物质通常是化学污染物,对健康和环境有害。

4. 同义词和反义词:

同义词:disdain, contempt, scorn, derision

反义词:admiration, respect, praise, homage

5. 应用举例:

- “I would never wear that outfit. Pah, it's so last year.”

- "Pah, I can't believe you actually think that's a good idea."

- "I’m not going to listen to his advice. Pah, what does he know?"

- "Pah! That was a terrible movie."

- "She's so vain, always looking in the mirror. Pah, I can't stand people like that."

- "Pah, that's too expensive. I don't want to pay that much for a shirt."

- "PAH can damage the environment and harm human health."

- "The government should take action to decrease the amount of PAH in the air."

- "PAHs are carcinogenic, which means they can cause cancer."

- "Pah, I have no interest in studying chemistry."




1. He just shrugged and said "pah" in response to my question.


2. The doctor asked me to take a deep breath and then said "pah" while listening to my lungs.


3. The audience was not impressed with the comedian's jokes and responded with a chorus of "pahs."





例句:Genes that catalyze PAH degradation are believed to have adaptively evolved in nature by various genetic events. (催化降解多环芳烃的基因被认为是自然界演化自适应各种遗传事件。)


例句:Whereas the other three piles were dead, dark and stinky, and the PAH's -- the aromatic hydrocarbons -- went from 10,000 parts per million to less than 200 in eight weeks. (而其它三堆绒布死了,变黑变臭了, PAH——芳香族碳氢化合物—— 在8周的时间里从每百万10,000份减少至每百万200份。)


例句:PAH-laden ash and exhaust gases would pour out of the plant's 279-foot smokestack and settle over the low-lying city like a thick blanket. (带有PAH的煤灰和排出的废气,从这个发电厂85公尺高的烟囱里冒出来,像张厚毯子般笼罩著这座城市。)


例句:Whereas the other three piles were dead, dark and stinky, and the PAH's -- the aromatic hydrocarbons -- went from 10,000 parts per million to less than 200 in eight weeks. (翻译:而其它三堆绒布死了,变黑变臭了, PAH——芳香族碳氢化合物—— 在8周的时间里从每百万10,000份减少至每百万200份。)


1. PAH-laden ash and exhaust gases would pour out of the plant's 279-foot smokestack and settle over the low-lying city like a thick blanket. (翻译:带有PAH的煤灰和排出的废气,从这个发电厂85公尺高的烟囱里冒出来,像张厚毯子般笼罩著这座城市。)

2. Whereas the other three piles were dead, dark and stinky, and the PAH's -- the aromatic hydrocarbons -- went from 10,000 parts per million to less than 200 in eight weeks. (翻译:而其它三堆绒布死了,变黑变臭了, PAH——芳香族碳氢化合物—— 在8周的时间里从每百万10,000份减少至每百万200份。)

3. The Commission adopted the first guidelines for reducing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) intake through final food preparation. (翻译:委员会通过了关于在食品最后制备过程中减少多环芳烃摄入的第一份准则。)

4. Pra ducat matta ku mam-pah. (翻译:Pra ducat matta ku mam -pah.)

5. genetic operons, can be used to enhance the degradation of PAH compounds. (翻译:遗传操纵子,可有效提升发病的降解化合物。)

6. The total amount of PAH given to each mouse over the three-week injection cycle was equivalent to 25 packs of cigarettes. (翻译:在为期3周的注射周期中,每只接受注射的小鼠的PAH给药总量相当于25包香烟。)

7. Indeed, we recently observed impaired apoptotic regulation of endothelial cells in lung biopsy samples from patients with irreversible PAH. (翻译:事实上,我们从不可逆肺高压患者的肺活检标本中观察到受损内皮细胞的凋亡调控。)

8. Pyrene is a representative compound among PAH. (翻译:芘是多环芳烃的一个代表性化合物。)

9. The Commission adopted the first guidelines for reducing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) intake through final food preparation. (翻译:委员会通过了关于在食品最后制备过程中减少多环芳烃摄入的第一份准则。)



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