aspen是什么意思 aspen的中文翻译、读音、例句

aspen是什么意思 aspen的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Aspen leaves:Aspen树叶

2. Aspen forest:Aspen森林

3. Aspen tree:Aspen树

4. Aspen grove:Aspen树林


1. Quaking aspen:响叶白杨

2. Aspen skiing:阿斯彭滑雪

3. Aspen Music Festival:阿斯彭音乐节



1. The aspen trees were shimmering in the wind. / 风吹得白杨树发出沙沙声。

2. Aspen leaves turn yellow in the fall. / 阿斯彭树叶在秋季变成了黄色。

3. The aspen grove is a popular spot for locals to have a picnic. / 白杨树林是当地人野餐的热门场所。

4. The aspen forest is home to many species of birds. / 阿斯彭森林是许多鸟类的栖息地。

5. Aspen skiing attracts thousands of tourists every year. / 阿斯彭滑雪每年吸引数千名游客。

6. He decided to spend the weekend in Aspen. / 他决定在阿斯彭度过周末。

7. Aspen Music Festival is one of the most prestigious classical music events in the US. / 阿斯彭音乐节是美国最负盛名的古典音乐活动之一。


1. The leaves of the aspen tree trembled in the breeze.(白杨树的叶子在微风中颤抖着。)

2. The aspen forest was a peaceful and serene place.(白杨树林是一个宁静祥和的地方。)

3. The bark of the aspen tree is white and smooth.(白杨树的树皮是白色的,很光滑。)




例句:You know, with his ski lodge in Aspen and his collection of vintage cars. (他的在Aspen的滑雪小屋和他的葡萄车收藏。)


例句:I leave for Aspen on Wednesday... so we will complete this in one day. (我周三要去Aspen 所以这个案子要在一天内结束 明天10点开庭)


例句:Let's start with Notting Hill, Tuscany, Palm Beach, wrap up with Aspen. (我们从诺丁山,托斯卡纳,棕榈滩开始 最后是Aspen)


例句:The sentence shall be life imprisonment... at Aspen Penal Colony, to be carried out immediately... as it is written! (翻译:现在判你... 终生监禁 囚于亚士平监狱)


aspen一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在European aspen(欧洲山杨)、largetooth aspen(大齿白杨)、quaking aspen(颤杨)等常见短语中出现较多。

European aspen欧洲山杨
largetooth aspen大齿白杨
quaking aspen颤杨
white aspen[网络] 白色白杨
European quaking aspen[网络] 欧洲震惊白杨
kidneyleaf quaking aspen肾叶颤杨
large tooth aspen[网络] 大齿白杨


1. Let's start with Notting Hill, Tuscany, Palm Beach, wrap up with Aspen. (翻译:我们从诺丁山,托斯卡纳,棕榈滩开始 最后是Aspen)

2. The sentence shall be life imprisonment... at Aspen Penal Colony, to be carried out immediately... as it is written! (翻译:现在判你... 终生监禁 囚于亚士平监狱)

3. I started something at the Aspen Institute called "Weave: The Social Fabric." (翻译:我在阿斯彭研究所建立了 “织:社会之网”。)

4. Groves of elderly aspen tremble in the wind, but no sprouts push up in the understory. (翻译:年老的白杨树丛在风中颤动,下层植被却没有新树苗生长。)

5. Okay, it's a-- it's a grove of aspen trees in Colorado. (翻译:是位于科罗拉多州的一片白杨树林. 成千上万亩的白杨林.)

6. Denpok, I know you were in Aspen. (翻译:丹波克 我知道你本来在阿斯彭 Denpok, I know you were in Aspen,)

7. And I'll tell you something else, they ain't never getting to Aspen. (翻译:我来告诉你一些其他的... 他们从来没有去过亚斯本)

8. The smooth white trunk of Populus tremuloides, or “Quaking Aspen, ” hides a secret. (翻译:这些树干光滑的美洲山杨,或者叫做“颤杨”有着一个秘密。)

9. So here's my wife's bad knee on the left, and her just hiking now four months later in Aspen, and doing well. (翻译:左边这个是我爱人原已损坏的膝盖 但是看右边,她在四个月后的Aspen 已经可以徒步旅行了,并且一切都很好 )

10. Even more than mountainside slides of mud or snow, naturally occurring forest fires promote the survival of aspen trees. (翻译:自然发生的森林火灾甚至比山体滑坡或积雪更能促进白杨树的生长。)

11. Look, I can't have these guys running around Aspen. (翻译:听好 我可不想让那两只鼠辈 在亚斯本到处乱窜)

12. This is clonal colony of Quaking Aspen trees, living in Utah, that is literally 80,000 years old. (翻译:它属于无性繁殖的菌落 寄生于生长在美国犹他州的一种杨树上, 毫不夸张地说它已经有八万岁了。)

13. It's so cool you're coming to Aspen with my family at Christmas. (翻译:你答应跟我们家 一起到亚斯本过圣诞节 真是棒呆了)

14. So here's my wife's bad knee on the left, and her just hiking now four months later in Aspen, and doing well. (翻译:左边这个是我爱人原已损坏的膝盖 但是看右边,她在四个月后的Aspen 已经可以徒步旅行了,并且一切都很好)

15. You take our timeshare in aspen, and I'm vindictive? (翻译:你拿走了我们在Aspen的时间份额 而说我恶意报复?)

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