manitoba是什么意思 manitoba的中文翻译、读音、例句

manitoba是什么意思 manitoba的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义和定义


2. 地理位置和特点


3. 文化和经济


4. 旅游和教育



1. I have always wanted to visit Manitoba and explore its beautiful lakes and rivers.


2. MB is the abbreviation for Manitoba province in Canada.


3. The cultural diversity of Manitoba is one of the things that makes it unique among Canadian provinces.


4. Manitoba is known for its vast prairies and stunning natural beauty.


5. Many international students choose to study at universities in Manitoba because of their excellent academic reputation.


'Manitoba' 是加拿大的一种语言。


'Manitoba' 是加拿大的一种省份。它位于北美洲的中部,是加拿大的五大湖区域。这个词在汉语中常作为地名使用。

以下是9个含有 'Manitoba' 的例句:

1. The capital city of Manitoba is Winnipeg.


2. Manitoba has a population of approximately 1.3 million people.


3. Manitoba is known for its beautiful lakes and natural landscapes.


4. The official language of Manitoba is English, but French is also widely spoken.


5. Manitoba is home to many indigenous communities.


6. The University of Manitoba is one of the top universities in Canada.


7. Manitoba is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts, with many parks and recreational areas.


8. Manitoba's economy is based on agriculture, mining, and manufacturing.


9. The Canadian Museum for Human Rights, located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, is a must-visit attraction for those interested in human rights issues.




1. Manitoba is one of the provinces in Canada.


2. Winnipeg is the capital city of Manitoba.





例句:North of Churchill, Manitoba, in October and November, there's no ice on Hudson Bay. (丘吉尔北部,马尼托巴省,在xx月和xx月, 在哈得逊湾没有冰雪。)


例句:You have to fly to Winnipeg, you have to drive to Caribou River Park Reserve in Manitoba, you have to walk out on the tundra, you have to find a moose, (你必须飞去温尼伯 然后驱车前往马尼托巴湖的 驯鹿河公园保护区 你必须下车 在冻原上 寻找到一头驯鹿)


manitoba一般作为名词使用,如在Manitoba maple([网络] 曼尼托巴枫;白蜡槭;曼尼拖巴枫)等常见短语中出现较多。

Manitoba maple[网络] 曼尼托巴枫;白蜡槭;曼尼拖巴枫


1. Winnipeg, the third city of Canada and the capital of Manitoba. (翻译:温尼伯是加拿大第三大城市 也是曼尼托伯省的省会)

2. We're checking west of manitoba, from Alaska to Mexico. (翻译:我们正在马尼托巴湖以西查询 从阿拉斯加到墨西哥)

3. With domestic supplies so tight, Manitoba soybean buyers have had to find new routes of supply, said Froebe. (翻译:佛罗贝说,在国内供货如此紧张的情况下,马尼托巴省的大豆购买者不得不另寻其它供货途径。)

4. Hey, look, it's manitoba's native son, norman breakey. (翻译:看 这是 马尼托巴湖的儿子 Norman Breakey)

5. A solar phenomenon known as a sundog arcs over the tundra in Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. (翻译:太阳的“假日”天文现象半悬于加拿大Manitoba丘吉尔苔原的天际。)

6. Because pigs eat human bones. I grew up on a farm in Manitoba. (翻译:因为猪会啃食人骨 我是在马尼托巴湖的农场长大的)

7. Pictured here: Two polar bears spar, or play fight, in Churchill, Manitoba. (翻译:图为两只北极熊在争吵或打闹,摄于马尼托巴丘吉尔。)

8. Clouds over Manitoba, Canada, are bathed in green light from an August 4 aurora. (翻译:xx月xx日加拿大马尼·巴托上空的云朵沐浴在绿光之中。)

9. North of Churchill, Manitoba, in October and November, there's no ice on Hudson Bay. (翻译:丘吉尔北部,马尼托巴省,在xx月和xx月, 在哈得逊湾没有冰雪。)

10. The capital and largest city of Manitoba, Canada, in the southeast part of the province at the confluence of the Red and Assiniboine rivers. (翻译:加拿大马尼托巴省省会和最大城市,位于此省东南部雷德河和阿西尼伯因河交汇处。)

11. The report is made by Canadian professor Babuji at the University of Manitoba and professor Beamish at the University of Western Ontario together. (翻译:这份报告是由加拿大马尼托巴大学教授巴布吉和西安大略大学教授比米什联合做出的。)

12. Researchers at the University of Manitoba in Canada say that in most cases the physical condition {follow} the gayety disorders. (翻译:加拿大马尼托巴大学的研究员声称,大多数的身体疾病都伴随着焦虑紊乱。)

13. It is Derek Vincent's day in Manitoba since I won the cup. (翻译:我赢了奖杯 这儿就是我Derek Vincent的天下)

14. Caton said the attacker boarded the bus in Brandon, Manitoba, about 80 miles west of Portage La Prairie. (翻译:卡顿称凶犯是在距波提普雷里大概80英里以西马尼巴托省的布兰登上车的。)



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